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Everything posted by Orpheon

  1. I clicked on the preview, heard the opening 2 seconds - closed the preview ,and immediately downloaded this awesomeness. Really, such great work here.
  2. Brilliant, absolutely love it as a re-arrangement; this sticks quite close the source - which may be your only challenge. The judges might want to hear some of your originality earlier on in the piece before passing it on as a fully fledged remix.
  3. The HD Zelda Tech demo apparently had an interactive component; also it can be seen running through the WiiPad: All in all, love the bump mapping and lighting effects. If the Zelda tech demos of the past are anything to go by in terms of the final product; then this will be nothing short of jaw-dropping.
  4. I've been waiting to hear an arrangement like this from the Four Giants Theme for so many years.. As a huge fan of your Astral Observatory and Last Day Rebuilds, I can only say thank you! This piece is pure magic.
  5. Congrats DJV, tracks still sounds awesome - just as I remember it .. brilliant work! I really miss the unsheathed sword sfx, yet as a final mix this stands on its own really well. I'm glad you can finally get some closure on this and simply enjoy it, looking forward to hearing your next work!
  6. Wow.. really awesome to finally see this on the front page. Brilliant work guys, I was hooked from the first rendition that made its way into the workshop and have been following on from there. This is one AAA remix for a AAA source tune! Keep up the fabulous work.
  7. First time listening to your rendition of this remix in a while - I have to say it was quite an enjoyable listen! Good on you for not letting this go.
  8. This is quite a nice one to listen to - and I'd say a perfect template for an actual remix of the entire theme, but all the right instruments and tempo to work with.
  9. Creativity is really the make-or-break factor, and you've demonstrated how it should be done quite well - which is my opinion after listening to many of the beloved remixes here. The change of pace in the end is perfect for a lead-on into another segment - looking forward to where this goes.
  10. Loved the execution of the bass chords there, pretty much flawless. Lookin' forward to the next rendition.
  11. If there was such a thing as ear-candy; this is most definitely it. Looks like you two know what you're doing, I'll just take a seat and wait for you guys on the front page.
  12. We'll be there when it passes the sub panel
  13. I've got to say, this tempo is perfect - always felt Bom-Omb Battlefield should be played this fast, and you've nailed that part. This stands out as a spectacular arrangement - yet as you've pointed out it's the remix department which needs a good revisit. Look at the beginning of your track, that usually shapes the flow of the rest of the piece - if you can think of an original beginning and then slowly weave this great source re-arrangement in and out - that'd make a great transition, leading into a proper remix.
  14. I recall hearing 'Rocking the Cradle' a while back, but these other remixes are too good to pass by. Some incredible remixes / re-arrangements right here guys.
  15. Looks like it made it out of the WIP thread. Glad I listened to it early on. Loved and still loving the transition @ 2:11. Overall a firm and definite / solid remix.
  16. Take a bit of a break and then come back to listen to it again. If you think this is where this piece should be, then have a crack at submission - you'll find that the submission panel will probably be the most helpful at giving you feedback on your remix. Personally I feel that the piece is brilliant and tempo perfect, but not hitting that hot red spot. The introduction of the main melody occurs at 1:22, then at 1:50 begins the flute solo, which ends before bringing back the source. By the end of the piece it feels as if it has been slightly segmented into remix components and original components. In terms of balance, the more interconnected a piece is, the better chance it will have of pleasing the submission panel. See if you cannot do a bit more with that source melody starting at 1:21 - don't be afraid to put your original work in early on, and once the flute solo kicks in, don't leave it hanging - add in any element that could bring it out (possibly more source elements).
  17. Submission of an edited version wouldn't be completely out of the question, this is really a nice piece of ambient jazz.
  18. I certainly cannot forget this remix - and what a fresh vibe it has taken on. Listening to your latest mix it definitely sounds much more 'arranged', easier to listen to and just a pleasure to take in. The drum drop-out at 0:27 is one change which brings the focus back onto the original arrangement of this piece - it does wonders for setting the mood. The sword effect is without a doubt a welcome return, mastering has definitely made its inclusion more cohesive to the foreground music. On the whole - this is now sounding to be headed in the intended direction. Great to see this return new and improved - looking forward to seeing how this piece develops before the balance is right!
  19. Integrating original compositions with rearranged tunes to create some nice remixing from the source is hard work, yet you've managed something quite interesting here. Even though it took 2 min into the song to notice, it was great to hear substantial variation in the first revision (first version posted on here at least) and I have to say that you've done a brilliant job! Playing back the original source in the first minute may not fly with the judges - as long as the piece establishes itself as a remix and not a re-arrangement, it stands a good chance of getting through.
  20. I've been listening to your mix more and more lately - surprisingly there aren't that many focused remixes of the Final Hour theme out there, yours is one of the few that really takes the ambience of the source to new levels. You have some really nice chord progressions going on in the background - if more original composition is required, that'd be a great place to expand upon.
  21. What can I say? It just keeps getting better and better - loved version 1.0, and 2.0 improves upon it. Played them both simultaneously side-by-side for fun - best way to notice the improved mastering on 2
  22. Really dug your previous collab - Why So Serious, and definitely liking where this one is going. The credits theme from LttP was one that always struck me as unique, the background melody having never appeared in the game prior to the credits. As such, there is huge scope to take this tune and make something else of it -> something which you folks are on track of with this. Looking forward to hearing the final piece!
  23. Keep an ear out for The Giant's Theme, and the Piano Version of the Song of Healing, they sound to have similar cues from the Astral Observatory.
  24. The audio sources and tune sets from Prime are brilliantly integrated with the theme from Super Metroid here - however I can see the judges point of view (or sound in this case) in terms of the variation. For example, you introduce the source from Chozo Ruins at 4:02 which sounded perfect - yet it was too late into the piece. I think if you're going to go to the trouble of including it, integrate it earlier on so as to captivate and keep the listener holding onto their cans. It'll do wonders. At this point it would probably be more important to establish the whole piece as something unique instead of making it feel like something you would hear in-game. I know exactly what you mean when you say you want this to be in a Metroid Prime structure - most of the MP soundtrack revolved around the idea of repeating cues with subsequent compositions in between. Although since one would hear such music while exploring and playing a game, the repetition wouldn't be as noticeable as if, say, one were to just hear the music alone. Try adding and mixing more of your own original tunes based off the source as well, usually will add enough variety to throw off the unsuspecting critic. Other than the technical specifics mentioned by the judges, I do not think you really have to change a lot -> just your perspective of this piece and how deep / personal you want to make it. Also: Suggestion for the name -> Siriacus Calling (Zero Hour Epoch), or Siriacus Calling (Prime Epoch) Referencing Space Pirate Data - Fall of Zebes
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