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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Your new sig is classic. AARP to the rescue :-)

  2. Yeah! Nice job Pete! This was my favorite song of yours from the compo I do believe AKA "Legends of the Hidden Charge Man"
  3. The open tracks are hiding I've got the details in the first post in the section "Claiming Tracks" So basically you can pick an already claimed source if you're interested, if your mix is in a different style than the other version being worked on. Send me a PM with your idea and we can chat!
  4. I have a few exciting updates! I want to welcome a handful of remixers to the project who will be contributing in one form or another: Syllix will be working on a neat little ambient intro for the US disc, Furilas is contributing some bass guitar for Chernabogue's track, Flexstyle & KingTiger are going to do an electronica mix of Sonic Boom for the bonus disc, and OCR forum newcomer Portanexus will be bringing us an electro house & dubstep mix of Stardust Speedway JP, also for the bonus disc. Welcome aboard everyone And it's my birthday, yay! Although they get slightly less exciting the older you get...
  5. SICK tune guys! Great job! Sonic and hip-hop go together so well. Someone needs to work on making more stuff like this...
  6. Thanks DiGi! I appreciate it!

  7. Why thank you, good sir! :)

  8. This is really slick, I like it! I love all the various Sega samples used too, cool stuff! Really catchy beat and melody too
  9. This is an awesome rockin' arrangement. Amazing performances and nice cameo by The Duke! And it is awesome that you are all JSJs. Well done sirs!
  10. Hey everybody, how are the tracks coming? I know quite a few of you contacted me prior to Feb 1st. to say you'd be a bit late with updates, so since it's been a couple weeks now, I figured I'd check back The next official check-in is April 1st (no joke), at which I'm going to expect to see some significant updates please, especially on the currently underdeveloped tracks. Please continue to send/post your updates as they're ready though (no need to unnecessarily wait for the next check-in), especially if you missed the last date. Thanks! In other news, like I've said a few times now, I'm still gathering some additional remixers to contribute 'bonus/alternate' tracks to help fill out the album & add some more diversity. Send me a PM if you're interested. We're also hopefully going to have an artist confirmed for the album soon. I'll keep everyone updated as things progress! There's a lot of exciting stuff in the works!
  11. I actually really like this mix. Sure it's really quirky and not your "typical" remix, but I think that's what makes it a lot more fun and original than other stuff I've heard recently. And yeah, that voice might be unnecessary, but I crack up every time I hear it. Steiner's such a sweet guy Nice job!
  12. SOUNDCLOUD GO!!!!!!!!!!! https://soundcloud.com/superiorx
  13. My wife and I started watching it last weekend and we both love it. We're about 7-8 episodes in and it's still going strong. There is a surprising about of depth to each of the characters (Kevin Spacey is fantastic) and the plot is really interesting too. I think the 4th Wall tactic works great here too; it provides an additional amount of insight that you normally wouldn't get from a TV show.
  14. Hey everybody, sweet compo. I just started following this today so looks like I missed out on all the fun. I'll vote this round tho. kthxbye!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. hah, awesome! Definitely one of my favorites from the compo (there were so many good songs that came out of that), can't wait to hear it.

  16. Hey Gario! Whatever happened to your Sonic "Drop Bass Zone" mix from the SZRC? I could've swore you said you subbed it, but I haven't seen it pop up on the judging list. Just curious. That song rocked :-)

  17. My man metaphist! YES!!! I've been waiting a long time to see this one on the front page. I can't say enough good stuff about this mix; it's just downright funky and you can't help but love it. That lead synth and the slap bass just work so well together. This is one of my favorite mixes in recent memory, for sure. And if you all like this, just you wait, Paul is bringing the funk (in more than one way!) on the upcoming OCR Sonic CD album!
  18. Thanks for understanding. Depending on the status of some of the WIPs I'm waiting on, I might throw together a preview later this month so everyone can check out what we've got in the works
  19. Speaking of, feel free to go solo on Frenzy, if you'd like Ad. I know we haven't spoken about it in a loooooooong time, and last time I'd heard something you'd come up with everything anyway. I'm pretty busy these days with my Sonic CD project too, and I wouldn't want to hold this project up if you guys are wrapping up!
  20. Ahh yes. I've only got the private forums setup for remixers that are currently working on or collaborating on tracks. So other people that are listed as potential collaborators but aren't working on tracks don't have access either. I've just been keeping that "collaborators" list updated with everyone who said they were interested so in case anyone needed someone to collab with, they could look there. We gotta keep things under wraps for the most part to save the surprise!
  21. Well, I wouldn't be opposed to that of course! But the point of this was more to get other remixers who weren't already involved in the project to get involved to promote some additional diversity and different styles on the album. Plus I'd rather you guys focus on getting your already claimed tracks up to tip-top shape
  22. Project remixers - I updated some info in our private forums about track progress, let me know if you need anything! Everyone - also, as I mentioned earlier, I am looking to add a few more remixers to the project to do some 'alternate/additional' remixes for the bonus disc. I have a few in the works now, but I would like to add a few more. PM me if you're interested! Thanks!
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