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Everything posted by HitoriJaNai

  1. Having only been around for three of OCR's illustrious 12 years, I can still say that it amazes me the level of quality, creativity, and real, absolute love that goes into every song that makes it onto the site and the various albums. What a crazy year this has been (for me, as well), and here's to many, many more! Keep clockin' in those ReMixes!
  2. Y'know, I figure since this month is Reviews Month, I'm going to go ahead and give a track-by-track review, particularly since the consistency on this project really seems top-notch, and I'm not entirely sure whose tracks will get posted when... not sure whether or not I'll count this towards defeating OA (probably not ), but hey, at least the artists may know firsthand how awesome they made this album. (To be filled in)
  3. Oh, how I've awaited this. PrototypeRaptor has got to be one of my all-time favorite ReMixers, without a doubt (and he ends up choosing so many games that I've actually played... its brilliant!). Having heard Black Wing Metamorphosis, The End, and various other interpretations of taking on Sephiroth, I thought I'd heard it all. Of course, you can NEVER have too much of the good ol' One-Winged Angel, and Jon really delivers here. I can't help but get up and dance when I listen, and when the vocoded "Sephiroth" bit comes in... well, not much I can say other than this is going to be listened to A LOT. Especially while I'm running. Y'know, away from Sephiroth. While I play FFVII.
  4. You know, with a name like Laughing Octopus, you wouldn't quite think you'd be able to think that the villain in question can be taken very seriously, if at all. This track completely changes that. It fries the idea, soaks it in the fiery flames of hell, then subjects it to a real, live octopus, who just so happens to look like its laughing. Then it gets eaten by two very hungry dragons. Bravo, guys. I am now quaking in fear of the awesome.
  5. That's right, world... its time to save OCR. -puts on epic glasses- December 5th/6th http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=34740 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=35181 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36466 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36734 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36907 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37067 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37707 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=34135 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=34166 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36481 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37894 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37890 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37893 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37896 December 7th http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37902 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33778 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33600 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=34741 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=35898 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37012&page=2 To be updated as I go... but OA shall fall. (Pssh... I read that as Oa. I am not out to kill Green Lanterns. XD)
  6. Oh, I remember the WIP for this... a while back, so that's actually no help at all. Anyways, Brandon Strader is secretly becoming one of my new favorite ReMixers, and this ReMix is no exception. Relaxing and soothing, this one would have fit right in with Lucid Dreaming, and I consider it an unofficial addition that really helps me sleep at night.
  7. I went through the intro expecting awesome kabuki-ness. Oh, I got awesome kabuki-ness... MIXED WITH EPIC FUNKY DANCE-NESS. Funk bias? None at all. Don't believe me? Listen. The creativity in this... the pure awesome bottled inside... you could sell it and make a fortune. AND ITS FREE. MOAR MORSE CODE FOR ME, PLEASE!
  8. Latin music... Mega Man 7... dear god, is there any crazy combination of funkiness Joshua Morse CAN'T concoct? (Rhetorical answer: no.) This whole album is a testament to the ReMixer's versatility and all-around awesomeness, and I love it when I don't necessarily need to recognize a source tune to enjoy a song. This one is no exception; I'm a sucker for Latin rhythms and flutes and marimbas and... yeah. W00t. Everybody Mambo!
  9. Oh, boy... this is one of the mixes that I didn't quite know whether or not I'd like it before I started listening... but once I started listening, it just... it worked. It clicked. It was a ReMix of "Epoch" proportions! Anyways, I'm a sucker for LoZ music, and Mr. Morse does the sources justice. And I mean real justice. No, not Justice-style. Just... I recognize the sources immediately, yet there is definitely a different feel, and not just reinstrumentation. Everything works perfectly. Its funky. Its fresh. Its Zelda. I love it.
  10. While I admit I'm somewhat partial to Flexstyle's treatment of Concrete Man, I can respect the disco. And mad respect it is... Seriously, I'm going nuts over this arrangement! Bad pun aside, I can imagine dancing to this and really doing some awesome disco dancing with it. Of course, I would get very, very, VERY weird looks from people, but hey... I'd rather dance than "byte blocks!" Okay, I'M DONE WITH THE PUNS! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME! I'M NOT MADE OF CONCRETE!
  11. Ironic that I post my thoughts on this track right after the good project director does... Anyways, I was originally slated to do this, but... well, frankly I'm glad I didn't, because in its place was created THIS. THIS EPIC MASTERPIECE OF EPICOSITY. I mean, really, I am a huge fan of both OA's and DragonAvenger's work, particularly when they work together, and this served as a perfect ending to the end of the first CD. I know I personally enjoy listening to it far more than I would my old stinkin' track... but that's just personal bias. Fantastic song, you two! Continue with the amazingness, and thanks for helping me confuse what tomorrow or yesterday should have been even further! XD Goodness, its time to wake up...
  12. Soooooooooooo thought I had posted my thoughts on this song when this came out... as it was at the time, I had not been looking that forward to the Mega Man 9 album. Now that I've listened to it in its entirety, this is definitely one of the stand-out tracks, one that always makes me get up and dance. k-wix really took this to the next level, and it... its really inspiring. Fantastic song, amazing album, and... well, yeah. Go grab some origami robots and dance!
  13. Mr. Morse never ceases to get his funk on, and yet again he does, but... I really never know what to expect, particularly after the write-up. I loooooooooove the riffs in this; I really need to check out the actual soundtrack now to really appreciate this in all its glory, but as it is... SEXY IS BACK IN THE HOUSE! AND ITS A... HOTSLUG?!?!?!?
  14. Rather surprised I never commented on this one when the album came out. This is a really awesome song; Flexstyle really never ceases to amaze, and I knew he'd do the source justice the minute I saw he was involved (this after his Dark Cloud 2 ReMix). I think if this had actually played during my playthrough of Oracle of Ages... well, suffice it to say I would have been scared out of my wits AND rocking out at the same time. Oh, and dying. A lot.
  15. Really, Nutritious, if you turned your orchestral arrangements into actual food, it really would be unbelievably nutritious. No, but bad joke aside, this is a fantastic arrangement, and it really captures the essence of the theme quite well. This makes me want to go off into battle with a suit of armor and a horse, knowing that what awaits me back home is enough to return.
  16. I think I can sum up my feelings about this song in three words: KIRBY GOURMET RACE! Oh, and three more words: MADE MORE BADASS!
  17. This... this... this... THIS. IS ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. In all seriousness, I saw this in the line-up when it was passed by the judges, and with a crazy combination of all of my favorite childhood games, I was really looking forward to it (also a little apprehensive; I mean, how the heck would a medley from those four games work at all?). I can now say without a doubt, sir, that you have exceeded my expectations. You have created one of my new favorite remixes. JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED TO THESE GAMES!
  18. Oh, well. Its like my theories on TV shows. Its fun to do, but I'm almost always wrong. XD
  19. At the time of my posting this, four more FFV mixes have been posted (three are from Wind, and one intended to be), with one more on the way. Looking at the YouTube channel, I find the last one to be a halc mix, but even more important than that, its title: Sinking Deeper. That sounds water-related, if you ask me.
  20. For someone who was stuck in the Viridian Forest for an absurd amount of time in the first game, this song brings back a lot of memories. The trippy acid effect was a really smart concept, and the execution was really awesome! Though it is slightly interesting that I feel like one of the few who finds this akin to what I usually like listening to. XD
  21. I would just like to say that, whenever I go into an album, I go in with high hopes that every single track is absolutely amazing and is going to just knock my socks off. Normally, those high hopes are unrealistic. But oh holy crap THIS ENTIRE ALBUM JUST KNOCKED MY SOCKS OFF WTF MATE?!?!?
  22. DO ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT No, but in all seriousness, you guys should go through with it. I have been waiting for so long to hear a finished version of that song. The WIP version is still on my iPod, and I constantly listen to it. If an unfinished version can be that good, a finished version... oh, man...
  23. I gotta echo OA here (lol, echo, Echoes of... nevermind); this is definitely my favorite halc mix. Heck, I'm not necessarily as familiar with this source as I'd like, but anything halc touches turns to 9-bit epicness that can only bring joy!
  24. I absolutely heart your Banjo-Kazooie cover. Keep rockin'.
  25. Congratulations on yet another year of such amazing music! Honestly, whenever I feel like there's nothing good left to find in terms of music, this place continues to surprise me! Here's to another awesome year (one probably filled to the brim with albums, especially).
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