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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. The tracklists for v2 and v3 are indeed fixed, but every song from these two volumes now redirects to a 404.
  2. ARMed and DANGerous is now up on VGMdb. Jade's backstory in the album writeup is a truly moving display of passion and fan commitment. A real inspiration for anyone aiming one day to direct such a project. *sheds manly tears*
  3. Forcing people to provide a MID file will instantly reduce the game list to titles popular enough to have been covered on sites like VGmusic.com. Obscure games coverage will most likely suffer from this choice, but paradoxically this might also solve the problem of attendance. We'll just have to hope for the best and see how it goes.
  4. Wait, this can't be right. ...ok, looks like the video description indeed features the following typo: Discretely replace that with PSX before fans catch up to it and start plundering your Berry Cave. ;DTrailer is fantastic as usual, Jose rocks the house. Wild HYPe!
  5. Well, that's too bad the PMM visual novel had to be cancelled, but you stuck till the end and that's what matters. And it shows: you've killed it man. Really captured the spirit of both the anime and Yuki Kajiura's work. Really good and versatile album right there. Mellow emotional pieces flirt with eerie unsettling tunes, while high energy rock share the stage with ethereal pads and uplifting world music for good measure. Dreams of Happiness just blew me away, reminding me at times of the Chrono Cross soundtrack and .Might I be so bold to ask what you used to make this piece? Was it live instrumentation? Also, some tracks reminded me of Biohazard, like for exemple when listening to 'My Oath', I can't help but hear . Same with 'Loss of my Heart' which reminded me of Credit Line from Biohazard 2. Not that it's a bad thing mind you. Anyway, I know how it feels to finally be able to share something you've been working on and had to keep under wraps. So congrats on the release, and again for an awesome job on this soundtrack Calum. It was a real treat to listen to.
  6. It's the acronym for 'Ancient Relic Machines'.
  7. Glad to see you getting involved into more community albums bro.

    Now turn it up to eleven and show 'em how it's done! 8)

  8. Proly gonna give a shot to last round's source (from Warlords III). Sparse and challenging material to work with, should be fun.
  9. Not just dates, entire tracklists have been swapped between these two albums. vol.3 is vol.2 and vice versa. Additionally, all links (aside from OCC vol.4) are redirecting to the main site with a 'not found' message. All in all, minor fixes really. Please resub.
  10. Technically, Kojima was done with Metal Gear after the first one. But his former collegues convinced him to make MG2 Solid Snake, and it was a masterpiece. Later, when he said that he was gonna pass the rod to his team for MGS4, he received death threat from angry fans, which provided incentive to continue directing. So, not only this has already happened to Metal Gear, it will happen again, cause it's standard policy for mangas, animes, movies and videogames since the 80s. There is no compelling reason for Konami, or any big game company out there not to stretch a popular franchise and squeeze it dry with Hollywood-style sequelitis. Now on topic: armored Vamp wielding a freaking hi-frequency blade while battling Raiden on top of a moving train. Wait, what?
  11. All I can say is: cannot wait to see the front cover now. Critical EXCITE Hit!
  12. Nothing really, because: Most people tend to stick with what they already know. That's the sad reality the PRC has to face. I guess if you're not forced to mash'em up together then yeah, it's could probably work in a cool kind of way. Sounds needlessly complicated for such a small-sized event. Plus, that would imply many people are interested in the compo, which isn't the case atm. I was under the impression that we weren't entering the PRC for the 'prize', but rather for the fun of exploring uncharted gaming territories. Try to imagine the headache this would give to our friendly compo organizer Bundeslang... You will never get anyone to do or like anything by forcefully shoving it into their throat (or ears in this case). If people are set on listening to Sonic or Final Fantasy, no amount of El Viento or Kickmaster in the world is gonna change that. Yeah, this is what I like the most as well. But as mentioned before, chance of people giving a try to a game they don't know are slim to begin with. Dude, that's my mission statement right here. Glad I'm not the only one in this boat. This is an easy one: because people are way too busy arranging popular music from popular games they know and love. ;D
  13. Freaking loved Vanquish, but I'm worried about Metal Gear potentially sliding into mid height cover military shooter with brown color palette. Plus, the prospect of another MGS starring sissy-girl-turned-badass-Raiden isn't that appealing to begin with...
  14. No offense sir, but: are you serial? But yes, it is. Look: That right here is called a collection/compilation. That's the closest thing to an album release really. Nope. It decides for them. That's a cowardly and despicable practice known as: 'replacing freedom of choice with bias'. So you wanna make albums of regular mixes just so they compete with OCR albums for marketshare of listeners from inside the community. Fixed. And we've come full circle. Agreed. Simple to put into motion and effective. Partiality though, is still somewhat unavoidable.
  15. @Binweasel: If not for the fact that sometimes people are struggling to find one song to remix, that could be a good idea. Having options might make it easier to get started, but having to mash up sources will needlessly complicate the compo. That's especially true for the folks not wanting to remix in the first place, simply because they aren't familiar with the game. For those, whether there is one or five source to choose from isn't gonna matter. Only the game in question will. And this issue is at the core of what's been plaguing the PRC for months: the lack of participation.
  16. How come OCR just released its 30th album, yet there are only 18 albums avatars available?
  17. I just can't think of... wait, what? Not implying in any way that my suggestions are de facto solutions to the 'problem'. Simply advising you to read posts in their entirety before passing judgement on someone you don't know. That, we can agree on.
  18. Will you guys ever consider making an 'OCR 10 years anniversary' shirt? Could be a cool way to celebrate the site's success and spread the word at the same time.
  19. There's no word to describe how amazing this would be if it were to happen for Badass volume 2. Considering the quality of 'The Curse of Yamato' and the fact that the only CL mix on OCR belongs to you, I'd say: this is a job for Mr Roe.
  20. Definitely great to hear that sir, but sadly, PRC might not be around for much longer unless more people support it as well. On topic: fact remain, there's going to be much more albums created (and released) in the near future, whether they're for popular games or obscure ones. Which means the backlog of TBP remixes will inevitably increase, whereas djp's days aren't going to stretch to 48hrs so he can post 10 mixes with writeups a day. Unless you can stop OCR's site & community growth in size and popularity (but why would you?), there simply isn't any practical solution to the exposure problem. Aside of course from raising the quality bar again to only allow game industry level remixes past the panel, or impose another moratorium on album projects. Last option would be to allow another senior staff member to post remixes, but as everyone knows: only djp can djp.
  21. Looking forward to yet another smexy cover artwork.
  22. Sure. Now if only there was a way for album directors to cover lesser known games... Wait a minute, there is! It's called taking a risk.
  23. Fixed. Can people handle this much badassery?
  24. Future indeed doesn't seem bright, and it saddens me very much, because the clear goal of PRC to cover previously unarranged games is what made this compo so great and unique. Plus, the spirit of camaraderie and mutual growth present in every round I was able to enter made it all the more enjoyable. But at the same time, arranging obscure titles is proly what discourages most people looking for exposure through their remixes, as giant compos like the GRMRB have demonstrated. As painful as it is to admit, it seems that exploring new soundtracks for the fun of arranging isn't appealing anymore for most people. That said, if DoD can be immensely popular by having themed monthly compos that often cover lesser known games, then there's no reason why PRC couldn't. Bundeslang, I think you just need to take a step back to find out what makes a competition popular, and rethink the approach as well as the promotion. I'll be up to help cause I really do not want to watch another compo slowly fade away (r.i.p. ORC and ARC). Let's bring back the PRC to life!
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