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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. Update: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4imd2xjdgzt I did tons of tweaking with EQ's, reverbs, and delays. I think all the individual tracks really stand out and nothing blends in with anything else. My only question is whether or not the bass line/guitar stands out enough. Is there enough bass and does it coincide with the guitar and drums alright? Other than that i tried tweaking the rhythm guitar around 4:50 so its not so off kilter. I really tried stressing the choir a lot so it stands out but doesn't override any one other instrument. I think i'm gonna sub this one to the judges and see what they think of it. I think i put the most energy into this mix than any of my others so far.
  2. I think everything in this is pretty solid. Everything shines through without overpowering any other instrument. It still maintains the ambiance and tone of the source but brings it to a whole new level. This song would be perfect for ending credits for almost any video game. I can't wait to hear the final version, it should be awesome!
  3. I'm always up for a collab if you are. Just let me know if ya wanna!

  4. Epic is what i try to go for in each of my songs!! :) btw, i'm diggin your Majora's Mask remix. you don't hear too many remixes with vocals, let alone rapping and a female lead. :)

  5. Update: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ytm4n5wzfm2 I took advice from just about everyone and applied it to this update. I know a couple peeps mention that it sounds like there is an extra beat in the galloping part of the song, but i can't really hear it. I think maybe they're right about the guitar not completely syncing up with the drum beat in places. I'll have to go back and focus on that part more. I tried to create a better lead in towards where the drums and guitars come in. Its a newly orchestrated section that i wrote to try and build the tension and mood up til the drums. It took me a while to get it to sync up with the first part of the intro. When you hear you'll see what i'm talking about. I really like it so far, i tried to shift the mood from soaring to dark ambiance to fit in with the drums. Hopefully its not too much, but heads in the direction i wanted it to. I also tweaked around the interlude after the solo. The orchestras/choirs sound fuller now. I hope its somewhat of an improvement thus far.
  6. Update: http://www.mediafire.com/?j2matlcw2jz And if mediafire doesn't work, try: http://rapidshare.com/files/239246346/NintenJoe_64_-_Dungeon_Of_Despair_LoZ.mp3 And i'm glad mediafire works, cause rapidshare takes wayyyyy too long to download more than 1 file if you have the free account like me. I fixed the volume on the leads, especially where you noted. I kinda noticed that too. I also fixed the volume on the synth lead around 3:32 so its now too a little louder. I really didn't hear a squeak at 3:50-3:51, but i think it was the vst i was using. I changed it to the other synth i use for this mix. Hopefully that cleared it up a little. As for the choir, i tried messing around with the volumes/EQ so subtly to give it a little more notice. When I record guitar, i just plug it right into the computer then use software. Unfortunately, I can't support buying all the necessary equipment to have a pedal set. But, for now i like my setup.
  7. That synth was always there at 3:37, but it was buried and too quiet til i fixed it. As for the guitar around 4:41, i think towards the end at 4:50 somehow i got the 2 guitars on opposite rythyms. So instead on ending on the same upstroke, they end opposite each other. I should probably fix that. I should probably fix the guitar problem, but i think everything else almost seems like its done.
  8. I think this could be an excellent track as long as the production is done right. First of all, i think the volume is way too loud, which is why you get a lot clipping noise during most of the track. I'm not sure if you compressed or EQ'd any of the tracks, but that would be the second step. Try turning the lows down on the EQ for the guitars to give the other instruments more room to stand out. I think maybe the drums might be ok once messing around with the EQs on some of the tracks. I can't tell if those low notes are from the guitar or a bass track. If its a bass track, try turning the highs down on it so the guitars stand out more. Then maybe for the synth lead, turn the mids up a bit and the lows down. As for the arrangement, i think its pretty strong. I think the main thing here is the volume levels being too loud. There should some sort of monitor in Logic for the volume, and when it gets into the red, its too loud and needs to be toned done a bit. I think once thats fixed you can work on expanding its length a bit more so its not just 1:21 long. Maybe some double time drums might add some more kick to it as well. This definitely has potential to be a pretty kick ass remix!
  9. Update: http://rapidshare.com/files/238697195/NintenJoe_64_-_Dungeon_Of_Despair2__LOZ_NES_Dungeon_.mp3 Also, i'm trying mediafire as my download site cause i can't get my files to upload to tindeck or megaupload and rapidshare takes too long if you have a free account. Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?zt3njfmimnm Let me know if the mediafire links works. I would rather upload to a site where you don't have to wait 15 minutes in between downloads. I took a db or 2 off of the highs from the rythym guitars and tweaked around some other EQs to help balance the tracks out. I also fixed the drum pattern on the 3:15 part towards the outro and some extra kicks and fills to the solo at 2:09 so make it more interesting. I was trying to find some other instrument to replace the organ cause i'm not really sure if i like it or not yet, for now it fits pretty well. As for what you suggested for the slightly off tempo intrument, probably the synth, i tried flipping a couple switches in the plugin, but to be honest i'm not really what most of it even does! J/k, i know what most of it means, but i think i found the right switch for what you were talking about.
  10. Its been NO'ed 2 times now, which is why i'm trying to get it just right before i attempt to sub it a 3rd time. I appreciate what you think of the sound effects part. I wanted to add a breakdown of sorts before the final chorus, and i thought that sounded pretty good. There were crashes in it, but apparently i left the volume so quiet that you could barely hear them, if it all. I fixed that problem as well. I adjusted the frequencies of the guitars to allow the lower frequencies of the drums and bass to sound more vibrant. I can't tell if now the guitars aren't loud enough? I think they are ok, volume wise. Also, the instrument in the intro and that kept popping up throughout the song was synth of sorts, but i changed it to an organ which i think adds to the atmosphere of the song. I think by changed the EQ levels on some of the tracks for the mix it helped to clear up the "clutter" or "thickness", as you put it, of the song. Let me know what ya think of the revisions i made. Update: http://rapidshare.com/files/238628143/NintenJoe_64_-_Dungeon_Of_Despair2__LOZ_NES_Dungeon_.mp3
  11. Yeah, i'm diggin' this too. Its my fav style of remixes. I do my remixes in a very rock/progressive sound as well. Maybe i should release an album too!
  12. Update: http://rapidshare.com/files/238597763/NintenJoe_64_-_3rd_Strike__Megaman_BN_3_Title_Screen_.mp3 or Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?aznntnnimyd I made some tweaks to my mix, including: Better sounding piano melody in the intro and outro, shortened first half of the final chorus so it wasn't completely draggin on, and adjusted parts of the bass boosts so they better synced up. That's really about it. Not to sound full of myself, but personally i love this mix. I put hours into getting everything to sound just right all over the mix. I'm actually thinking about subbing this one next to OCR hoping they'll accept it!
  13. Update: http://rapidshare.com/files/238608503/NintenJoe_64_-_Final_Breath__FF4_FF2SNES_Boss_Battle_.mp3 Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?4tmh3zmqrnq I added some big stuff to this mix. I made an orchestrated intro with violins, choirs, keyboard, and the like. I also added an interlude after the guitar solos, but i'm not sure if i'm gonna keep the drums for that part or not, i think i might do a fully orchestrated section instead. I just gotta find the time to sit down and write it out. I realize when listening to this in my car that the bass drums have a ton of bass, which isn't terrible though. I wanna sub this mix after my Zelda labyrinth mix i've been working as well. I'm hoping this is almost up to the OCR standard for remix.
  14. I think this is my final version for this remix, finally. I've submitted this remix in the past to OCR and got rejected, but rightfully so. I now know that my first few subs to OCR were very crappy, on a production level. I'm hoping that once they either accept or reject my already submitted RC Pro AM remix that they will accept this one. I've put a lot of effort and energy into getting this one just right. And i really appreciate all the comments i've gotten so far on this one. Anyways, the final addition to this remix is me adding a sub bass to the intro part and the outro/final chorus part. Listening to this remix in the car you can really hear the sub bass kicking very nicely. Other than that, there's just been some minor tweaking of volumes and such. http://rapidshare.com/files/238610769/NintenJoe_64_-_Dungeon_Of_Despair2__LOZ_NES_Dungeon_.mp3 Please let me know whether or not this might be passed by the judges here?
  15. I really like this remake. The vocals are spot on, and the guitar really has the powerful feel to it as well as the strings. I did a cover of another classic song, Iron Man. Nice job though!
  16. I can't wait to hear it, should be good. And, yeah, i'm thinking something Chrono Trigger next. Although i still kinda wanna to some kinda Mario remix. Maybe something from Mario RPG for the SNES.

  17. No prob man. You ever update that one? Or start working on another by any chance?

  18. Hey man, i really do appreciate your comments/reviews of my stuff. It really helps when someone else other than your mom or girlfriend thinks your stuff is good! lol

  19. Thanks glasfen for the comments, they are well appreciated! Also, Mirby too! I have one more minor update to this mix. I shortened the final chorus a bit cause i felt it was a bit overbearing. The first half of the last chorus before the double bass drum part, i cut half of it out cause i figured the "quiet" part before the rock jumps back in balances it out nicely anyways. Its not much, but it also belps cut down on the length of the song too. Not that i was really all too worried about it anyways. So now the song is 6:52 instead of 7:16 that is was http://rapidshare.com/files/238597763/NintenJoe_64_-_3rd_Strike__Megaman_BN_3_Title_Screen_.mp3
  20. Actually, that's really cool. can't wait to see it then!

  21. Exactly! Knowing how i am, this remix has some potential, but only if enough time was spent on the arrangement. I would love to see a finished song here.
  22. Ya know, i'm kinda curious as to what the "new Nintendo Wii" was all about?

  23. Everytime there's a new post here, i HAVE to read it now! lol This gets funnier all the time.
  24. Nah, sometimes its easier to work on multiple projects at once. That way if i DO get stuck on one, i can save and load the other. Sometimes coming up with the next riff or lead can get me stuck.

  25. Oh yeah, its right in the forum NAME! lol
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