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Everything posted by HitoriJaNai

  1. Whoa, that was exhilarating... Also, I just noticed the new special thanks thing on the front... or was it there already? Anyways, yeah, glad to see my name up there, let me know if there's anything at all that I can do as always...
  2. I've been pulling together a lot for my WIP, and I think that there's a small possibility I'll be done by the end of December. Or, who knows, the end of Thanksgiving Break. I have a lot of time now.
  3. Figured I'd ask, seeing as I'm not completely sure at all on where to find the information, and even then I'm just not quite clear: How exactly do you automate effects like Gross Beat? Doesn't seem like something you could operate like volume, with curving it and making it louder and softer...
  4. RAWR! (Translation: My interest is piqued, and I will be participating! )
  5. I'm really up for either in terms of changes or written solos/solis. And the name... well, I'm stumped.
  6. I've got no problem with that, really. PR is likely more experienced (and by likely, I mean totally), and I'm willing to work with whatever he comes up with. Y'know, this really is a ska buffet now, isn't it?
  7. I'm confused... it says the deadline is 11:59 of tonight... do you mean to say the 24th instead of the 17th? Because I'd like a little leeway to make sure I can do this.
  8. Okay, sat down and figured it out. As long as I can get my mic to stand straight and put it in the right area, you should have me in on this. Always wanted to do this song on the trombone... had no idea this would be how.
  9. Oh, this is just hilarious... If I figure it out, I just happen to play the trombone and such.
  10. I'm going to say this right upfront so I don't get lost in the flow of awesome... I WISH I HAD HEARD THIS SOONER! BECAUSE THIS IS AWESOME! AND MAKES ME LAUGH REALLY HARD!
  11. There will be an update. Soon. As soon as the notes become comprehensible to me.
  12. Slightly sad that you took this track off, as its a very nice and well-produced the track. It's making me dance in my chair. Nevertheless, I find it as a bonus to what will come from the rest of the project. You go, people!
  13. Sorry, poor word choice on my part. I'm not at all sure why I put it like that.
  14. o.O Sometimes I just wonder how people have the time... *shakes head* Awesome job, you two. You guys pump out pure awesome every time!
  15. Ooh... How do we donate, exactly? You've piqued my interest!
  16. You know, for some reason, I have a more confident feeling after seeing the trailer. This might actually work.
  17. Ironically enough, most of the stuff mislabeled as Big Giant Circles' is from Voices of the Lifestream.
  18. A mix of God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. In however it turns out, really.
  19. I would really appreciate an extension, as I had no time at all these past weekends to work on putting something together.
  20. HAHAHA! Agreed. So totally agreed, right there.
  21. Yeah, my thoughts were to make it slower and darker, kind of like if the fairies had a dark and sad side. No worries there; as I said, working on making it darker and sadder. I'm up for whatever. Once I get a WIP up or something... well, who knows? If it goes in a specific direction that I want to finish, I can always take it down the path as well as see where someone else wants to go with it. Two versions, like a past and present.
  22. Here and alive and still trying to frickin' make sense of how Fairys' Woods can sound LESS annoying. I may just botch it and make it more annoying, who knows?
  23. HOLY CRAP THIS IS AWESOME I need to not hold my breath for much longer. Any more awesomeness, and I might explode. Thumbs up, the whole arrangement, production and everything, is just brilliant!
  24. Finally, something from Kirby64!!! And from PrototypeRaptor, too! You did this really well! The source was completely recognizable, and it gave me memories of having to fight Miracle Matter over and over (and doing a horrible job too). This is one of those songs that hits you in the face... and then repeats it. Thumbs up, man. Keep it up!
  25. I will certainly be there if I have the time. By which I mean perhaps. *crossing fingers*
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