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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. I'll have an entry by sunday night finished. Hopefully i'll have it mixed better than my last entry. :/
  2. I checked out most of your tunes. I write tracks for fan made games myself. Usually Mega Man Battle Network games. Anyways. I can really hear the Zelda elements in the tracks and the instrument choices are excellent as well. They all seem pretty well mixed and produced as well. I like the sound of these. Keep it up!
  3. YES, SIR!! My votes are in.
  4. Yeah, i've gotta see what they think of it. Cause i'm just about ready to sub it.
  5. I suppose i should vote.
  6. Its an awesome source, and i'd love to remix it. The problem is that my DAW won't let me export anything as a MIDI file. Only mp3, ogg, wav, or wma. That, and i don't know how to fully use FL 8...
  7. The Toneport UX1 comes with an XLR input.
  8. Depends on how many inputs you want. I would guess that 1 is enough if your just recording guitar off it. I use a Line 6 Toneport UX1. Its run about $149. http://pro-audio.musiciansfriend.com/product/Line-6-UX1-with-PF?sku=250003 Now there's a bunch of preset models, cabs, effects, etcs, but you can also purchase an additional set of tones for about $99. This is what i use to record all my guitars and it hasn't let me down yet. Check out my latest remix for an idea of the what kind of quality it is. http://tindeck.com/listen/xavu Its a Mega Man Battle Network 6 hero theme remix. The rhythm guitars are all recording using the toneport as well as the solos/leads. I'm sure there's different ones out there, but i've used this one for about 3 years now and its never let me down yet.
  9. Then i shall remix the Mist theme.
  10. I've always wanted a 7 string do i don't have to tune my 6 down to b. Just sounds easier. Then again, i've never actually played one.
  11. Yeah, i agree with Meteo on this one. Its probably a great live track though.
  12. Ohhhh yeah....lol. I think i read that and just completely disregarded it for some reason.
  13. Which town? Cause i think there's a few different town bgm's. Such as Fireburg. I love the boss theme. I would do a remix of it, but my style is rock/metal. So it would end up being a cover of sorts.
  14. I hear what your talking about when it comes to the drums. They don't seem powerful enough. I just learned that layering another drum track on top of what you have already makes a huge difference. I layer just the snare and kick on top of the main track, but you have to use a different snare and kick sample. Other wise it sounds too copied and distant. Otherwise. I really enjoyed this track. It is very well balanced and mixed though. I wouldn't mind hearing more of what you have done for this album of yours.
  15. Let me know when you've got something, and i'll let them now. I haven't seen the project leader yet to let him know about you, but when i do, i'll let ya know.

  16. Small update. I've begun to fix some of the issues with my track. I've fix the muddyness problem of the whole track as well as layering some more drums to give them more power. The tom toms volume and EQ is fixed so you can hear them better now as well s the cymbals too. Fixed some general EQ and volume issues and slightly reworked the outro. There's no solo currently in the outro. I just can't think of a good one right now. I still don't have any vocals. I can't sing for the life of me, just play guitar. So, until i find someone who's interested in doing the vocals, i'm gonna have to come up with a lead melody for some of the parts.
  17. Alright. So like i mentioned, i added a couple extra snares into the intro and breakdown parts to vary it up a bit. I added a solo to the intro to make it stand out a bit more rather than it being a filler til the main theme kicks in. I think its sounding very close to where it should be.
  18. I would love to help out with this project. My usual style is hard rock/metal and here's an idea of what i can do: http://tindeck.com/listen/sjbs . Its a Mega Man Battle Network 6 hero theme remix i've been working for the past few days now. Where can i look at the available track list for this project? Thanks!
  19. First off, i think whole mix is damn epic and not one part of it really seems off or out of place. I can see what you mean by going for the E.S. Posthumus sound here. It seems that all the instruments are well balanced. No clipping or unwanted distortion/noise. I think with the addition of a choir in there, this track would be amazing. I would love to help collab on this. If you need rhythm guitars in there, let me know. I know that E. S. Posthumus have some heavy distorted guitars that lay in the background of the track to help give it the epic feel. I'll PM you about that. One question though. Is the track only 3:25 long or so? Cause when its playing, it seems to 5:55 long, but the rest is just silence. Not a problem, i was just wondering. Also, i might "borrow" that A Galactic Genecide title for a track of mine.
  20. Even if you can't just use the mp3's, you can always burn SpecialAgentBoB's awesome soundtrack to a cd and play it that way. It should play the tracks on the cd instead of the half life disc.
  21. Rozo beat me to a post again. You the man Rozo!
  22. I'm glad this version sounds much better. I actually think that some sort lead or solo in the intro would be awesome. I'll work on that and see what i come up. The intro work great as the breakdown section/riff, but not enough catchiness for the intro. As for the drums, i just fixed the drum beat to include a little more variety. I agree that intro/breakdown drum sections are too long to be that repetitive. Both drum tracks, though, are compressed already and about equal in volume. I only have one tracked EQed to have a bit more low end to it. I'm gonna boost the one track and maybe slightly on the other. That should give it a bit more kick. Its funny, cause i never thought about layering drums tracks over each other. It works wonderfully! I think this is the first time that someone actually said SUBMIT it about a remix i've done. I suppose its rightfully so, i've been learning my mixing/production skills since i've joined this forum about a year ago. I'll probably post an update tomorrow when i'm a bit more awake to write out a lead.
  23. Actually, if your interested, i was just talking to guy in charge of the Project Legacy fan made game and he's looking for a 2nd composer. I'm the only composer right now, and to get the whole soundtrack done, or at least most of it, we'll need about 30 tracks. I specialize in writing action themed tracks such as battle themes, but we need someone who can write the overworld themes. If you don't have the VSTs to get that Mega Man sound, i can hook you up.

  24. Awesome man. I'm downloading it right now and i'll give it a whirl in a few minutes!
  25. Thank you guys! I'm gonna give your ideas a try. I wanna be able to hard rock/metal versions of popular songs. Like this Katy Perry power metal version:
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