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Everything posted by jabond23

  1. WOOOOOOO!!!! YEAH!!! i'm pretty happy with this so far
  2. I use a Toneport UX1 myself, and i know, its not NEARLY as cool as a UX2, but it gets the job done. j/k And i believe its octave that you were looking for when describing the melody. Anyways, i pretty much agree with Epitaph on this one. The drum is a nice thrash beat but doesn't stand out at all. I think by adjusting the EQ by bringing up the lows and the highs a tad might help a little at first. It also seems there's no hi-hats in some places mostly during the solo parts and i'm not sure if that's on purpose. Its kinda hard to tell, but i don't think the guitars are panned at all. I can hear the cymbals to the sides, but no the guitars. You need to have 2 tracks and pan one hard right and one hard left to really give it a more stereo sound and that'll also make the leads stand out really nicely. For the leads, the playing is spot on but the leads need more effects. They don't need much, but definitely some slight chorus and reverb and a nice delay effect too. Eventually a bass line would be nice too, but that's something i would worry about later. Its funny how much of a difference a bass line can really bring a track together once everything is done. Apparently bassists are important!! lol So i think messing around with all that first would be a huge step. The drums would be the first thing cause they seem way too weak for the genre of song your going for. And definintely pan those guitars! Take a listen to my Legend Of Zelda dungeon remix, its right up your alley and might give you a couple ideas/pointers. <a href="http://tindeck.com/listen/gzjy" target="_blank">Click here to download <b>NintenJoe 64 - Dungeon Of Despair (LOZ NES Dungeon).mp3</b></a>
  3. Ya gotta let me know if any of those links work, if not try here: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=208

    Let me know.

  4. Hello there. I've been working on this remix for a little while now. Its the theme you hear when in a regular virus battle from Mega Man Battle Network 4. I usually have guitars in my mixes, but this doesn't have any. I was going for a different kinda electronic but still epic sound with this one. So i could really use some pointers on this one. Its not at all techno though. Its right at 4 minutes long and starts out with a techno beat and then transitions into a regular drum beat. Even though i've spent a lot of time on it, and it was meant to be a heavier remix, i think i like where its going. It seems the volume levels on all the instruments are pretty decent but i could be wrong. Let me know what ya guys think of it.
  5. Ya know, i gotta tell ya. Every time you put a song up on here i gotta check it out. I'm thinking maybe you figured the bass lines out? It seems they blend in more with the song and don't overpower anything at all. The part around 3:45 is very nice. Its very entrancing and the use of the synth strings behind the lead sound awesome. The whole structure of the song is very solid. The change ups from verse to chorus and vice versa are very smooth. The production is spot on as usual with your work. I've never really done anything all synthesized but it is difficult to master down metal/rock tracks. I know your looking for a vocalist, and sadly i cannot sing to save my life, but if you are ever interested in adding any live guitars, electric or acoustic, please let me know. Otherwise, this song seems pretty damn awesome by itself so far.
  6. Ya know, i haven't gotten around to following up on your update yet! AHH!! Anyways... I think this update is a huge improvement on everything. That one higher lead sounds so much better. For some reason it just seemed very piercing before. I like the small change up at 1:02 to include a fuller synth and the break at 1:27 is a nice touch. At 2:34, the change up there is kinda sudden, but that might've been what you were going for. I like the part at 3:17 it really helps mix things up a bit. From there on out everything seems a bit overdrawn. I think maybe some parts could be cut in halves or just eliminated. Even a good synth solo would be a nice add on to that part. The drum beat is nice, but gets way too reptitive. I think if you switch it up a lot during the interludes/breakdowns/change-ups it would really help pull the track together. All in all though man, it sounds really good so far.
  7. This is awesome in that fact that it covers the source tune from one of the greatest first person shooters ever. COVER being the key word. Its definitely not a bad track. I think the production is fairly decent. The bass kicks and the highs are decipherable from other highs and such. I agree with Rozo on this one that after about 2 minutes it gets way too repetitive. Even though i noticed little instruments popping up when others fade out but they only play the same notes and not new ones. I think messing around with the arrangement to include the source as a chorus section and coming up with a new verse section. Maybe just a different drum beat with a bass line for 8 measures then some sort lead solo or choir part or something along those lines for the next 8 measures and then back to the chorus. And it ABSOLUTELY needs a breakdown in there somewhere to break the song up a little. I suppose thats why they call it a breakdown? Anyways, i really enjoyed the first half of the track til it got too repetitive and the hi-hats are definintely too loud for this mix.
  8. I did a cover of Iron Man a few months ago and just got around to polishing it up. I think it sounds pretty decent, but i'm not quite sure if the production is as tight as it could be. With this being Iron Man, I want it to be tight. Also, I have it on youtube with the 2 trailers from the movie as the footage. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IB3IQF8L9rw
  9. Yeah, it sounds pretty decent. Everything sounds pretty well balanced. There's that short string segment towards the end around 4:50 or so i noticed, but that might be from the source anyways.

  10. Definitely a nice boost in the highs starting with the drums to help bring out the snare and cymbals a bit more. Also, your snare seems a bit dry. Try adding some reverb to help that out. As for the leads starting at 1:49 or so would be another area to increase the highs and lower the lows on the EQ. Nice soloing by the way, it really fits in nicely with this track. Other than EQ probs, this is an awesome track and right up my listening alley. I do a lot of recording for my own stuff, and it usually turns out to be a mix of power metal and thrash. Looking forward to hearing more from you!
  11. That high pitched lead that only plays a very few notes seems to be way to loud. It hurts my ears when it comes in, although all the other instruments seems pretty good. I think the bass could use a tiny boost for more kick. I see what you mean about the drums, they are very repetitive but i know its only temporary. The sort of harpsichord/piano thing at 1:25 seems to a little loud as well, but its not too bad. I like the little break there as well before the drums jump back. My only suggestion for that is to double just the harpsichord/piano synth's length and maybe add some synth strings in there for an added atmospheric touch. All the other synths sound very nice and rich and you can hear everything without it being distorted or clipped. It seems pretty decent so far and the whole techno/trance vibe your going for is working very nicely. Also, kudos on going for a very obscure theme, its works very well. Looking forward to the next update.
  12. This version definitely sounds a lot better. The drums sound so much better now. They really have that kick now that helps shape the song better. With a kick ass solo, this could be an awesome track. Looking forward to the next update.
  13. As for the Halo remix, only if you want me to add the strings i could do it. I just need to know the usual, bpm and chord progressions.

  14. Alright, its weird that none of those links work...but anyways. Try http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=180 or http://rapidshare.com/files/244833165/Oracle_Of_The_Sun_Gerudo_Valley.mp3 . The ocrwip hosting site should definitely work. If you like i'll email you the final version unless i can get rapidshare to work properly.

  15. Yeah, i agree with that there. Also, it seems the overall volume is a lot quieter than it could be. When the drums come in they should be a lot more powerful than pushed as far back as they are. It also seems to end very abruptly for some reason. Looking forward to the next update.
  16. I think that you've got a finished version here on your hands. It sounds great. Production is very nice, mixing is well done, and all the instruments fit perfectly into this mix. I can hear the source within the mix, but its not at all a note for note cover or copy. It is its own work and very well done at that. I really like the lead at 1:30, its very James Bond and especially very Goldeneye 64. The breakdown that you added starting at 2:56 is a nice touch to the mix. Towards the end at 4:36, everything really comes together and gets ya goin'. Ya know, when you first see that its 5:10 long, ya kinda wonder if its going to be too much, but thats not the case at all my friend. Very nice, and i hope the judges pass it.
  17. It sounds like some of the notes are off for some reason starting when that lead synth comes in but that may be intentional. I like the guitars jammin in at 1:28. It adds an unexpected touch from what the drum beat would lead you to believe. That breakdown at 2:54 was pretty sweet. When that signature violin section jumps in at 3:12 you can definitely hear the theme well. I'm actually surprised to not hear it sooner. The double time drums are very nice touch as well. The whole drum track, actually, its well done. Its not repetitive and goes well with what your trying to do. It seems like it may too long and drawn out. By cutting down on some of the earlier sections it may help shorten it up enough to not be so drawn out. It actually seems like just about everything is well balanced enough but i would suggest tweaking the EQs around a little anyways. Also, maybe add some reverb and delay to some of the instruments. For example, the lead at the end would sound a little better with a small reverb and a nice delay effect and the maybe the drums could use a slight more amount of bass to give it more kick. Definitely fix that lead synth in the very beginning. Even if those were the actual notes, i'd still pick a scale that sounds good with the background track. I wouild kinda like to hear that classic violin scale earlier in the track, but given the fact that it is a remix, its probably fine where it is. I've been meaning to do a remix of this one myself, but haven't gots the time brotha. Can't wait to hear the future update.
  18. Your band kinda has that Pearl Jam sound going on and i'm a huge Pearl Jam fan! I'm not how well equipped the studio your recording at is, but this sounds very good for early recordings. I'm really diggin Just For You, but that's because its got a little heavier tone to it. The Breakdown has a nice rhythm to it and i like the use of acoustic guitars to drive that groove as well. Ordinary and Fade To Nothing are great slower songs too. Your singer is very talented. He hits every note and sounds great. BTW, is that you on guitar? I would think so, but it never hurts to ask.
  19. I'm really loving this song man. Its got an awesome groove and very catchy. That guitar riff is awesome. This sounds like it would be awesome song played live. The lead at 2:50 or so is nicely done. The production on this, especially for being a demo, is not bad. Its actually pretty decent and you did a good job mixing it as well. Looking forward to hearing more from you guys. Unfortunately, i don't know a word of swedish. So i couldn't read your bands profile.
  20. Awesome, i always like to hear original stuff. I gotta run out for an hour but when i get back i'll check'em out!

  21. Damn man, this came a long ways. I really like this remix. I'm more of a metal head myself so sometimes these types of remixes don't fly so well with me but this one man is awesome. The production now is spot on. The bass really kicks and punches but doesn't break into other tracks in the mix. The drum beat is nice and not repetitive and i'm really digging the lead synths. Its interesting that this was a latin/mexican themed song in the source and you turned into an electronic dance beat track. Great job man! BTW, who's playing the lead at 2:20? Is that you?
  22. There's a game for the DS called Moon and this sounds like it would fit perfectly for that game! haha, but seriously though, this is really good stuff. You should look into writing this kinda stuff for online games or flash games. This kind of music would fit in nicely.
  23. I would recommend boosting the drums bass on the lows just to give the track a fuller sound.
  24. I'm sure there's a decent amount of Zelda 2 temple theme remixes out there, but i thought i'd give it a shot myself. So far, the 4 remixes i've posted on here, including this one, are part of a project i'm working on for a metal or so remix album. Its really just for myself and some friends, but i really wanna get around to finishing it. Its done in my usual hard rock/power metal style and its pretty damn catchy, as wa the original. Anywho, I actually recorded most of this song a few months ago but never really got around to finishing it up properly. I spent a lot of time working on the production of this track. It took a while to get most of the leads left. I'm not sure if there's anything i could improve on or add to this song. I was thinking maybe a second solo right after the 2nd crazy arpeggio/sweeping part of the song and changing the lead guitar harmony in the 2nd half of that same part. Let me know what ya guys think.
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