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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. I'm not really sure if there's a community, per se, but i was contacted via youtube. There's actually 3 different fan made Mega Man Battle Network games i'm writing music for. Although the third one i'm not really involved with so much anymore. Ego issues with the project peoples. Anyways, i posted a thread a little while ago with some music i wrote for the video game. The ones in that thread sound more like they belong in a Final Fantasy game. And working on a SNES style rpg would be awesome! http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25296 The 2 fan made Battle Network projects i'm writing music for right now: MMBN Project Legacy: http://s1.zetaboards.com/MMBN_Legacy_CxB/index/ MMBN 7: http://z3.invisionfree.com/bn7project/index.php?act=idx
  2. First off, welcome my friend! Now that that's out of the way, this is pretty damn good actually. I'll admit, i'm too familiar with the source, but slightly with the game its from. I should play it cause Bioshock was my favorite damn game of all time. You thought i was gonna say something negative, didn't you? Any-who. I really like the suspenseful/dramatic feel of the track of the track. That build up around 4:22 is very nice and very well done. The only real complaint i have is that the overall volume is very low. The production seems pretty tight though. I'm kinda wondering what software this is that your talking about? I would like to know.
  3. Thank you and I should add some cowbells!! LOL nah. I did fix a few things here. I cleaned up a lot of the general muddiness. I'm pretty sure i got rid of any faint hissing/clipping throughout the song. As for the guitars tone. I use a USB interface to record my guitars. I just find it easier, and mostly cause i don't have access to any other equipment right now. This is the first track i've used this tone on because the one i used to use ended up harder to mix. I like it cause it seems be a clearer and crisper than the one i was using. I took your suggestion, Theophany, and took different drum samples (kick and snare only) and layered them over the existing track. Then adjust EQ and compressor as necessary. I thought having double the cymbals would be too much. Although, to help fix the hollow sounding cymbal problem, i just increased the volumes slightly and EQed them a bit better.
  4. I wanna do remixes of current songs, but i'm not sure how to about isolating just the vocal track. I know its down through a VST, but i'm not sure what VST i would use for that or how to use. I really wanna be able to techno and/or metal remixes/covers of songs with the isolated vocal track(s). I'm just wondering if anyone knows how to do this and/or where to find a tutorial on this. Thank you!
  5. Thank you for comments you guy! Its much appreciated. I am still working on this song. I've just been busy writing other remixes for competitions and original tracks for fad made video games. I should have update very soon though!
  6. Riiiiight...i couldn't have said it better myself!
  7. I'm up for this. 99% of my remixes are hard rock/metal. Mostly leaning towards metal. For some of my stuff, check out my youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/jabond21 Specifically the Yoshi's Island Remix and the Mega Man Battle Network 6 Hero Theme remix i did recently. There's also a NES Zelda dungeon remix there too.
  8. suh-WEEET!! I only just "got" FL 8 and can't figure the damn thing out.
  9. this is undeniably true.
  10. Yeah, about the DoDing, i know how ya feel. I submitted a mix i did of the RC Pro Am Theme from the NES this month just for the hell of it.

  11. Ya know, your right, that remix album is pretty bad. I'm sure when it was put together, but i think we can do a better job.

  12. I'm downloading that other one right now. I would love to a SMRPG remix album myself, but i'm not sure how to go about setting all that up.

  13. Hey you gonna enter this month's DoD? Also, i think it would kinda cool to do a Super Mario RPG remix album. What do you think?

  14. I'm liking the drums. They're there, but in a way that fits with the song style. My only suggestion is that later on in the song, maybe bring a slightly louder and a little faster drum beat in somewhere after the first half of the track. Either way, its sounding very good so far.
  15. C is for...
  16. Here's an update. Its got some small things fixed that i noticed after mixing it down the first time.
  17. Now that's a badass theme song. For some reason, its reminds of a Super Mario 64 song. One of the level songs I suppose i could give this a shot as well.
  18. Yeah...well...that's the way the cookie crumbles....wait....that didn't quite fit here....
  19. You dropped the sarcasm bomb on them dawg! Nah, it really is a great album.
  20. This is damn bad ass! I usually don't say that about too many tracks though. I think the piano arrangement is very well done. Is it a live recording? I kinda agree about adding a nice, slow, and pulsating drum beat in there with an accompanying bass line. That would bring this track out of this world. Otherwise, everything else seems pretty good. The mixing and arrangement is solid and nothing seems out of place. Looking forward to any future updates!
  21. To be honest, i have no idea what's going on here with this tune. Its an awesome tune, but it just seems very all over the place. At least with that first part of the song. The rest does seem verrry liberal though. It kinda sounds like everything was definitely recorded with just one mic. That would be why the mastering side of the track is kinda lackluster. Anyways, now that i'm done complaining. I do hear parts of the source here and there throughout the track. I think maybe the overall length is kinda pushing it. Maybe splitting it into 2 separate tracks would be a good idea. One for proto man and one for gemini man. The playing seems very good and everyone can keep up tremendously well. Again though, it just seems sporatic sometimes though with the different instruments all playing at once on just one track. Recording each part individually, or at least in pieces would really help make this track memorable. I still think its a very good first version though, so keep it up and hopefully you'll get a mix on here soon!
  22. Poor Phil can't drum no more cause of his back....sad.... Anyways. dannthr is right though about how well the song is layered and how the way the instruments are played/written convey the power he wants to convey. It seems some of the instruments are very dry right now. There's hardly any, if any at all, reverb and delay. Its understandable though, cause its a WIP. Think about adding some slight reverb and delay to that acoustic sounding instrument playing from the beginning. Then add some delay to both the lead instruments to give them a slightly fuller sound. The drums do seem very disconcerted. The beat itself isn't too bad, but I can see that you wanted them to kinda be in background though. Try EQing them. Actually, try EQing everything away from everything else. Try raising the highs slightly on the drums to help bring them out a little more. Then raise the mids on of the other instruments and lower the mids on the other one. Only slightly to help seperate them more. I'm not sure if you plan on making this longer or not. Its kinda the same length and follows the source almost note for note. That's not a bad thing, but it doesn't really make it a remix. Not just yet. Try those tips out first, and then maybe think about adding a nice slow acoustic solo towards the end of what you've already.
  23. I was originally gonna do the regular boss music, cause its pretty epic as well and just asking for a metal treatment.
  24. I think someone asked for a Smithy battle remix. It was either the first or second part of the battle. They are both pretty bad ass. I personally like the first part better. It just sounds much more epic. The second part definitely has its moments of epicness though. I'm currently working on a battle part 1 remix right now. I'm not sure if i should make a big mix with both parts 1 and 2 or just part 1. Right now, its only part 1. I'm only posting this because i know someone mentioned they wanted to hear a remix of this song. Smithy battle part 1: Smithy battle part 2:
  25. I wouldn't mind hearing a Legaia remix. Which track did you have in mind specifically? I do rock versions of remixes. Check out my stuff at http://www.youtube.com/jabond21 This is one of my latest ones, just to give you an idea of my sound and style:
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