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Posts posted by Lampje4life

  1. Hey Rene! Alles goed? :) 

    Which VSTs are you using for the synths? It sounds a bit lowfi (unintentionally) and... Cheap? For the lack of a better word. It could be that you're not optimizing the VST and synth sound that you're using. Like the pluck that comes in at 0:04, it sounds way too bright in comparison to the background. And the main melody playing at 0:29 is too buried, and lacks a bit of Attack and Decay. The synth playing at 0:41 is better than the other ones, but feels a bit timid and bland, but the base synth at least works for that part. The gating after 0:55 is pretty cool though, but could benefit from an automated filter or anything at all, just to make it a little more interesting.

    The pitching "sirene" sound at 2:47 repeats a few times and I'm not sure if that's a sample or actually a gliding note or automating the pitch, but if it's the latter, then you could also make it go down, go all around, do some variations... That sound is pretty good but copy pasted it loses shine quickly.

    Feel free to hit me up on the OCRemix Discord and send me a PM so we can possibly screen share a bit back and forth if you're open for that :) My apologies for the raw critics on this one - you shouldn't necessarily change the piece as it is, but it's always beneficial to go into a new project with a few extra tricks up your sleeve so you keep learning and improving. 



    Went back to the old ending, since I think it fits best. Yes it's boring but it seems a cooldown is most suited, I've tried toying around with some synths or like a piano but the contrast is too big to the rest of the song (or my skills are lacking) (probably the latter).

    Put the leads more on the foreground and did some more balancing. The judges were "okay" with the ending as is I think so apart from that, is there anything I should address before resubmitting? Or are you sure that the ending is going to get shut down like it's Duck Hunt? I never resubmitted anything and am not sure if judges just tackle one thing then another after resubmission... 


    Anyway, would love to hear your thoughts once more! 


    (EDIT: Just noticed the crash at 2:32 has some weird bass, I layered an FX Kick over it for testing with different endings, forgot to remove so I'm going to change that back)



  3. Almost a year later. I. Suck. At. Mastering.

    First of all, thanks for the constructive feedback. If I didn't fix that thing you took a lot of time to write out and explain: it's because of the lack of skill/time/etc.

    But I have moment like these where I am dedicated to get this posted!


    Anyway, this is where I'm currently at:


    I've done some mastering and added elements that are rather minor so you probably wouldn't hear much difference apart from obviously, mastering.



    Still not sure what to do with the ending :( It's like, so energetic up until then and whatever I try throwing at it it's such a big contrast to the rest of the song. Blegh. 

    Feedback is very much appreciated! Let me know what to fix before resubbing!


    EDIT: Now topic is "ready for review"

  4. Good job everyone!

    23 hours ago, TheChargingRhino said:

    Are we doing sources? 

    Track #13 is a Remix of "On the other side of the mountain" from FF7.

    I remember there were years that included a readme/writeup about source tracks. It's enjoyable to find a source you recognise while listening.

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