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Everything posted by ftninja

  1. meh it's been pretty bland, so far. Same shit, different year, pretty much.

  2. go to the firefox addons site and look up Video Downloader. when you load a page, it'll say "media found!" and when you click it, it'll give a list of media it's found on that page, by links. I don't know if you need the winamp toolbar to play the music (like i do), but i think that'll help.
  3. so. innie, or outie?

  4. i love you and miss you. *is lonely*

  5. Cool idea. But...plz use women who aren't fug.
  6. This new server is uncomfortably energetic.
  7. Hi! Here's hoping your 2010 started out well!

  8. Yay for Anso and Fishy!
  9. Good luck to all remixers! Do your very best! Also, to the remixers who claim Steiner's Theme and Immoral Melody: do it right, and I'll love you forever.
  10. Have I died and gone to heaven? My only gripe with this is that the lead guitar is lost in the mix, I feel, with the other guitars going at it. Make the lead more pronounced, or back the volume off the other guitars somewhat. I can't wait to see what else you do with it, man!
  11. Very folksy. An interesting and refreshing take on the theme. I can definitely see this being danced to at a Russian party. Awesome!
  12. what are the voice samples from, used :45-1:12ish? I liked the intro, but I thought the drums could be a bit more emphasised. I don't know, I guess I liked the Queenishness of the orignal. I really like your remix. I'll definitely listen once it's finished. Sorry I can't give more constructive crit than that, lol.
  13. So I hear you like Irish chicks...

  14. Ok pardon me while I repeat everyone else and say this track is THE SHIT! You have everything in here to make a great dance tune. Energy is key. You can STUNT to this thing. I can't say how extremely pleased and impressed I am with this song. bLiNd, I am in love with you.
  15. Very peaceful. Reminds me of my electronic piano, the way the intro sounds. I heart the strings. I am a bit disappointed by the abrupt ending however. It seems to be the kind of melody that needs a fade out. Great composition nonetheless.
  16. Er...try looking up Bound Together.
  17. what's that make me, chopped liver?
  18. Delicious *and* nutritious, describe his remixes.

  19. Freakin' sweet. I'll take a look at Zreo's site if I knew the link. =P Here's hoping you get motivation again! *CHEERS*
  20. Ok seriously this game has so much potential to be remixed. I'm surprised and sad it hasn't had any love. Really now, let's see some Minish Cap remixes!
  21. why thank ya, tall handsome stranger! =P *downloading torrent like fiend*
  22. I know Earthbound's been touched on, but I noticed for all it's epic flavors there's (only!) 19 remixes. So how come a classic like Earthbound doesn't have an album on OCR? I know somebody's going to deign me worthy of a reason, but I set this as a challenge. I know there's plenty of remix artists on this site who are up to the task. I want to see the product of imagination! =D
  23. Another melody that's worth remixing - The Elemental Stars. So soothing, so galactically epic! The very fibers of the whole story!
  24. Back from the dead! Haha. I heartily agree that Golden Sun should be more represented on OCR. I think the most beautiful melody (as others have said) is Venus Lighthouse. The artists who endeavor to create a masterpiece would be very eagerly watched by me as an adoring fan. =D
  25. I'm disappointed to see that only one song was remixed out of this game. I'd like to request that the Waterfall track to Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble! be remixed. http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/snesDKC3_WaterfallV1.2.mid Add to this, from Donkey Kong Country 2, The Jib Jig, or Rigging track. http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/DKCountry2_Rigging_GM.mid Both of these need to sound "fuller", I suppose, with more of a robust sound. I always adore orchestral tracks, but go crazy! Remix them to your desire! Both links that I have provided will ask you to download the midi file (just a head's up).
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