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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. You do realize that Inafune flat out refused to work on this game because he wanted Rockman X to remain an action serie only. Command Mission was produced and directed by Capcom Studio 3, the team behind the Breath of Fire serie. That's why it has so many similarities with BoF V - Dragon Quarter released two years earlier. As surprising as that may sound, Command Mission is one of my all time favorites RPG. Just love the overall setting, refreshing battle system, interesting character devellopment (in comparison to previous X entries), and kickass soundtrack. The english dub was atrocious though, and the only (legal) way to hear some proper voiceacting was getting the jap version with a jap gamecube. For those interested, the differences between GC and Ps2 version were that the former had a more consitent framerate while the second had a demo of X8. That's it! To those complaining about random encounters: use Cinnamon's Force Metal Generator to refine a "Caution", which just about halves ennemy encounters.
  2. Now, if only a few charitable souls were willing to make that miracle happen. Also, still in need of a short 30s to 1min interlude. Anyone willing to help, please check the OP for details, then hit me up here or in PM.
  3. With Sega now being part of Sega-Sammy Holdings, their focus is on: -raping Sonic over and over while letting their old franchises die (SoR anyone?) -publishing great games that nobody plays (Valkyria Chronicles, Vanquish) -building Pachinko machines (which apparently generate some decent profit) So unless North Armerica and Europe suddenly get the Pachinko fever, the hopes of seeing a new Sega Mark are indeed very slim.
  4. Indie developpers and indie composers, working hand-in-hand to make the video games of tomorrow. and Congrats, and have fun scoring this one guys!
  5. First, I wanna say that's a wonderful idea for a project, and a long overdue tribute for this underappreciated yet fantastic game serie imho. Now here's my strong advice: focus on BoF I & II for now (cause you're leaving too much Alph Lyla/Takehara tracks out already). If that one works out (interest rises, people join, album gets done, officially or not) then go on to make one for III & IV. On the other hand, if you wanna do the real thing and be thorough, aim for an arrangement collection of the 2006 "Breath of Fire Original Soundtrack Special Box". It represents the first ever complete soundtrack release for BoF I, II and III ...and also contains over three hundred tracks, I know. ;p But whatever you decide on doing, do not throw a few Dragon Quarter tracks in there just to group this game with the other entries. As any real BoF fan will tell you, the Fifth installment is a radical departure from the serie, both musically and game strucure/mechanics-wise. Plus, it's kinda unethical to be directing projects about games you haven't even put in your console (which I assume since you've stated having only played BoF I and III). Thanks and best of luck with your project Brian. Oh, and btw: Not even close. The BoF serie as a whole roughly sold around 3 million copies. It definitely can't hold a candle to Monster Hunter when it comes to sales figures. MH as a franchise represents more than 13 millions units sold worldwide and is Capcom's most successful RPG to date. Cheers.
  6. Here are a few underrated gems that may have flown under everyone's radar: Stella Deus (Ps2) Princess Crown (Saturn) Odin Sphere (Ps2) Opoona (Wii) Radiant Silvergun (Saturn) Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter (Ps2) Rockman X Command Mission (GameCube) Vanquish (X360/Ps3) Dark Sector (X360/Ps3) Oboromuramasa has already been cited a few times, and I wholeheartedly agree.
  7. Hai Sega. How about hiring some competent people to handle your old franchises? Instead of, you know, serving your fans the usual cash-in compilations of old games, quickly ported to disc with no additions? But you were proly still busy trying to help Sonic make that jump to 3D that nobody wants him to make. This is possibly the best SoR game (n)ever made. Let's hope Sega offer them to port the remake (or develop a brand new SoR) for xlive or psn. That would be the best happy-ending ever in the history of indie gaming (yet sadly the most unlikely to happen).
  8. Dunno if it's due to me loving the heck out of Yoko Kanno's work or being familiar with this particular piece, but I find it to be a truly moving arrangement. Very poetic take on the OP song. The pacing is excellent and you've used the source in a lot of creative ways. You really did a number on the celtic vibe with those violins, soaring strings and the supporting piano parts. Percussions are also very appropriate for the genre but my main concern would lie in the break from 2:18 to 2:28. While you did a great job at merging the militaristic percussive elements and drumrolls into the overall instrumentation for most of the song, this part puts percus in the foreground, exposing them as a little too crude/bare, and somewhat on the dry side of things. The pattern is also slightly too simple for a drum-centric break, so you could try to spice it up a little. Appart from a mild personal bias on the percus, fantastic work as usual. Now I need to watch Tenku no Escaflowne all over again!
  9. Shouldn't be too difficult finding some delicious morotskaka in Söder. Now replace the beer with a lovely lady of scandinavian descent and we're in business. Also, I luv how a Stockholm meetup somehow got derailed into an European one. ;D
  10. Allright, so all tracks that were on the original list (including the original extras) are now claimed. We are still accepting bonus tracks though, and are also looking specifically for an interlude. Hit the OP for the list of sources and details on that process.
  11. Thanks for putting this smile on my face: The piano is expressive, has a rich, crisp sound to it and a deepness that fits the mood of this piece like a glove imo. Drums are punchy yet not too aggressive, though the loud hi-hat makes the beat more hip-hop geared. The bass (mix of fret & slap?) wraps around the percussive elements, complementing them really well. The ethereal pads coupled with the reverb-coated voice clips succeed in building a tangible dreamscape and dreamy atmosphere. My only real gripe is that the shakuhachi sample may be a bit too incisive on the ears. It feels a little like waking up from a pleasant dream ...to the sound of an alarm clock. ;P The overall interpretation is lively and engaging, with interesting variations and a nice attention to detail in the instrumental performances. As usual, digging the emotion you put in your music, and that cool, distinctive jazzy vibe that keeps my ears glued to the music till the end. Best of luck with the sub! Can't wait to hear what else you have in store for 2011.
  12. ^ This. Luv'd BoF I, III and V, so in total agreement with you regarding the game, except maybe for this: The soundtrack for BoF V was composed in its entirety by Hitoshi Sakimoto. Mitsuda was lightly supervising from a distance (i.e. putting his name somewhere on the project). But indeed, the music is excellent (reminds me of his work on Radiant Silvergun at times) and very underrated, much like the game. Oh, and it's not Mitsuda & Sakimoto only collaboration btw. They worked together on the soundtrack of Legaia Duel Saga (along with freaking Michiru Oshima!) among other things.
  13. Bio Hazard 'Save-Room' themes are usually effective at breaking the tension of getting munched by zombies... or in the case of Zero, by leeches. While sticking close to the (short) source material and spreading it over an extended time span, you've managed to build a strong feeling of loneliness. The samples could work if the soundscape was busier, but the fact they're completely exposed won't fool the mods or the audiophiles for very long. Delay effects are little too rigid, and since the strucutre is based on repetition, it gets flat after a while somehow. Some gentle strings might help support the piece, rather than leaving all the work to the piano-string sample. As for the ending SFX, I'd say: keep the rain/thunder, remove the birds (if you can), crossfade-in, and drop a few db in the process. That being said, I enjoyed this calm and moody, quasi Yamaoka-esque take on the theme. With more polish on sound-design/prod and the addition of a few breaks for a change of pace, this could end up being a pretty neat arrangement. And if this is indeed your very first foray into remixing, then kudos for taking the time to craft a song that needs to be enjoyed slowly. Emphasis in the OP that it's an AMBIENT piece, so that people don't get stuck waiting for any crazy synth-solos, guitar shreddage or unts unts. Keep at it and good luck.
  14. Yahtzee joke aside, the same could be said of any Resident Evil, in theory. Yet, everyone got little underwear stains during the Racoon City incidents. And blanketing everything with fog in an attempt to mask hardware limitations isn't really making things scarier. At least not for me. Well, we're not talking about the second run when even on Hard/Zealot you can obliterate anything in 1 sec with the trusty C99 Supercollider. We're talking about the very first playthrough of the game, when you start as Isaac - the friendly weaponless engineer. xD
  15. Give Dead Space some luv will ya. Also, I second Amnesia The Dark Descent. This will give you some sweet, sweet nightmares...
  16. From the top of my head (proly forgetting half of them): Ace Combat IV & V Arc the Lad III Bonic Commando 2009 Breath of Fire III Contra III / Super Probotector Dead Space 2 Demon's Crest Devil May Cry 3 Dragon Ball Z - Super Butoden 2 (SFC) Fallout 3 Fantasy Zone 2 - Tears of Opa Opa F.E.A.R. - Perseus Mandate Final Fantasy VI & XII Front Mission 3 Gradius III and Gradius V International Superstar Soccer Deluxe Megaman 2 and Megaman Zx Advent Metal Gear Solid 3 and Peace Walker Rage Racer Raiden III Resident Evil 2 & 4 R-Type III - The Third Lightning Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2) Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master SnK vs Capcom 2 - Millionaire Fighting 2001 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (master system) Splinter Cell 3 - Chaos Theory Street Fighter II and SF III 3rd Strike Streets of Rage 2 Super Castlevania IV and Order of Ecclesia Super Metroid & Metroid Fusion Syphon Filter - Dark Mirror (psp) TLoZ Links Awakening and TLoZ The Minish Cap Thunder Force IV Wonderboy III - The Dragon's Trap Zone of the Enders - the 2nd Runner *braces himself for impact*
  17. Yup Kuz. The wip is still standing in my "to finish" folder from 2009. Alas, many IRL and OL obligations force me to prioritize somehow.

    Just know that I haven't forgotten your request simply cause I could never forget anything related to my favorite VG composer, Hitoshi Sakimoto. ;)

  18. Don't forget to take revision costs into consideration. There's very little chance people will say amen to the very first iteration of each song you present to them. So it's up to you to determine if you wanna include that in each song's pricetag or treat it as a separate cost. Depending on the scope of the projet/studio size, you can for exemple offer a certain number of revisions for free, then charge extra if they exceed that threshold. Like everything else, simply discuss it and clarify things before signing your contract. In a similar fashion, do not overprice yourself by asking for 900$ per minute if you're working for a small company or independant developper. That would be overkill. Sometimes, it's better suited to try and cut a royalty deal on sales rather than clumsily trying to push for the big check up-front. Best of luck.
  19. Having finished the jap import version a few weeks ago, here's a few pointer as to what to expect. And don't worry, this will be spoiler free. The 3rd Birthday, much like PE 1 & 2 is a pretty unique experience, in that it only takes the basic concepts/main characters and create a completely new game. They gave Aya her anorectic look from PE1 back, with the familiar (yet refined) weapon loadout, but minus the body armor/vest and tool customization. Biggest change is in the Parasistic powers which are now handled by tweaking your own DNA with Materia like orbs that you have to combine in order to create more powerful or completely new abilities. But aside from one particular ability, there is no way to 'use powers' like in the previous games. They're more of a latent thing that activates when you meet certain conditions in battle. The main focus of the gameplay has been shifted on typical run & gun play (including suppressing fire, evasive moves and mid-height cover) and Liberation, which is Aya's very own Limit Break. The best and most honest way I can describe how this third game in the serie feels is: it's Prototype meets Chaos Legion and Gears of War. I cannot elaborate on that without giving spoilers so I won't. This chapter in the saga is really the result of intense west-washing aka the desire to appeal to western audience with military focused action. But the fans shouldn't worry, as the basic setting and elements of the prior games are still in there somewhere. They're just hidden under the top-notch chara-design, the 'through-the-roof' prod values and the stunning cutscenes. ;p At least Yoko Shimomura brought back the A-game with a fantastic soundtrack full of beauty, scares and of course familiar tunes as well. Oh, and one very important thing before you guys play the game: Contrary to what it seems, Aya has not been given the 'Metroid Other M' treatment. Do not let Aya's voice acting / seemingly wimp-personality ruin your experience. There's a reason for this that will be explained during the game. Enjoy your third birthday! (or your first if you're new to PE)
  20. So B man, what's the plan? Are those Demons ready to dance or what?

  21. Nah, you're right on schedule and this Bliss ends with a bang. Nice work EC. ;)

  22. Just so people realize you're not kidding: There might also be risk of nuclear plant accidents, which could potentially be really disastrous. Good luck to you Chipp and to everyone who's on site right now.
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