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Harmonious Dissonance

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Status Updates posted by Harmonious Dissonance

  1. I was down in orem last summer, But I didn't get a chance to actually go around and sightsee.

    ...How exactly is it weird?

  2. I will. Also, Assuming no game systems other than the Wii?

  3. I'll do it if you'd like. Just send me a message with the themes of the bosses and how many attacks.

  4. I'm here. I've just been lurking for reasons unknown.

  5. Instead of a slut? xD Skype is just the only messenger that doesn't lag my desktop to hell, So its what I use.

  6. Its fine. It kinda failed anyway..

  7. Lol. I actually never beat him. I always died somehow just before killing him.

  8. Lol. Sorry about that. It was early morning and I hadn't had any sleep.

  9. Nah. It's just I realized I only actually know Halt and Just64. And I would like to know more people

  10. Oh by the way, Im introducing myself to one member a day, And today's member is you! I'm HarmDis, Nice to meet you :D

  11. Ok. But i've had other things to keep me busy so I really wasn't minding you taking your time. I honestly wouldn't have bothered you until the 23rd though. Although I might have raged a bit ;p

    Oh, By the way...

    I snuck into your house last night at 3am and called the devil. He'll be there to visit sometime next week.

  12. So according to your sig this month is all about me and my family? (last name is moss)

  13. So I failed compltetely with my asumptions, then.

    Anyway, Thanks for telling me :D

  14. So I heard IrateResearchers the Red was riding a positive rhythm?

  15. So, I was going to make an "Uncle Sam" photo for you as a welcome but I was too lazy to go find the picture.

    In consolation: Welcome to OCR!

  16. Sterling Tyler Moss at your service.

  17. Thanks for telling me! I'll check the website when I get onto my actual computer.

    I don't speak Dutch, My friend. I'm a bit of a slow learner so the only language I'm fluent in is English. I know quite a few words and phrases in other languages but I wouldn't survive in another country where I had to speak the native tounge.

  18. Welcome to OCR!

    I hope you have a good stay :D

  19. Well it is assumed to be walking you must be living, In some form. Even if its just in the form of being animate. But anyway.. -sits-

  20. What exactly IS the SkyBlazer? Mini pelvic thrusts while playing megaman? (Completely serious question here, And assumption of the game)

  21. Why? xD Its not really anything special.

  22. You fed the trolls worse than I do. But at least you gave them a mouthful.

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