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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Cool! This is an interesting ReMix. I must admit that I was never high on the SMB3 underwater theme, but this grand take on it makes me rethink that. The bells section was great and I enjoyed the nice use of the instruments for this. Encore, analoq!
  2. A bit too short and it sounds like it could have been expanded at the end, but it works for me. The intro and the beginning piano are gold. The sitar is probably the best part. This mix would work in a street market in the more eastern countries IMO. Like I said, short, but recommended.
  3. A crazy and goofy little tune. I'll probably be one of maybe fifty people in the world to say that I always liked the SMB2 overworld theme more than the original Mario theme. That being said, being close to the original source was a plus for me and those instruments made me smile.
  4. Light, bouncy, peaceful and overall, an instant classic. Just being able to make a theme that seemed to loop every thirty seconds last about four minutes sound this good is almost criminal. The piano and guitars bring on that great idea that someone else said about being a hidden track on Brawl. Great job!
  5. In this cold weather, a tropical paradise sounds good right now. This ReMix is amazing! 7 themes over the course of 6 games and it doesn't feel rushed to just thrown together. Now, that's a mega mix if I ever heard of one. Very good island-like feel to it. Nice!
  6. Okay, so just did mine and for a non 102% run, I got a personal best of 1hr 50 min. Considering that Web Woods and Bramble Scrambe took up most of my time, and I didn't die much besides that, I'm pleased. Now I need to try a 102% run (I'm thinking it'll take another hour and a half because I forgot where most of the bonuses are.)
  7. Ditto. I think it sounds great, but it's a little.....yeah. Now, I can handle this kind of music. It's okay, but prehaps a longer, clean verison without the sounds would be better for the site. Still, this is always great for a laugh.
  8. This mix is really good. I really think that this is a bit of an improvement over the original, because the original was great, but being surrounded by lava normally brings on heavier music instead of "bop", right? Well, a rock verison with multiple guitars and some sweet drum work seem take it to that level. Nice work.
  9. With a few exceptions like Emu, I think a lot of us are just doing a "from beginning to end" speed run, so probably not.
  10. I know how you feel. Wow, my Birthday is in 3 weeks! This is going to be the best present for me if it does come out next month! Go DJP!
  11. This is pretty sweet. The previews sound amazing and I can't wait for this to come out. Mustin's "Arnold" impressions were dead on. On a side note: SNES's Rainbow Road? ........Yeah, it was better than the others.
  12. Alright, sounds good. I'll do it tomorrow (College project tonight. I know my limits. )
  13. Wow. Just from 1:36 to 2:05 is worth the download. After the buttkicking electronica and asian sound twirling around for about a minute and thirty-five seconds, that slower, more asian sounding area was so welcomed. And then to pick it back up again, just amazing! This piece would sound great in a movie soundtrack, but a game one is good enough for me. Keep it up Zircon, you are one of the best!
  14. Interesting. A nice grooving fast jazz chill mix set to the Las Vegas stylings of Balrog's arena.....and his trunks. Yeah, well, the trunks may not be all that sexy, but this ReMix is. This is right in the middle of my dancible/relaxing spectrum, so good one Neo.
  15. Wow, now this is cool! I can hear the western influences, and it does take me back to things like G,B and U. Glad this was used for the album and it's really done well. Great job!
  16. I don't know if I can record it, because half of my equipment isn't working right, but I'd do it for the hype anyway. It's been so long since I've played it, so a playthrough sounds good to me.
  17. As far as the hardest boss goes, I'd give it to Proto-Babil in FFIV DS, simply because that is the only boss I still haven't beaten yet. Damn Divine Judgement.
  18. I can't believe I said something that stupid. Sorry. Sleep Dep. catching up.
  19. Will you be doing a real run or a tool assisted run? I can't believe it takes you less than 3 hours to completely beat it 102%. That's pretty amazing, man.
  20. Yo, I know that this the Intrusmental Verison, and I like it, but the Vocal version was one of the best verisons of all time! (I probably just killed that Kayne joke, but hey, at least I didn't write it on my hand, eh Sarah?). I really do like this song. It makes sense that this one would be used for the game. If I heard rapping while fighting, it'd be kinda tough to focus instead of dance. Still, this song seems to lack slightly without the lyrics when heard alone. But it's still a great tune for SF2 it rocks enough to be added to my MP3.
  21. Wow, now, this is Sonic's proudest moment. When you put two talented, amazing ReMixers together, you're bound to get something special, and this is it. The first 21 seconds sounds like something out of a villian or heel theme, cause it sounds slightly lower or darkner (IMO), but then it opens up into an epic guitar fest. The ending really got me into it. This is definantly one of those ReMixes that I'll use in a race or the final moments of an intense workout. Sweet as hell, guys.
  22. Prepare for trouble!.......oh wait, wrong Rockets. Anywho, this is pretty good for the Rocket theme and I love the rewind section at 2:43-2:53. Ten seconds and I was sold, but the other 4 minutes or so got me interested. Definantly sounds like a high tech evil lab and I think Team Rocket finally has a theme that's as evil as they are. But as much as I like puns......no DJP. Just no.
  23. Creepy and mysterious....I love it. The beats that back up the track give it a cool slightly hip-hop-ish sound and the bell-sounding stuff in the beginning was cool. It's a little too upbeat for the funeral sounding source it came from, but it's pretty cool for branching out and being better.
  24. New Super Mario Bros, another example that Mario will never die. You know, I have a hard time commenting on this mix because words just don't do it justice. Transforming the sound to a smaller bit was pretty cool. I will just say that I loved the transistions, the ending, and the first minute was my favorite part.
  25. Ooohhhh.....yes. Just yes. This is beautiful in the beginning to 2:15 with the piano and the wind instrument together. I have a soft spot for those wind instruments, and more so when played like this. Then it gets into the faster sounding beat and I can really see how others could compare this to soundtrack/anime/intrumental CD's. Right after that it seems to be slow and calm again, but with more of a purpose. Oh yeah, this could work in a soundtrack or anime really well. Darn, good work, man.
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