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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. I like this one a lot!. Seriously how was Gario not a posted remixer before this, did you like not sub any of your GMRB tracks (which were both excellent IMO)? Either way, cool, laid back track. Glad to see you are finally posted now! Congrats!
  2. I will never remix oatmeal raisin muffins because I think they taste disgusting. EDIT: at one point, the title of this thread had something to do with muffins, so my post isn't complete nonsense.
  3. So Darke are you going to vote and tally the results from the last few rounds here before Round 10 is done? . I think SectorZ has an up to date and accurate tally (minus your votes) if you don't want to recalculate everything.
  4. Well, ok, sorry then. I didn't know and/or didn't read the posting rules well enough to know all list threads were not allowed. If there's a problem, then a mod can lock it down. Thanks.
  5. Thank you. I wasn't trying to create a favorites thread, but that seems to be what this has become.
  6. hahaha this is awesome. Nice work tracking this stuff down Jarski.
  7. Phonetic Hero is taking the charge for The Mega Ballers this round, as he also enjoys combining a ridiculous amount of sources into one song. We will all be contributing to the mix in some form however.
  8. This song is delightfully simple and enjoyable. The music box and piano combination makes for a upbeat, happy-go-lucky mix. I dig it.
  9. Whaaaaa? Is it a Wild Arms 2 remix project? Cause WA2 has an awesome rockin soundtrack as well. Now that I'm actually decent at remixing, I'd love to participate in something like that.
  10. I'm pretty sure we can only use one, as Darke said so in his original post and he italicized "one", which implies he means business.
  11. I like the MM3 theme the best actually. Not sure which one my team is going to use though.
  12. This is kind of what I was anticipating... very interesting nonetheless. It shall be quite the challenge to incorporate 4 themes!
  13. No one's commented on this one? I really liked it! Definitely my favorite of yours from the compo. My only complaint would be to re-record some of the vocals so they're a bit cleaner. And it's mainly just the backing vocals that sound a bit muffled at times. Maybe they just need a little additional EQing? Other than that, the guitars and drums sound pretty clean and crisp to me. The little backing moving arpeggio synth sounds a bit off at times. It sounds a little too much in the background, like you can't tell what it's doing at times. If you raise it too much though, it might sound out of place. I'm not sure. Solid song overall. I'm looking forward to hearing what you do with it!
  14. Have you gotten a chance to update this Akumajo? I just wanted to say I really liked this one from the compo. The only things that bugged me were the "you gotta help me fix.." line cause it kept sounding like it was getting cut off, like it should've overlapped into the chorus. Nice job overall tho!
  15. Congrats on becoming a workshop mod! You've always been incredibly helpful over the years! :)

  16. You're now officially a workshop moderator! Congrats! :)

  17. Congrats! I could not think of 3 more helpful or qualified guys to do this! Seriously, Rozo and Gario have been like unofficial workshop mods forever now. They've both helped me out immensely. So now that we've got some more mods... can one of you take another listen to Smooth Operator?
  18. Now that the album has been out a few weeks, I've had the chance to listen through it a few times. So I just wanted to say thank you and congratulations to Jade and all the mixers that contributed to the project! It exceeded my (incredibly high and hype-driven) expectations in every possible way! Honestly I have to admit I was a little skeptical that a project of such a large scope could be of equally high quality, but I was wrong. Every song on here sounds beautifully arranged, well-produced, and very enjoyable. I won't even try to name some of my favorites, there are so many. I really like how this remix project feels like a natural extension of the original soundtrack. It sounds like Wild Arms and reminds me of Wild Arms, yet is completely original in it's own right. It somehow strikes the perfect balance between recognizable, nostalgic melodies and original, interpretative re-arrangement. I can't describe it, but it just feels right. So yeah, thank you everyone for such an amazing tribute to an amazing game and soundtrack. If anyone hasn't downloaded this yet, YOU NEED TO GET ON IT!
  19. If they are then I apologize and a mod can delete this thread. Honestly I was more interested in seeing play counts on the songs, cause I imagine there'd be a lot of old goodies on the list.
  20. Ooooh nice one! I was hoping this thread would highlight some old forgotten gems
  21. Yeah that's why I specified by play count, so it wouldn't just be a post your favorite mixes list. Also I guess I should've specified to list the count # too. I was just noticing how many plays some of my OCR songs had, so I curious what my highest ones were, so I filtered by play count. Although, I guess in most cases your favorite mixes will be your most played ones (or just your oldest ones).
  22. QUICK! What are your Top 5 OCR songs of all-time that have the highest play count in itunes (or your media player of choice)? List the counts too, if you got them! Mine are: Sonic 3 'Walk on Water' - housethegrate (179) Mega Man 2 'Soap and Water' - AE (145) Mega Man 3 'Intro Jazz' - Zoltan Vegvari (137) Chrono Trigger 'But the Future Refused to Change' - DrumUltima (127) Chrono Trigger 'Dignity Ark' - Ryo Lion (120) My library and play counts date back to 2004.
  23. Cool, is that when the round will start too, or will we have some time to figure stuff out and plan?
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