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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. I hear what your saying. I'm gonna tweak the EQ and then see how it comes out. I'll see if anyone else has any comments or suggestions. I wanna submit this song next to the judges and see how it comes out.
  2. Absolutely. Put me down fo Vs. Hive Totem. I think i could something interesting with that track.

  3. Pagan's Mind is probably my fav "Excellent Metal" band. They're mostly progressive metal, but its still nice and heavy and has a good groove to it. Pagan's Mind - Resurrection (Back In Time) ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPw3X0T_lns ) Pagan's Mind - Shine Eternally ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER3rafSFoMk ) 2 of probably the best songs from them. If your a fan of Dream Theater and the like, you'll really like this band. I actually, dare i say it, like them MORE than Dream Theater.
  4. Absolutely man. What project though? I don't keep up as much as i used to on here.

  5. Alright, i"ve made all said suggestions and this is what i came up with. All the little changes to do make a big difference for the end product. I also added a quick bass punch, or kick, here and there. Especially in the beginning when the drums first come in and when the guitars come in.
  6. I use Acoustica Mixcraft 4 for everything. I've just gotten so used to it. I re-recorded the rhythm guitars with no reverb and they do sound much better in the mix. I also made all the changes that have been suggested. Let me know what ya think?
  7. Yeah, my drum program, for whatever DAMN reason, won't let me change the velocities. I can do it individually, which i might end up doing for this track. I'm gonna have to re-record the rhythm guitars cause the reverb was there when i recorded them. As for the 1:51 part i'm gonna have to change the synths that play the notes. I originally had them just played by the guitar, maybe i'll go back to that. I was hoping the synth would give it more variety. I also appreciate the tips on the bass. I did a quick change with it just now and it sounds much better. Since its almost midnight here on the east coast, i'm gonna make those changes tomorrow and repost. I think i'm gonna sub this one next.
  8. Alright, i took a little longer with this update. I got a PS3 and have been playing Modern Warfare 2 A LOT. LEVEL 36 baby!! Anyways. I added more orchestration and a made the break in the middle a little longer with a guitar solo. I think its a little more well balanced, but i'll let you guys decide that. I think it sounds quite epic now. Click here to listen to NintenJoe 64 - Smithy Is Going Down (Super Mario RPG Smithy Battle Part 1).mp3
  9. Fantastic my man. I agree that it could be slightly longer, but i like it so far. I really wanna know what kinda programs/vst's you use? Cause that orchestra is bad ass.
  10. Alright. i tweaked a lot of the fx and volumes and this is what i came up with.
  11. Yeah, i like my guitars a lot, lo.. i do hear what your talking about though. Let me mess around with the volumes and see what i get.
  12. Thanks guys! I appreciate all the feedback and since i actually have a day off from work today, i'm gonna get around tor tweaking all the mentioned problems. Hopefully by later on today i'll have an update for you guys.
  13. Actually, if you could program the drums, that would be cool. I'll add a guitar solo to the track and then send you an mp3 of the track without drums. I'll see what i can come up with in terms of more orchestration as well. Thanks man.
  14. Here's my current WIP for the first part of the Smithy Battle at the end of Super Mario RPG from the SNES. Its one of my all time fav games and i love how epic the theme is. I still have a little tweaking to do, but i'm concerned with the production. If anyone wants to include something of their own to this mix, i'd be cool with that. Just let me know.
  15. A new original track i've been working on. Its mostly just a catchy hard rock tune with some synth work in there. I've got some guitar solos in there around 3:30 or so. I know that there's a note or 2 that didn't come out right, but i'm gonna fix that later. Let me know what ya think?
  16. This is a pretty damn insane remix from a damn awesome soundtrack. I know some of the riffs from most of the songs from that soundtrack. The fact that you played the drums yourself, and that they sound that great, is also an amazing touch. I think, especially from the genre, that the mixing/production is dead on man. This is badass, and if your planning on adding synths, i can't wait for that.
  17. I would write an entry but i'm in the middle of moving and all my recording stuff still has to be unpacked...
  18. Holy carp, this is some kind of awesome. Sounds like it would fit right in with an old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game from the NES, lol. I agree, and can't wait for the finished version!
  19. Yeah, i know. I use a program called Beatcraft, and for the life of me, can't figure out how to change the velocity. I really want to be able to. I think i should just use a new program entirely. I'm lazy though and Beatcraft is easy to use. And yeah, i kinda wish everyone else had submitted there mixes, or had time to do a mix. But that's ok, cause the 2 entries we're still fricken awesome and epic.
  20. Holy crap dude. That's epic right there. I love the guitar lead and when the organ jumps in, its fricken on then. I can't really comment in much detail right now, but i will tomorrow man.
  21. Even though it was a tough choice, i put my vote in. Hylian_Lemon, where did you get your drum samples from? They're very kick ass.
  22. I think you should go ahead and finish this. I wanna hear it. That, and there's only 1 entry so far...
  23. Yeah, i really enjoyed this. Your stuff never disappoints HoboKa. I can't really comment on anything other than the fact that this track is awesome. The atmosphere is nice and the way the drums switch between different phases is a nice touch as well. Keep it up man!
  24. Alright, i just posted a link to it in the Requests thread for this remix. :D

  25. Alright. Keep in mind its a WIP so far, but even so, its almost finished. I might add an orchestra part to the breakdown to help give it more power and depth. Although maybe its good the way it is so far. Also, i gotta do something with the outro/ending, cause right now it just ends on a kick beat. Anyways, here ya go and i hope you enjoy it!
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