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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. Pip Pip, cheerio, and all that sort of rot my good fellow. See, i'm British too!
  2. DAMNNN, that song kicked my ass. Its so fricken rockin thats it not even funny!! I would love to a remix of that track, and i will one day, but its gonna take a while. A lot to work with there. That kinda video game music reminds me a lot of the game Uniracers for the SNES. It, too, had a rockin soundtrack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwcf-tfExYw
  3. Alright, i've been stalling big time with this remix, but just so you know i'm working on it right now for ya. Hopefully, either today or tomorrow i'll have a WIP up of it.

  4. I'll be honest. I don't read anything, ever, lol.
  5. I believe you can make your original midi any length you want. Probably wanna keep it around 3 minutes or so. As for content, it could be any style or genre. Just make sure your ending product/source is a midi file for the rest of us to remix.
  6. Nice. I just uploaded my bonus remix in my usual rock style.
  7. Well, i guess i didn't actually expect to win this round, lol. I should've really spent more time on it. I still like it though and the results came in pretty close to each other.
  8. Alright, i have my bonus remix done. Do i just upload it with everyone else's or just post a link to it? It is fricken epic, right?
  9. I'm working a remix of it myself just for kicks and giggles. then submit it as a bonus remix. I was just checking out Hylian Lemon's remix on thaSauce link and its pretty damn epic.
  10. I'm working on a couple other things that i've got to finish first, but its next on my list. Do you actually need these for anything other than your listening enjoyment?
  11. Mario RPG is one my fav games of all time. I should do a few other remixes from this game as well.
  12. Yeah. Having the Lazy Shells makes a big difference. I like stocking up on the Rock Candys as well. Also, getting the Star Egg is a huge help as well cause its a reusable bomb/attack item.
  13. Niiiice...I'm gonna do a remix of this myself anyways as a bonus remix.
  14. Nice job Will. I always find it funny hearing a remix of an older video game track. Only because its stereo in the remix. Anyways. I really like the way you did this mix. It takes the source and just multiplies the epicness factor by ten fold. The organ sounds awesome and so does the trumpet section. I think maybe the drums could use a bit more pinch though. Especially with the kick drum. It seems everything is very well balanced and decently mixed. I'd love to give you more detailed feedback, but a long day of work left me very exhausted, lol.
  15. I've been listening to the remixes since about 2005 or so. I can't remember what remix i was looking for, but i stumbled upon this site. It wasn't until then that i realized how damn awesome the remixes are here!
  16. I liked remixing this source. It was upbeat and easy to grasp no matter how you remix it.
  17. I have no idea what's going on anymore!!!! AHHHH!!!!
  18. Holy crap. I meant Proto. I think Will won last round?
  19. Well, mine's posted and ready for everyone.
  20. I'm just about to upload mine, finally. See Will, you've got some love this month.
  21. WAIT!! I've now got an almost full 2 minutes! I had to finish up my entry into the PRC. Even though i had about 3 weeks to do both. :/
  22. I GUESS i could. I do have :35 of my remix done so far.
  23. suh-WEEET!! I was gonna be cutting it close anyways.
  24. That i understand. I'm just not sure how i'm gonna get an original midi for you guys. IF i win.
  25. Yeah, i apologize. Like i said in the thread for the request, for some reason, its a hard song to put together and i haven't had much time lately. I will get around to it, i just can't promise a time.

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