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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. This is gonna take a little longer than thought. lol. its in 4/4 time, but its wacky how the notes all line up.
  2. I really like the source. Its got that epic, i just won a battle, feeling to it. I titled mine Arrival Of The Hero. I actually used a different guitar tone for this one. It seems to be crisper and cleaner. I know that the tone i was using seemed to get too muddy and hard to make out sometimes. I think this newer tone is much better sounding. I'm not sure if the outro fits or not. The track pretty much just ends after the last part. Let me know what ya guys think? Source: ReMix:
  3. Yeah, to be fair, that other song you heard was a really old track that i kidna "remastered" by adding a bass line and such. As for this track, i can't sing, so i don't plan on adding vocals anytime soon. Unless anyone else wants to do it, that'd be cool. I would love for this track to have vocals though. I listen to a lot of metal, and i can't really hear where the guitars are slightly off time. Maybe the acoustic part right before the final chorus, but that's all i really hear. I know some people don't like the double bass drums, but yeah, its definitely power metal sounding. I plan on fixing the outro, cause both the timing of it and the solo don't really match up well with the rest of the song. I did it as a kinda last minute thing cause i couldn't think of a better way to end the track. There are toms in there, but i gotta turn up the volume on them. They get kinda drowned out with everything else. I'm also gonna add some extra cymbal hits to vary the patterns. I appreciate the feedback though.
  4. Yeah, i'm not really sure whats going on right now...
  5. Yes, very well done indeed my friend. I really like the tone of your version a lot.
  6. Very nicely done my man. I wish i could play piano/keyboard that well. I chose guitar instead. Oh well.
  7. I just update the last post's link. One of the choir's sustains was too long and out of tune. Maybe Diseased Project will like this one better than my last one.
  8. I could learn a thing or 2 from you. When i write my original stuff, i usually just sit down and play whatever. I never really plan it out. So it ends up having a bad punk sound to it. I do go back and finish them up properly though, but i really need to spend more time planning out the track before hand. Anyways. It does kinda remind you of bad storm. I think this track really sums up the aftermath more than the actual duration of the storm. I agree with -RK- though that maybe it does have too much distortion. I can see how you would want a little more distortion to help fill in the sound landscape though. Very well done my man.
  9. Yeah, i just discovered Triforce, and it f***ing rocks. I use it to write my original video game music now. It definitely gives it that Nintendo feel. I have the other 2, Toad and Peach, but haven't really messed around with them yet. Anyways. I like you posted a complete death metal track and then a happy chiptune track next, lol. I've never used Reason. I always one called Mixcraft. They're all the same though. I'm sure about the cartoon sound bytes over the track feel, but i see what your going for though. The leads sound like a variation of a square lead though. Its funny, caus this could almost be a theme song for a new cartoon show or something.
  10. Niiiiice. I missed out on the "did i just rick rolled" joke though...damn it....lol Anyways. The track is very tight. I think maybe the intro, where its just the bass and drums kinda takes too long to get to everything else though. Otherwise its pretty damn awesome. You should do another version with a typical Euro dance riff behind it to really bring out the techno awesomeness. Also, what do you use to get just the vocals of a track isolated? I have some ideas, but i'm not really sure how to go about that?
  11. Yeah, this is definitely awesome stuff. Its got the complete NES sound feel to it. It reminds me of popping in a brand NEW cartridge back in 88 or 89 when i was only about 5 years old, lol.
  12. I really like how you said its longer, and its now a whopping 39 SECONDS!!! LOL, i'm sorry, i'm just messin around. I really like this new version. It incoporates the notes from the source, but kinda makes a new song out of it. Dare i say, its now a remix. Awesome stuff though man. I don't use FL 8, personally, cause i'm so used to using another one called Mixcraft. I've learned the in's and out's of Mixcraft over the past 2 or so years. I do wanna get into using FL 8 sometime soon though, but just for the techno side of writing.
  13. Ya know, this is a very interesting track. The way you combined all the different elements into one track is pretty awesome. Its sounds like a remix of a metal gear solid track. The production seems pretty tight. Everything is easily heard over everything else. I like how the track really comes together towards the end there. Its very original. The use of the violins over the chiptunes and drum n bassish drum line is cool. I'm not sure if you plan on making this longer, but its pretty damn good already. This would be good for right before a boss fight. In a dark cavern or something. Good work man!
  14. So i guess were not doing a collab right now?

  15. why thank you! i gotta finish the hero theme from Megaman Battle Network 6 that i already started first and then i'll do that one. by, the latest, wednesday, i should have a WIP posted for ya.

  16. To be honest, i completely forgot about it until now. I'll some free time today and tomorrow between writing stuff for contests, friends, and some fan made video game projects to write this remix.
  17. To be honest, i completely forgot. I've had other mixes i had to write for contests, friends, and actually for some fan made mega man battle network games. I'll have some time on sunday, so i'll start on it then. :D

  18. My entry has been emailed.
  19. I think the character march would be pretty awesome as a rock track.
  20. Yeah, i'm putting the finishing touches onto my track. It should be ready either later or tomorrow.
  21. I have ASIO4ALL. Its weird though, cause i feel like i'm starting all over again, lol.

  22. Hey man, i just started messing around with FL 8 more today. I've found a lot of what i need to use it, but, and i know how to do this in Mixcraft, i can't figure out how to clear up the popping and clipping i get sometimes.

  23. It wasn't supposed to make sense...or WAS IT?!
  24. Sounds like a song from an Army commercial or so at first with the orchestra. Then it sounds like someone just playing guitar over the orchestra. I can't tell if the orchestra is a different track entirely though. There's a site, http://www.apmmusic.com/myapm/main.php , which has a ton of music similar to that style. I wouldn't be surprised if that song was on that site.
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