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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Hey, that logo right here is pretty slick. I know the Iomanoid font is a trademark of the site's persona, but it'd be cool to use a new one sometime. Maybe you guys could organize a community contest, to design the next OCR logo...
  2. I am pleased to announce that all tracks are either done or well underway. As per forum regulations, I cannot disclose much more info on that subject here. But if you've been following this project (secretly or not), stay tuned: we're almost there. Might need help with a few things later on, so I'm leaving the door open for that. Thanks everyone!
  3. One of the catchiest vocal-remix to ever come out of this community, and a favorite of mine on Lucid Dreaming. Every element falls right in place, pacing is great, the vocals aren't overdone, soundscape is rich and has a nice warm color to it. A fun arrangement that is sure to brighten your day (or your NIGHTS). Should've been dubbed: "Protodome - the Happiness Formula". Recommended.
  4. Woke up to this one, made my day. Cool eerie soundscape, nice use of effects and great work on percussions/drums. A little short/ wip-ish but if it's meant to be looped, that's allright. Kudos to you and Psykon.
  5. I'm just gonna leave this here for you guys to enjoy: Now everyone say: "Way to go Michael!"
  6. Been following 8bit Strange since the very first episode, and it hasn't stopped getting better and better. From all the humor and subtle VG references/cameos, to the impecable animation and attention to detail, I loved it. I was worried the format wouldn't translate well in a feature film, but my worries just vanished and this Final Bit went away in a flash. @Rexxz: The intricate merging of so many source tunes from so many well-known games was very impressive imho. The overall quality of the episode was consistent throughout and I had a blast watching it. I just about lost it when Snake summoned Chuck Norris. Brillant. Congrats to all the 8bit Stange team for an awesome season 1. Eagerly awaiting the second season.
  7. Happy to see some Zone of the Ender love here. The string-cut sounds more like an intentional decision, inherent to the particular sampling technique. I'm familiar with hip-hop music so it didn't bother me, but I understand how it might appear jarring to some people. Overall, the piece is very reminiscent of Nujabes's work on Samurai Champloo, which is also one of my fav anime. You've preserved the melodic material with minor variations while dramatically altering the tempo and instrumentation. The absence of Maki Kirioka's vocals isn't even an issue, but I'm sure you could find a clever way to sample them (like in your remix of Shiki no Uta). Great listen. Keep it up.
  8. Been grooving to this Mantle for quite some time now. Like I said to DiGi, it's more G-funk than New Jack, but excellent nonethless. Best way I can describe this one would be: Tha Dogg Pound and Roger 'Zapp' Troutman meets The Streets. ...with a hint of Dj Quick at times. A very smooth treat, even for people unfamiliar with hip-hop music. Follow Tryezz and DiGi's advice: Don't waste no time and make your way to the dancefloor. GO!
  9. Inb4 release: It was a great honor and pleasure to be part of this beast of a fan project. Also, Yuji Naka and team better show up at that listening party, or else...
  10. Sad fact: 'Racing Lagoon' is much less known than his T-rpg counterpart 'Bahamut Lagoon', even though composers are the same.

    Noriko Matsueda and Takahito Eguchi are definitely the shiz, and they've made some truly memorable game music.

    'Darkness' (BGM of the Darkness GP) would have to be my favorite song in the entire OST.

  11. Most excellent. In the vein of the arranged version, but with it's own distinct flavor. Could have been longer though. Nice choice of instruments, neat production and interesting variations on drums and lead melodies. Luv'd the slightly detuned piano chords during the chorus part in particular. Been trying to do that effect for ages... It really has this 'driving at night' feeling reminiscent of games such as Rage Racer and Racing Lagoon. Strange Sunset is one of my favorite theme from Street Fighter EX, and you've definitely done justice to Ayako Saso's work. I'll be sure to check your other works in the future.
  12. ^ This. But most importantly, people need to accept the fact that Squaresoft Co. Ltd. is defunct. Too many folks are sadly still in denial...
  13. Judge queue begins at feb 2011. How come a mix dating from july 2010 is still stuck in there? Jul 2010 - Legend of Dragoon 'Deadbeat' I'm starting to feel sorry for the poor guy/gal. Also, how can there be a remix of Deus EX Human Revolution when the game (and subsequently OST) hasn't even been released yet? ...unless of course, the person who composed the soundtrack walks among us.
  14. Teh awesomeness! Once again, José is da mayne.
  15. Happy summer-birthday to Willrocky and Director Flik!
  16. Give a listen to Opoona's soudtrack. It's a very underappreciated and unique Wii Rpg, with music composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto and all the crew at Basiscape. Also, I recommend checking the soundtrack from Silhouette Mirage. Another lesser known gem-of-a-game, with some invigorating compositions by Nazo² Suzuki. And lastly, try Planetary Pieces, the soundtrack from Sonic World Adventure/Unleashed. It contains songs by veterans Sega composers such as Fumie Kumatani and Hideaki Kobayashi. All of these are sure to brighten your days and put a smile on your face.
  17. This buffet's been a long time coming... A remix that packs a fierce punch with some great performances and tight mixing. An unorthodox combination of talented individualities that is sure to leave you hungry for more. Congrats on the mix post guys & gals, and keep these delicious musical-muffins coming!
  18. I'd be kinda interested to know how many people onboard have played Alter Code F (or the original Wild Arms for that matter).
  19. Scratch that. There better be a REAL party for this. ;D
  20. The word 'awesome' doesn't even begin to describe this. In other news, someone had to relinquish their claim due to unforeseen circumstances. Subsequently, was just re-opened.The good new is: there's a wip already available, that only needs an acoustic guitarist to replace sampled guitars with live ones and makes small adjustments. But the catch is that they won't have a lot of time to do so. Still, track length shouldn't exceed the 2 min mark, so it's fairly manageable. So if you can make that happen, hit me up here or in PM asap.
  21. Feels like it's 1996 all over again and NIGHTS just came out for the Sega Saturn! Wicked sweet packaging right here.
  22. Tom Salta - Scorched Earth (from the H.A.W.X. original soundtrack)
  23. Joel Goldsmith - Countdown to Destiny (from the Stargate Universe soundtrack)
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