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Everything posted by HitoriJaNai

  1. I went ahead and saw it... and maybe its because I didn't watch too much of the original, maybe I thought it was funny, or maybe it was the nerd at my very core... BUT I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS FILM!!!
  2. Graced with another great track from OC ReMix, and of course the start of amazingness for Summoning of Spirits! To listening to this music for hours on end!
  3. The video from above is crazy. Simply... crazy... and weird, too. I recognized the song, and for anyone who wants to know, the song is the same title played by the Finnish band Nightwish. Its off one of their earlier albums, Oceanborn.
  4. This is definitely one of those ReMixes where all the pieces fit together to make a nice, thoughtful and cohesive whole. Good job, Nutritious! Keep up the good work!
  5. Simply mahvelous! No, seriously, I have been waiting for another Palpable piece for what seems like forever, so this is much welcomed in my MP3 player.
  6. This is tight. Really. Keep up the good work, Nekofrog, and congrats for your first solo piece up here!
  7. I got my head bopping, my feet tapping... and my need for timpani dominance has been satisfied. This is absolutely crazy!!!
  8. I'm actually a bit surprised at the level of work I'm hearing. For such a long project, it looks to come out with great rewards to us all... I'm going to enjoy this.
  9. This was perhaps the best way for me to jump into the holiday season, since school is finally off for now. GO, JEWBEI!!! THIS SONG IS TEH EPICNESS!!!!!11!1!!!one!
  10. I should've seen this coming a mile away, and yet it hit me like a bullet, so all I can say is... CONGRATULATIONS!!!! THIS IS EPIC NEWS!!!
  11. I heartily agree with Jade, in this regard. Listening to some of the music right now while I download the rest. Its astonishing, really. It may not be an official OC ReMix album, but its right up there with the good ones. W00t!
  12. To say that this mix is epic is an epic understatement in and of its epicness. Awesome job, ToN, and also Sixto, for making my day a very rocking one!
  13. This is so definitely danceable, yay!!! Looking forward to hearing more from ya, Rozovian!
  14. I usually don't like to give my opinion too much on songs... but I'll make an exception. YAY!!! ANOTHER AUDIX SONG THAT IS SO TOTALLY EPIC! Anyways, nice guitar playing there, Nekofrog. You and Audix seem to work quite well together. Keep up the great work guys.
  15. Hallelujah! Glad I saw this thread... almost made a new one. *sheepish* Anyways, I'd like my name changed from hitori16 to HitoriJaNai. Thank you again.
  16. Hehe... it's a little disorienting, but I'll manage.
  17. I thank you two, a lot. You guys rock! And when I tried FL, no, it wasn't really that I was trying to mimic anything... I was trying to play around with it, before I had even found out about this (or video game music remixes in general, or zircon, for that matter). That was my problem, I guess, was that I just couldn't figure out what buttons did what. Sometimes, I'd remember, and go "yay sound", others I'd push a button and it would just fart in my face (figure of speech). But thank you, I hope to find a good inexpensive keyboard soon, and will hopefully get to play around a lot.
  18. Uh... yeah, hi. I'm new here, and, well, lemme just say I didn't lurk enough. Anyways, I hope to be active here very soon, bur for now need to attend to other matters. So... weeeeee!
  19. Your words are not harsh at all, in fact it would probably be well put to say that this thread should be closed. It's true I'm a newbie at this, but I fully admit I went around this the wrong way. If I have an actual, full-fledged question for which I cannot find an answer, then maybe I'll start a new thread. Till then, I'll be sure to get a keyboard and cable for my comp. Keeping quiet... Before I forget though, can you play a MIDI keyboard through the computer without one of the music creation programs?
  20. Actually, in answer to what Skyrpnyk said, I did use FL for a good five or six hours and couldn't figure out what to do. Granted, I used the demo version, but I looked through the manual as well, and... yeah. I'm doing my best to have patience, that's why I'm still looking for a program to use. Trying to decide between Reason and Acid. Anyone know where cheap MIDI keyboards can be found?
  21. I'm looking out for a keyboard now, and am open to suggestions as to good ones. With FL, the interface just likes to mess with my head and I forget where stuff is, and it drives me insane. Finale is slightly better, except that I'm not quite professionalized in knowing what sounds any good. I am very sad... But I'm willing to do what it takes, just need to know where to start. P.S. Don't tempt me to try quartets, because they will clash like hell... Gah.
  22. Alright, then, lemme see. -In terms of what I have, only a computer at this point. -I do play the trombone and used to play a little piano. -Willing to spend... um... an extremely low amount at this point. -I haven't quite thought of the direction yet, more aiming towards sounding like a live techno/orchestra/rock type thing. As a side note, I am aware its not going to be easy. I looked far and wide for as much info as possible before finally admitting defeat and asking the question. I'll be more specific in the future. Right now, I am still open to suggestions on what to do. P.S. Tried to use FL Studio, but it was difficult to figure out how the heck to start anything.
  23. I'm sorry about this, but I'm new to all of this, especially all the equipment and where to start in terms of music... Help, please?
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