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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Carpenter-looking dude who died for people's sins (supposedly). Anywho, I love this mix for it's simpleness and the main event, Birdcussion! This was the first mix I added when I got here and it's so peaceful and relaxing. Good switch of gears, Prot!
  2. Oh, sweet jesus. This is........whoa.....man. I couldn't even think of a good review to give when I heard this. It was just too much greatness at one time. So much good stuff in one six and a half minute song and it blew me away! I didn't even realize "Run, Rambi, Run" was used for a long time after I heard it until someone mentioned it. And the name is just as cool.
  3. Sweet! I'm loving how this goes into three parts. It's almost like three Remixes in one! I can kinda hear the POTC stuff everyone else is talking about in my favorite part, the Boss Bossanova mix. From 4:14 to the end is just simply epic. It gave me chills. My only complaint is the echoing chime-like guitars in the Ice part of the mix. Not too keen on them. But then again, the positives completely outweigh my one small gripe. Right on, Prot! (I'm not even gonna bother asking about Pt. 2. If he does it, he does it.)
  4. Protricity has always been one of my favorite remixers since I've been coming to the site, and remixes like this one is why. I'll agree with some others by saying that this is probably his best mix. Starting out so smoothly with the SFX of crickets and bayou life to great piano/guitar sections. A very well done piece by Prot.
  5. Interesting. I really like how this seems to have a more upbeat groovin' feeling while maintaining the cool, crisp, relaxing flavor of the original tune. I can hear a high amount of source tune, but seeing as you still made it your own, (and the best out of the hundred other mixes of this mix, IMO), I like it. Bravo.
  6. Impressive. The guitars did their job and let this piece flow. By that, I mean it was hard, and it was rocking, but it kept the good "final boss" feeling that the first meeting with King K. gave. Nice work, Snappleman.
  7. Agreed. You're the man, Arek. Good luck to Arek and everyone else in making this project fully awesome! I'm rooting for you guys! (Doing the whole KSS game now? I'm impressed with this ambition. )
  8. This sounds nice for a first work. I'd have to agree with everyone else and say that from a background standpoint, this is good. Just try experimenting with leads (as well as fixing the drums a hair) and see if you can get that extra "something" that will push it to the next level. Other than that, I'm loving the dark feeling of this tune. Good for a dungeon.
  9. Whooo! Now that's a nice sounding tune! Sounds great.
  10. How dare you!? Rapping, bah! And I thought you would have stopped after that whole "Spittin Narcissism" deal. Some Remixers just don't learn. (For those who can't take a joke, I'm being sarcastic. Loved both songs.) I look forward to the finishing touches to this in 2010. Should be an awesome year!
  11. Million dollar question right there. Does this mean that this project lives?
  12. So, basically, this is like 97% done and your waiting for Nintendo to release a date on Gold and Silver:?: Sweet.....
  13. And the album takes one giant step towards being finished! Oh yeah!
  14. Finally! I've been waiting for someone to try the 2nd race from this game and this rocks! I can't wait for the vocals because the lyrics are awesome!
  15. Sweet! I never thought anyone would touch this game's soundtrack, but after hearing this, I'm hoping the other tracks get the same kick-ass sound you gave this one!
  16. I knew about the Youtube Remixes (except for this channel. These ones are new to me). I meant an official one for the site, but thanks all the same.
  17. Very nice. The Spanish flair of this one was great and I liked the tempo change myself. I imagine others will have a problem with the change, but either way, I enjoyed it. And it has nothing to do with me liking Vega more than anyone else either.
  18. If some ReMixes "U.N. Owen was her" it'll be epic! That's one of my top ten game songs.
  19. Holy monkey balls! Robin and Wise on the track!? I mean, I kinda saw it coming, but knowing it to be true is amazing!!!
  20. Slow, dark and melodicly beautiful. This paints the picture of a funeral perfectly, and while I'm not sure that should be a good thing, it's a great thing here. Well done, loved every second!
  21. Amazing. While the clips took me a while to enjoy, I loved it! Diddy's "ow" bits was full of win.
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