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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Congrats to the HV team on being featured at both Destructoid and Indie Gamemag. People in the comments seem genuinely enthusiastic and excited about the game. So am I.
  2. Just saw that many new albums avatars have been added, bringing the total from 18 to 26. Could it be the sign that moar avatars are about to be unleashed onto the unsuspecting masses?
  3. Some of my favorites composers are from NAMCO sound team: Keiki Kobayashi, Junichi Nakatsuru, Hiroshi Okubo, and former members Shinji Hosoe and Ayako Saso. You're only referencing a few ACES here, but there are some great tunes in ACX & X2, Fire of Liberations, the recent Assault Horizon and of course Electrosphere. Back in 2009, I swore if I ever became good at remixing, I'd make a project for that serie in a heartbeat. Now it's 2012 ...and I still suck at arranging VGM. ;P That said, you might get lucky when Brandon's Modern Games project get started, since AC passed the selection during the first round. Additionally, if you can get your hands on it, check the Ace Combat Respect arrange soundtrack. Very cool remixes from the first 'Air Combat' up to 'Unsung War', including .
  4. Contributing a track to the PC ReMix Initiative would be a great way to do that.
  5. Been following this one for ages, patiently waiting in the shadows for some action. And boy, 'Heavenly' is the right word. The trailer just blew my mind, I really wasn't expecting something of that caliber. The level of detail is uncanny for an indie shooter. You've nailed the overall feel, and as a huge fan of Einhander, I can safely say this is a very convincing and fitting tribute. The background scenery reminded me of the colony in Vanquish. Dunno if that's an intentional reference or not... The soundtrack in particular is straight out of a classic 90s japanese arcade game. So nostalgic! You probably know about them if you're the hardcore shmup-fan I suspect you are, but there are other titles influenced by Einhander: by Atlantec, and it's sequel by EastAsia Soft.Also, I loved the old HV logo. It really caught my eye back then, cause it reminded me of Radiant Silvergun. Anyway, can't wait to see what you guys have in store for this. Definitely one of my most anticipated indie games.
  6. Voted (hopefully in time) and if anyone is interested, my bonus mix is up on my site. Thanks everyone for taking the time to sub entries.
  7. This blue design+logo suit the original character/universe of Rockman X better imho. I'm sure the original artist could add flames in the background while keeping the blue X with blue/yellow logo. I understand that the album concept calls for carnage on the coverart. But tbh, in the red one X looked like he had turned Maverick himself. ;P
  8. Nobody mentioned K-Murdock's FF6 album, Hero Muzik: http://neosonix.bandcamp.com/album/hero-muzik-vol-1 Though I gotta admit, this made me choke a bit: So, direct-sampling the game audio, ripping Amano's chara-design and selling 35$ collector editions is respectful?Don't get me wrong, the music IS cool. But how on earth does he manage to get away with this much copyright infringement?
  9. Having listened to all your albums, I can safely say this is the weirdest. And I know that's a bold statement considering your music is pretty quirly to begin with. Some tracks sound like french rap (Unrelenting Hate), french electro (Chagrin) or just generic pop (In Your Eyes). Others are literally pushing the boundaries of repetition tolerance from a listener perspective (Startup, I'm Ever Cold, Staff Credit). And that comes from someone who listened to sample-based music most of his life. Then, in the middle of all this Duosis, we find some real J64H gems, carefully hidden amongst the lot. Delightful songs such as Chasing Sunrays, New Beginning (and its reprise), Remember and the exquisite Ocean Riff are exactly what I'm expecting from a quality JH release. Overall, I get the concept of duality you brought in these Psychosis Sessions (yes, that what I'm calling them from now on), and it takes guts to experiment so boldly with so many styles. In the end, it's gonna be hit or miss depending on the audience, but there are definitely some gold nuggets in there for the discerning listener.
  10. I was gonna ask about the next deadline, but I see you've got the whole schedule covered. Much appreciated sir.
  11. Brandon can confirm this, but I'm pretty sure Scott Pilgrim already won in the first round.DXHR and the others will gladly welcome your vote though.
  12. Glad to see people are enthusiastic about the source. Hoping to find the time to work on a bonus mix myself.
  13. Not at all. Head to the recruit & collaborate section and create a new thread for your project there. Good luck.
  14. Someone posted a very interesting comment on that FB page: Might be wrth investigating... And these are the first results I get.
  15. Still can't believe a deaf guy composing with a gamepad won one (let alone three) round. Also, am I really the first person to do a Hat Trick in this compo? Tbh, one song might sound appealing to a person and horrible to another. 'Good' is subjective.The last two sources I picked were met with underwhelming reaction (proly due to the 'Big N' bias). I just hope #211 won't turn into a zero entry round...
  16. Kyle is Boss. He gave home to many albums in recent years, not only making them possible in the first place, but also easier to organize. Despite his modesty at times bordering on self-depreciation, he's done more for the remix community than he cares to admit. Awesome birthday to you sir. You rock!
  17. I'm not afraid Will, but there hasn't been any announcement, deadline or update (even internally) since rocktober. So understandably I'm a little concerned, that's all.
  18. I tried warning the staff in irc and posted in the Wild ARMS thread, but was met with little to no reaction. So in a desperate move, I decided to hit the last hope of mankind: no, not Mirby. The KNGI chatbox. ;P Glad to see people are finally taking this seriously though, cause this is serious business. And it seems that what I uncovered was only the tip of the iceberg... I remember Stevo kicking their ass last year, when they tried selling Lucid Dreaming. Attempting to make a profit from someone's work without their consent is just plain robbery. These scumbags need to be stopped before they can do anymore damage to everyone.
  19. Un-fucking-believable! 3 albums full of people's hard work being stolen and sold for profit by these scumbags.Weren't the links taken down in less than a day last time, when the same case happened with LD? This cannot be stressed enough. For great justice! Don't lose hope and keep listening. You might be surprised in a good way.
  20. Attn OCR Staff: legalsounds.com is selling the album! http://www.legalsounds.com/download-mp3/wild-arms_--armed-and-dangerous/album_567378 I think it's the same site that tried to sell Lucid Dreaming a while back.
  21. Uploading a track always makes me cringe at how broken the user interface is. However, I've noticed that the bot-infested forums have been wiped clean. Gives me hope that change is on the way for ThaSauce's design in 2012.
  22. ^ This. If the game is allowed, you can definitely sign me up for a Deus Ex medley of sorts.
  23. ^ This, pretty much. ^ And this. Average pop has always followed the same recipe: plain melodies, simple drum patterns and catchy chorus that gets stuck in people's head. Only difference are the faces/voices/asses/personality-disorder of the shooting stars being brought on the stage that day. Add to the mix some mass advertising and social/peer pressure, and you've got a craptastic tale eternally retold. Everything else is a subjective matter, as is anything that involves personal tastes.
  24. Fair enough. Then I'd like to bring back Deus Ex Human Revolution from the grave and add +1 vote to it.
  25. Great birthday to both of you ThaSauce veterans.
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