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Dj Mokram

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    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
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    Synthesis & Sound Design

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  1. Time to fire up that winter holidays spirit, make a snowman and hang a star atop the Christmas tree. 🎄☃️ Glad to help keep that OCR tradition alive and hoping folks will enjoy the heartwarming tunes. Cheers everyone! 🥂✨
  2. Was luckily able to jingle. But from what I gather, unless everyone who signed up suddenly gets a last minute blast of willpower and inspiration (which I hope they do), this is just gonna be Da Coop and me waiting at the bus stop for Mac-daddy Dyne to come pick us up. 😅
  3. This seems like an opportunity to delve into Indian folklore instruments to arrange the credit theme of a 16-bit game very dear to my heart. This is why I love these OCR albums: they are the perfect excuse to try concepts I wouldn't otherwise have dared to try on my own. 😉 Best advice I can give ya @mo.oorgan is to try and enlist someone with some experience as a co-director. At first it will seem manageable on your own, but especially if you've got an aggressive timeline for this many tracks, there's a lot of administrative and HR tasks that can drain your artistic soul dry. Best of luck, and maybe I'll join the effort if/when this gets going. 💪
  4. Wanted to say "here's to 25 more!", but then I'd be liable to make it there alive. 😅 Happy 25th OC ReMix! Looking forward to the celebratory trip down memory lane. 🎂
  5. Here's a little arrange of Silent Hill 2 'True', also containing short leitmotifs from 'Theme of Laura Reprise', 'Promise Reprise' as well as 'Silent Hill theme' from SH1. First time I'm using guitar prominently in a remix (please don't kill me) and attempting to mix it with proper panning, etc. Not trying to fool any of the talented guitarists here of course. Just having a go at putting the fine work of OCR resident Sages, Seph and Josh to good use with this fun learning experiment. Hope it's enjoyable somehow, and happy Halloween season to y'all! 🎃 The main source arranged:
  6. Here's an uplifting Hip-Hop / Breakbeat / World arrangement of 'Japonesque' from Shinobi 3 aka Super Shinobi 2. Just a little project I had fun with and wanted to share. Hope y'all get some enjoyment out of it. (^-^)/ Remix based on this source, composed by Hirofumi Murasaki:
  7. Still listening to PSO Mini Mix on the regular, so I'm happy to see ya revisit this classic. It's a nice change of pace to see you put an exposed guitar at the forefront without your usual processing/FX chain. It solidifies the relaxing summer vibe of this arrange while the voice clip adds that extra nostalgia anchor. Also partial to your wonderful artwork, as HUnewearl hunter was my fav chara design from the orginal PSO. \(^-^)/
  8. The combination of jazz and asian-flavored melody/percussion is done with subtlety and style. FeiLong voice sample is a nice touch too. That bassline is so groovy as well. <3
  9. Excluding the Seiken 2 and 3 remakes, this is the first new main entry Mana game since 2006. It does takes a good few pages from Granblue Fantasy Relink, but that's a good thing. As a fan of this series, I can't wait for Aug 29th! 🎇
  10. As a Koshiro stan, how could I say no? 😉
  11. 'Dawn by the River' is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful character creation theme ever composed. Soothing, evocative, letting your mind wander strategizing about the adventures that awaits. As a sharp contrast, your arrange wastes no time and throws the listener into an intense, life or death battle. Your signature roaring guitar lead and frenetic backing leave no room for doubt as we embark on a role-playing journey of monumental proportions. Around the 1:00 mark things slowly wind down to a more mellow direction, with a soundscape reminiscent of the source, all the while switching to a more moody, almost melancholic style of metal. Then Starleeter makes her entrance with her own beautiful, haunting impression of the original lyrics and her own unique vocal performance. Soon, the time comes for our two heroes to join forces in a whirlwind of energy and emotion made all the more impactful by the sheer contrast of Ariane's mesmerizing voice and the return of Dustin's brutal shreddage. Like ice and fire, antipodes yet a perfect match. Just when you think the peak's of the remix's been reached, the duo goes yet further, in both intensity and range, concluding with a soaring guitar solo that places these two artist not down by the river, but atop the highest summit, towering above before a final accapella accompanies the last decaying guitar note, to let our minds wander to the far reaches of the Forgotten Realms. Thank you both for making and sharing your own vision of this tune. It truly made my day. :)
  12. Glad you didn't waste any time turning that cool concept into a full remix. I can hear the melody much more clearly now, and the sidechaining is less aggressive without affecting low-end presence. Still digging the background voices that add character to the track. Overall this is a joy to listen to, tho I kept waiting for your signature chord-swap to roll-in. Wish you used a little more of the source, but this works wonders for the section you've chosen to arrange. Thanks for sharing as always Ruku. ✨
  13. If life permits I'll jingle dem bells. 🎄
  14. Ok, here's the edit with only 'Underground zone' parts, but some voice clips from Sonic Unleashed too (which original remix was choke full of): https://app.box.com/s/qgweqg79zhxstq9ue13xwixid3ds4to3 Btw, if you're interested in checking all the amazing mash-ups that came out of that compo, the album is here: http://www.darkesword.com/sonic/music/szrc-complete.zip
  15. Dude, that paraglider level was something else. Rain above, spikes below, no rings, questionable controls. GOTY 1992. xD Aqua Lake had pretty great music and so did Sky High zone. Green Hill was a bit meh compared to the Megadrive version tho. I don't think Undaground Zone is hard to arrange in a modern way. Case in point I did a mash up of it with Chu Nan from Sonic Word like a decade ago for the Sonic Zone compo, in the style of Platinum's Vanquish by Masafumi Takada. If you're curious I can try to do an edit of it with only the Sonic 2 GG parts, and update this post with a link.
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