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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. Hey, just out of curiosity, for the OCR123 (all of them actually), when you submitted your source did you write it or was it from somewhere else? I'm just wondering, cause i don't/can't write midi files. Thanks man!

  2. Alright. I've been paying attention to this thread for the past few days. I'm sure i'm not the only one that gets frustrated when they keep getting rejected. Although, in my case, its rightly so. Anyways. Some of the things already mentioned i do kinda agree with. That lead is definitely piercing. Especially on the high notes. Simple EQ tweaking will fix that problem. I've got no prob with the choir. I think it fits in perfectly fine. Sometimes the drums don't give as much umph as you'd like them to. I think the one you could probably do is to lower the lead synths volume by just a click or 2 and then up the drums volume about 5% at first and see how that sounds. I don't think the clap/snare sample is that bad. I think maybe just upping the volume for the whole drum track would probably fix that problem. Only cause when all the instruments are on at the same time, they get drowned out. I love the composition of this track. Its so ambient, but yet techno at the same time. Nice work man. I wouldn't get so down about it yet.
  3. Very nice my friend. Is that piano live? Or a VST? Either way, it sounds great. As Rozo had mentioned, this would be an awesome segway into a guitar backed version. Kinda like Moon Over The Castle, , the Gran Turismo theme, does so damn well.
  4. I BARELY remember this game, but, still a fine choice as a source. Its actually a very good tune. It has the adventure tone to it.
  5. SUUUUUURE it was! Anyways. Since i missed out on the last couple contests, i might actually do this one. I just subbed my entry for the PCR 152 challenge. I'm really diggin this tune though and since its not due for about 3 weeks now, i've got plenty of time to get it right.
  6. Well, i just subbed my remix. I very cleverly entitled it, Alakazaam!
  7. Didn't somebody just do a remix of this? Or is yours but now updated? Anyways. When hearing the intro, i was thinking this was going to be a very quiet 2 instrument remix. Boy was i NOT disappointed! I like this. It takes the old school sound from the good ol' N64 and brightens it up a ton. I can't say much about the production cause it seems nice and tight right now. Especially the bass. I've noticed that its easier to produce techno/electronic tracks than metal. Definitely in terms of mixing! That synth solo surprised me at 1:22. Its a very well done solo and adds a nice interlude section. Looking forward to your next update. Although, making it longer is about the only thing i think of doing with this track. I think it actually sounds very good right now in terms of length.
  8. HOLY CRAP! niiiiiice work as always from bLiNd. You NEVER disappoint my friend. Every damn song i've heard you do is just fricken gold.
  9. Why thank you. I noticed yours in there 2 ;)

    I don't they really like either of ours though...

  10. Yeah, i have Mixcraft as my DAW. I know how to use that like the back of my hand, and boy do i know how to use the back of my hand. Anyways. I just "acquired" FL 8 and trying to figure out how to use the damn thing. I'm sure after playing around with it long enough i'll figure it out. Its probably cause i've been using Mixcraft for the past few years that i'm so used to it now. I have no problem writing just about anything in that program though.
  11. It takes some time to really lay down everything, but as far as your mixing and production skills go man, its very good for a first song.
  12. ITS NOT 8-BIT!! Ohhhhhh, OK! Sorry, i couldn't resist a Penn & Teller BS line there. LOL Anyways, i played this for my wife and she thought it was awesome. It does still convey that sound that the original so long ago did. The whole chiptune approach is awesome. Nice work man!
  13. The first thing i notice is that the hammer sample is way too loud and piercing. Try turning the volume down and lowering the highs on the EQ for that. Also, i would be careful about running that sample throughout the whole track. Maybe just keep it for the intro and one of the verses and such. The drums are kinda pushed into the background. Try upping the volume and raising the lows on the EQ for the drums track to also bring out the bass drum more. The guitars sound awesome, although sometimes certain parts, like the octaves right before the fast/heavy parts, are louder than others. Try balancing out the volumes that the guitars all flow smoothly. Of course you want the leads to stand out more than the rhythms, but after fixing the volumes you might need to worry bout that. I gotta say though, the production/mixing already besides those few small hiccups, sounds awesome. Your guitars tone sounds so crisp and well balanced. ALSO, you get a huge PLUS for doing such an awesome track in a genre you don't see much of.
  14. I usually do rock/metal songs, but i've lately been writing music that would be used in video games. I've got 2 tracks here. The first one is a synth/eletronic tune that i wrote as part of a soundtrack for a fan made Mega Man Battle Network project. Its specifically for a virus battle, or just for a regular random battle. Its only 1:42 long because of the fact that its suppose to be just a battle theme. This one is the first track i've written using chiptune VSTs. All the synths/leads are chiptune VSTs with the exception of the drums. I was just too excited too actually find something that sounded really good as chiptune VST. Its not really anything, just some random riffs that i wrote that i thought sounded cool in this style. Its too long either, only 2:21, but i'm not really sure what else to write into the track. Any critique on these would be much obliged. Thank you!
  15. People just want to make money $$$$$$. Nothing wrong with that!
  16. Well use a program called Mixcraft for recording only because i usually do a lot of live guitars with my music. I've been getting into the chiptunes/techno side of music a lot lately though. I actually just figured it out. I'm using Kontakt and you can just load it into the VST. Its pretty damn awesome. I also just got QuadraSID to work, which is an awesome chiptune VST as well.
  17. Yeah, good ol' Rozo! I didn't know about soundfonts, but now i do! I think you have to load them using a VST or some other form of software, right?
  18. Exactly, people will download ANYTHING, and its terrible that sometimes the good downloads never even get noticed. I use just a Toneport UX1 for recording my guitar, and my guitar is a beginners guitar that i got almost 10 years ago! I wish i could actually afford to get even a decent guitar, but i'm more than happy with the way my sounds and records. The Toneport UX1 is made by Line 6, just like your PODXT. You probably even use Gearbox or Pod Live (whatever the software is called) to record your guitar. I've submitted multiple tracks to the good judges here and all of them rejected. I'm still not complaining about it. Its sucks, but OCR is looked at as being the highest quality. I'm hoping one day one of my mixes will be up to that standard. You could be the greatest guitar player in the world, but if your arrangement, production, and mixing is terrible you'll never see it posted on here. I love the sound i get out of my Toneport. I would even go as far as saying its almost professional quality. Of course, this is considering i only spent $99 to get everything i need to record my music. This is my last remix that i did and i plan on submitting very soon after i hear back about my NES Zelda mix: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=392 It took a lot of time and energy to get this just right, and with help from fellow OCR peeps. Learning the whole process of recording a track takes a loooooong time. I've been learning for almost 2 years now and i'm just about where i wanna be.
  19. I'm actually going to get to WIP before Rozovian devours them all!! lol, Just kidding man, Rozo knows what he's talking about. I do rememeber this WIP from a while back and kinda let it fade away as they usually do on here when the WIP'er (that's the remix writing the WIP ) kinda let it slip away. Anyways, that organ riff right in the beginning, and others throughout the song, are just killer. I like how it starts out sounding like another generic remix, but that changes quickly. That little change up around 1:22 with the pipe sound effect and then the underworld version is just badass. Then followed nicely by the underwater theme is awesome. I can't really say much about the production cause it seems pretty dead on right now. I've noticed that when writing techno/electronic music, its a hell of a lot easier to mix it then when metal mixes. I gotta ask ya man, are all those samples actually samples from the game(s), or are they VSTs? Cause if they are VSTs i gotta know where ya got them!
  20. Alright, first of all, is that last orchestrated part written by you? If so, where did you get those samples/VSTs? Cause i gotta have them! Anyways. The production does some much better and you hear everything, including that organ, much better now. The energy flows a lot better in this update. I do notice that you like to your lead playing from bands like Slayer, right? Its really good, and you can definitely hear the ability in there but i think its missing some of those nice epic note bends in certain parts from the original. Now, i'm only critiquing it so much cause i've been a fan of the series since i remember seeing Gran Turismo on my local blockbuster's shelf and decided to rent it. I've been a fan of the game, and obviously, the music. After making my first post, i realized that i have a sort of half finished cover i started a while ago and just never finished it. All in all though, its sounding much better, and that orchestrated section at the end there is just epic.
  21. I didn't take guitar class til the 12th grade. Its definitely better to start out earlier though. I wish i had started earlier, but i'm just glad i started.
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