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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. W00T! My chances of getting posted just went from 1 on 7 billions to 1 on 7 millions. Yay! ;P Seriously though, congrats on the achievement good sir. Juggling judge duties, album eval and workshop moderation must be tough, so best of luck with all that.
  2. Oh, I assure you, it really is as good as it looks. If you''ve played (and enjoyed) SFRush2049, you owe it to yourself to try Nitronic Rush. If you're not destroyed when reaching the lower levels, you're stuck in a narrow structure with no other way out than falling into the laser net below.That's proly the programmer's way to give you a chance to score points for your stunt before having to go back to the checkpoint. Not to mention the fact that in Stunt mode, that's also part of the design to fall down, land tricks and get back up using the booster or wings. I hope you're enjoying those wings in Story, because in Hardcore mode they are taken away from you entirely. On the plus side, nailing the tricks and stunts there feels great and the level design is mindblowing, but the courses are made of sheer madness. That's when things really starts looking like Wipeout on PSX or Extreme G on N64 (minus the weapons and competitors that is). The wings-only section are a wonderful homage to Starfox. I was expecting Peppy to pop up anytime and advise me to do a barrel roll. ;P I like how the dev team called the Ancient levels 'unpolished', but they're actually pretty damn good and even have chiptune music at times. Also, anyone tried playing with the van instead of the interceptor?
  3. Cool, props to Obtuse then. Btw, will the previous albums be available on the new site as well?
  4. Ah, great to see the OCC back again this year. As usual, I'm in for another round of wintry-themed remixing. Btw Dyne, since your site (and by definition the OCC's page) is down, what are the current plans for hosting?
  5. Great birthday to koopalings commander CapaLangley, to my fellow puppet-master sci, and to the infamous LeVal 99.
  6. Yeah, nailing down the difficult stunts while racing is a bit complex at first, but when you do, it's very rewarding indeed. One good technique is to boost before a jump, deploy wings and fly up, then fire up the thrusters steadily till you reach the ground. With a little luck, you'll keep spinning when you land and can rack up insane amount of point by doing a little 'breakdancing' with the car. There are things in Nitronic Rush that you simply cannot do in any other racing game. Going through the Story mode first is a good way to get a feel for the possibilities. Then the Stunt mode helps you get a hang of advanced techniques. Hardcore mode is another story though. They've added a ton of gravity based sections and without wings to recover, it gets crazy very quickly. Everyone should try this game, as it really is a lot of fun and a wonderful tribute to the racing games we all know and love. These guys deserve more exposure. Imagine what they could create with proper financial backing from a big company.
  7. Today I'd like to share with OCR one of the most enjoyable indie game I've ever had the chance to play: Nitronic Rush. WEBSITE: https://nitronic-rush.com TRAILER: PLATFORM: PC Start you engines and get ready for my little review of the game. Nitronic Rush is an innovative survival racing game set inside a futuristic computer city that has been infected and transformed by a strange virus. Your mission is to seek the virus core with your interceptor, racing through colorful environments while avoiding computer generated hazards along the way. Best described as the uncanny love child of SanFrancisco Rush 2049, Ridge Racer, Trackmania, Split Second Velocity, Wipeout, Tron, Coolboarders and Starfox (among others), Nitronic Rush is an homage to the racing games from the 90s and the work of a team of students from the DigiPen Institute of Technology. The game features 4 modes, each with their own courses and secret routes, an unlockable ghost feature, and a myriad of achievements to collect as you progress. You can of course choose to rush to the finish line as fast as possible like in any racing game, but that's only half the fun. The catch is that the car you're driving is also equipped with trusters that can propel you in any given direction while you're in mid-air. With that in mind, you're encouraged to execute the craziest stunts and rack up bonus points in an attempt to break highscores while triumphing over evil. You've got a vast amount of freerange in how you can tackle each course, but the emphasis is always on having lots of fun. Note that the game is natively compatible with X360 controllers, and was meant to be played this way. So if you have one handy, you're in for a treat. With its impressive graphics, tight controls, mindblowing car physics, rock solid level design and adaptive challenge, it sounds almost inconcevable that this game could have been created from scratch (without any pre-existing engine) by a group of up-and-coming game devs. Not only that, but it also features a fantastic soundtrack with some excellent and distinctive electronic music that'll get stuck into your head as you navigate the treacherous roads and make your way to the Core. Still not convinced? Well, get ready for a shocker: Nitronic Rush is available now for the incredible price of FREE! That's right free. So go get it now and give it a spin ...and also a double backflip while you're at it. Be prepared to dive into the void with nothing but you reflexes to avoid bottomless pits, giant seessaws, moving walls, falling shards and virus sentinels. Spin, jump, ride on walls and boost your way to the finish. And if the worst comes to worst, you can always deploy your wings and do a barrel roll. (and yes, you can actually do that in this game)
  8. keiiii, I think the album evaluation team and the judge panel would like a word with you. Btw Rozo, what's the word on final WAV deadline? Before the end of the year or 2012? I'm kinda swamped atm, but I'll have a wip for you as soon as time permits.
  9. Been waiting forever for this album and as expected it's nothing short of jawesome. The jazz-hop fusion resonates strongly with me, and there undoubtely was a lot of feeling put into each song. Noticed some 'melody-trademarks' in there, with a few subtle references to other songs of yours like 'elegy of the solipsist'. The piano work is superb and at times (duality) strongly reminiscent of Masashi Hamauzu's work, which is a real treat. I have a feeling Singularity will bring smiles to faces and delight many ears across the globe. You should have opted for 'name your price' though, cause this deserves not only lots of praise but big support as well. What's for sure is that these 13 songs will be on loop in my player for a very, very long time. Thank you for creating such refreshing and inspirational music and sharing it with the world. I wish you a lot of success with your debut album. You sir definitely got soul.
  10. Really enjoyed this one btw. Reminds me of 90s hip-hop and groups like The Pharcyde. Slick beat, nice riff-based melody, and great rapping/lyrics. Kudos to both of you on this collab.
  11. Wasn't familiar with some of the source material but holy crab man: your music is getting more amazing every week. By now you've got the right balance between power, dynamism and flow down to a science. Sharp-as-razor sampling technique, skillful use of vocals and effects such as glitches, phase, scratches, pan, etc. Really enjoyed the heck out of these four mixes, especially the guyver one, which reminded me of your SFIII Empty Street remix. Now, as usual I should tell you to stop fooling around and get an album out already. But I'm beginning to understand that Project R might be something even bigger than that. So if you ever wanna collab or need a touch of ethnic music in there, hit me up bro.
  12. Fantastic cover art bro. It has an aura of mystery about it, while simultaneously presaging great things. I am excite.
  13. ^ This. Good ole Terra Driver is a great action packed yet slightly strategic shmup with an unconventional screen ratio (for the time) and some truly amazing music imho. The soundtrack is a spiritual precursor to Radiant Silvergun, and showcase I think the first ever collab between Hitoshi Sakimoto and Manabu Namiki. The soundtrack was recently re-released as Namiki and Sakimoto now work together at Basiscape Ltd., and it features new arranged versions of some tracks. Anyway, I'm sure you'll enjoy the game ...if you can get your hands on it at a reasonable price.
  14. To one of the influential artists that inspired me to begin remixing VG music. Awesome birthday to you sir Protricity. EDIT: happy birthday also to grand-sigmaster Doulifee and to Salluz as well.
  15. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=24747 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=35647 http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31881Pretty sure it's an official project since Bahamut is at the helm.
  16. Nah don't worry Will, I'm not making multiple claims here. Just stating what game(s) I'll be up for arranging. Gimme a couple days and I'll get back to you guys with a source claim and exemples of my work if needed.
  17. About time Gunpei Yokoi's million-dollar-brick received some more luv around here. I'm up to remix some Metal Gear: Ghost Babel or Gargoyle's Quest. Looking forward to that project coming to fruition. Definitely a great idea. ps: dunno if this has been suggested yet, but Seiken Densetsu - Final Fantasy Gaiden has awesome music.
  18. Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and ...Dodge. If you master the 5D, no amount of balls on earth can hit you.
  19. Fantastic tongue-in-cheek trailer from José, and props to OA for the great cover design. Guess I should have named my track 'Six Severed Heads and an Opium Pipe'.
  20. This take on the Epoch theme is an absolute delight to the ears. melody's cool and refreshing jazz-electro vibe brings an indeniable touch of smoothness (and coolness) to the source. Amaterasu's violin parts are strikingly beautiful and really makes this piece shine, bringing out the emotion in the process. Combine both and you get the recipe for an intense voyage through time and space that will leave a permanent mark in your mind and your heart. A truly moving blend of electronic and acoustic elements that brings a nostalgic smile to your face and transports you to a far away place. No matter whether you're a diehard fan of Chrono Trigger or a hater of all things Squeenix. If you love music in general and video game music in particular, you owe it to yourself to listen to this fantastic arrangement. Thanks to both of you for creating such a brillant and highly enjoyable piece, and congrats on the mixpost.
  21. Holy crab! How in the world did I miss that?! Been waiting for you to release an original album since forever bro. That demo reel made my day, you have no idea. I literally cannot wait for this.
  22. Nah, but since you keep comparing every new remix I make to this one in your album reviews, I figured something was up. ;P Oh, and speaking of album reviews, how about you give this poor three-legged orphan puppet a little love. Also, I love how people make requests, then never check back. LAWL.mp4
  23. Happy 64th birthday! Have a good one JH, you compo-addict you. ;p
  24. http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0189/ Cheers.
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