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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Sweet stuff! This tune never gets old and the beat of this ReMix is sick! Great!
  2. : Hello, again! I just remembered this (short but cool) theme and was thinking that it would make a great reggae or tropical Remix. It kinda reminds me of Bob Marley. It is short and repetitive, but that would make for a good challenge, right? If anyone wanted to try this, that would be awesome. Thanks! Here's the source if you don't know it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6KIJZSsEyU&feature=related
  3. I kinda agree with this comment. The darker shades are awesome, and if the whole site was like the new header, then it would be a complete win.
  4. You speak the truth. Megaman (mostly the X games) have so many tunes that need some love and I'm glad the Penguin got some. This track is chilling and way too cool! Okay, enough puns from me. Really, awesome work!
  5. So, two green tracks, two orange and one brown track, awesome! This seems to be moving along nicely. I look forward to Hale's rapping. And I think I'll stay out of the line of fire on the Death Metal vs. Rap issue, manly because I like both.
  6. And that's kinda sad because this is meant to be a way to have a new take on old favorites, right? I mean, these pieces have been worked on by people who love the series or music just as much, so it's not like it's in bad hands.
  7. Well done, this is very interesting! I actually like this verison better than most of the others.
  8. Feel free to leave a message, even if it's just to say hi. I may even say hi back if I'm not too busy driving others insane. :D

  9. While this Remix does have a bit of volume trouble, it's nothing that turning up the volume knob a little doesn't fix. This is a very well-done Remix and a wonderful addition for one of Mario's best games.
  10. Oh, man! That last track was worth the wait. Good selection of instruments and a very good ending to the album. Great job!
  11. My bad, I thought it was submitted. It's still a good track and if Audix ever completes it, it'll be an awesome addition to OCR.
  12. Emunator- Nice! That's exactly what I was looking for. I wonder why it didn't get past the judges. Maybe I'll look that up later. Thanks for your help. Sockpuppet5- I don't have a problem with Newgrounds. They do have some good tunes, and I agree, Audix's is better, but this is good as well. Thanks.
  13. : This is my favorite tune for this game. I was wondering if anyone was up for the challenge of trying to make a Remix for this song. The genre doesn't matter to me, but I think someone skilled in dark, brooding, themes could pull this off with amazing results. Also, if a remix (not a mash-up) was made for this already, please post the link of where I can find it. Thank you. Here is a link to the original source tune if you don't know it. : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIAoOcIJeq4&feature=related
  14. Man, this is some good remixing! I love the light bells (xelophone?) in the beginning. It helps set the dark mood for the more epic "march" line later. Good job. Is this the final or is there another update coming?
  15. Very nice album! These remixes are done really well and I can tell you put a lot of effort into them. The Mine Theme and LockJaw's locker are my favorites so far. Can't wait to hear the last one. Keep up the good work, Pocketman.
  16. So, Neko and Tensei are done, and three other Remixes are in the orange?! Sweet, I'm so excited!
  17. You just love doing that, don't you? You'd probably like it more if it went from red to blue (meaning done.)
  18. I believe he updated the progress of the Donkey Kong Rescued track (the track that everyone wants to know about because of the mystery Remixer) from red to brown, meaning it's not "almost done" but it's doing good. That help?
  19. Impressive to say the least. As my favorite FF fight song, I was looking forward to this, and it was a grand remix indeed. Good on ya, mate!
  20. Hey, thanks for this! I tried to listen live but couldn't get it to work. The two tracks are a dream come true. Props to Audix and Fishy for the Remixes I thought couldn't get any better and did.
  21. Great mix! I enjoy the quick changes in the first 13 seconds that goes on for quite a bit of the track. Good song made even better. Hmm, come to think of it, we need more DKC3 songs like this.
  22. Without a doubt, one of the best Remixes on the site! Wonderful voice work as well!
  23. So, from what I've read and heard, this will be out at the end of the year? Whoooo-hoo! Thank you guys for making this! The previews sound amazing and I can't wait! With artists like Nicole, Jose, Djp and Mazedude (yes, I'm a fan of these Remixers), I know every song here is going to rock! By the way, I know this was covered already around last year so don't kill me, but what are the chances of a future DKC3 project for OCR?
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