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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. Nice. I just got FL 8 but i'm trying to figure out just what the hell it is i'm doing with it, lol. I have always been using Mixcraft for about 2 years now.
  2. What software do you use for writing your remixes?
  3. I just want to be one of many to say, your work is awesome! I gotta know what kinda software and hardware you use! I'm trying to get into the techno music scene, but not sure whats good for what.

    Also, your Beat It cover sounds awesome!

  4. Bout damn time! Nah, you've been working on this mix for a loooong time now. Then again, i still have mixes from over a year ago that i go back and polish up here and there.
  5. Ain't that the truthiest thing of truth in all of truthy-land! Ummm...yeah...so ANYWAYS...If your going to point out that your doing exactly what the original is doing, then its not really a remix, is it? Nope! That's where arrangement comes into play. You could be the greatest damn guitarist to ever walk this earth, but not know diddley squat about arrangement and recording. Nothing wrong with that. You just gotta learn. This was your first and ONLY remix to be submitted and then promptly rejected by the judges. Your skills show in the guitar work, but for everything else, you need to spend a little more time on! Just put as much effort into programming the drums as you into the guitar and you'll be set! Also, i'm fricken awesome at delivering and packing bread for a national distributor, but doesn't mean that i can use those skills for recording music. Just like your video editing skills. My Zelda dungeon remix is fricken heavy and makes you want kick some majob Ganon ass, but doesn't mean its necessarily going to be accepted here into OCRemix. I'm hoping it does! :D :D
  6. Yeah, the ORC. If the remix can be any format, then maybe i'll finish mine up. I'm just not sure how i would get mine into a midi.

  7. Yeah...we both didn't so well, lol. OH WELL!

  8. Nice job on the Mario 64 File Select theme! Awesome stuff as always!

  9. Hey, i didn't know that the OCR competition was MIDI only. I started writing out a remix in Mixcraft, my recording program, before i thought to ask that question, lol.

    Also, our old buddy, James_The_Conqueror, posted some original WIPS in the, surprise, original WIP forum. Its actually really good stuff. Not that i thought he was terrible, just didn't constructive criticism too well. Anyways, there's a track in the link he posted called Love Of Battle. Its pretty cool.

  10. This is true. Why put an instrument in a mix if you didn't want it to be significant. WORD!
  11. Ya know, when i saw Hotel Mario, i was expecting some sort of crazy lounge or elevator themed Mario track. Then i remembered that it was a game from a crappy system known as the CD-i back in 1994, lol. Is that track written by yourself?
  12. This was a very interesting listen through. It almost kinda reminds me of a Halo soundtrack slightly. Just most thrash, as you were going for. The synth in the beginning is pretty cool and flows very nicely. Those drum rolls in the beginning are kinda cool as well. I think the drums need a slight EQing. Maybe bringing the highs up ever so slightly to help bring the drums forward a little bit. When everything kinda jumps in and gains volume towards 1:30, it seems to cause some clipping and unwanted distortion. I think maybe lowering all the volumes of all the tracks a couple will solve this problem. Cause when the track hits that point again, it'll still have that same epic effect. Just won't cause some unwanted clipping. Also, adding some slightly more compression for the whole track might also fix that problem. All in all though man, its a tight track and an interesting idea. I can see it being an intro track to a kick ass thrash album!
  13. Well, yeah. I just never thought about mixing down a song to MIDI. It does make sense that the DAW should be able to do that. Unfortunately, my DAW doesn't allow me to do that.

  14. Damn does four chords ever now how to pah-TAY!!
  15. Well, my search has turned up nothing. I wouldn't imagine it being all that difficult. All VSTs are note/numbered based. So in terms of output, it shouldn't be all that hard to convert.

  16. EXACTLY!! I can't tell you how many mixes i've had rejected from the J's. But that's why this WIP forum is here. I can't believe how bad some of my early mixes, from about a year ago, that i ACTUALLY submitted. Now i can actually tell the difference between good and bad in terms of production, mixing, and writing/arrangement. Sometimes i spend a good quarter of my recording process just programming the drums. Having an awesome drum beat really helps bring a mix together.
  17. Yeah, the second one was just a quick song i threw together after i got a new VST called QuadraSID. It emulates the SID chip from the Commodore 64. I actually kinda like the song though. I'm glad the first one sounds good though.
  18. Sounds like a damn awesome plan to me. This is definitely a great source to remix. I can hear the main parts of the source, but like Rozo said, i only heard the source once. That vocal track, yeah, its interesting. I can see what your trying to do with it. I think if you messed around with it more, it might sound better. One suggestion is that the vocal track sounds too spacey and panned. I think that if it were centered and then with a little reverb and delay, might sound OK. That guitar does sound fakey at points. Mostly when its playing the single notes in the chords. Otherwise, its not all that bad. The drums sound very good. They are very clear and have enough umph to get by just fine. The violin/string samples are decent as well. Is there a bass track? I think there MIGHT be one, but if there is, its playing the same notes as the guitar tracks. If there is a bass track, try tweaking the EQ to bring the bass out slightly more. Or at least add a few extra notes in there, a quick scale, or something along those lines. I would recommend tweaking the EQ as the track does seem kinda noisy and condensed too close to each other. Try changing the EQ on the individual instruments.
  19. The drums definitely sound tighter. The new synth solo is pretty damn awesome. I see the pause your talking about. What about a nice ascending scale played in harmony between the synth solo instrument and maybe the bells? That would probably sound pretty good. I can't really comment on anything else cause otherwise, its pretty damn awesome.
  20. ummm..... YEAH!!! I was TOTALLY going to say that, but gosh darn the luck. Gario beat me to it! :D :D
  21. Yeah man. Very interesting stuff. A definite pulse of industrial throughout all, especially the Freeman Escapes track. I could see how this would fit into a new HL episode or mod. Also, your in the right place with your music.
  22. I only really skimmed through a few of the tracks, but Love Of Battle really caught my attention. Its a very interesting track. Very battle sounding. Which is, of course, what you were going for. The mixing sounded pretty decent on it. Sometimes its a little cluttered, but otherwise decent. Mostly the crash cymbals. They kinda cut once in a while, but that might just be how your drum programmer works. Strange though. Interesting stuff man.
  23. There probably is a MIDI-Out VST. Suppose i should go on over to the Googles and google it on up!

  24. Well i'll be a monkey's uncle! Don't ask how that happened! Anyways, good luck my friend.
  25. Ohhh, ok. Cause i started writing it out in my DAW program, Mixcraft. It doesn't have any live instruments, but VSTs and synths. I did a remix for the PRC 152 challenge for the Hocus Pocus theme, a 1994 DOS game. Which has live guitars. All the guitars in my mixes are live, including solos. Everything else is usually programmed or a VST of some sort. I've only really started getting electronic/techno remixes.


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