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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. http://olremix.org/remixes/84 This is where it originally came from.
  2. I'M SICK AND TIRED OF IT! ..ugh...oh man.
  3. Doc Robot from MM3? Nice. He's also finished skinning all the MM3 Masters, he's working on MM2 next. Mike's also put up a poll on his website to vote for your favorite Robot Master. The choice may affect a future update...
  4. Mike has posted an FAQ for the game due the huge interest the new trailer brought in: http://cutstuff.net/blog/?page_id=1928
  5. All of the Robot Master skins are for appearance only. Everyone plays the same. Giving every single Robot Master their own moves and weapons would be a balancing nightmare. But all the weapons will be available to be picked up, so why not use Quick Boomerangs? Though I think we all already know that Metal Blades will be horribly OP, haha.
  6. I've known this one for a while, but this new trailer is great. Check out the forums, he's planning on eventually having skins for every Robot Master from 1-6 and 9, each with their own weapon and map. Although I hope he saves that for a later update and just gets what he has hammered out and released soon. I can see myself playing this one a bunch, maybe we could even get an OCR clan together? I call Snake Man!
  7. Not posting the image here because it'll stretch out the site, but here's the covers for all 6 issues. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v442/Walan/1265984442412.jpg
  8. Sup /co/? Yeah, I've got only a passing interest in comics, but hey, Bruce Wayne traveling through time for some reason and fighting cavemen and shit sounds pretty aces to me.
  9. I'm glad someone finally posted about it. I've been twittering and facebooking it like crazy. Yes, $10 is so worth this album. The interesting thing to me is that my favorite tracks on Get Acoustic are my least favorite tracks on the original, like Man On Fire (Heatman), Carved From Mighty Oak (Woodman), and Blue Like You (Flashman). The new vocal harmonies are interesting, the orchestra elements are interesting, the whole thing is top-notch from beginning to end, just like Get Equipped. It's got me very excited for the upcoming MM3 album.
  10. OH GOD, you mean that one time? With the thing? And the photo that got taken out of context? And then Coop said the thing and we all laughed and laughed and laughed? Good times. EDIT: Or is this the other time, with that other thing? And then Weirdboyscott said something and it was in blue text? And then Teknobunny mentioned something about Sasha, and then Walan made a pointless and unfunny one-liner? That sucked.
  11. They could always do a DLC alternate album, like Capcom did with the digital Marvel vs. Capcom 2 release.
  12. Thanks a ton, Bahamut! You have seriously made my day.
  13. It would've been posted on the OCR front page if it was made in 2002.
  14. If I can make a villain request, "What I'm Made Of" by Crush 40 from Sonic Heroes. It was Metal Sonic's theme.
  15. You make a valid point, but I also have to disagree with you. What about my album? The Bad Dudes already covered Super Dodge Ball, does that mean the music from SDB is now off-limits for remixing now and forever? Of course not. Mustin had the idea for that album independently of mine, even though the "ethnic feel" idea is the same for both albums. Like then, I highly doubt he saw the project thread for Badass and went "OH YEAH? WE'LL SHOW THEM!" and starting working on a bad guy album. I can't speak for The Joker and pu_freak, but I believe that they're not negatively concerned at all with the idea of another album with roughly the same idea as theirs. I don't see it as a middle finger as much as I do a thumbs up.
  16. Wrestlemania? Is that from one of the NES games? Great stuff, Shawn!
  17. Project heaven or project hell let's rock
  18. I found a Pirate Bay torrent with some of Klepka's music (including the missing Duke Nukem 3D remix), but it's long dead. http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/3707007/Bart_Klepka EDIT: Never mind, guess you found them all. Woot!
  19. I'm not worried. I know he's deep in the middle of the Robot Master Tourney (good luck!), so if this is his very next task after that, then awesome.
  20. Besides Jordan and Ari, Rexy's about done (she rewrote her old mix), DCT is looking for more people to collab with (we may be looking at a megamix there), 8-Bit Instrumental's working on a new version after getting NO'd by the judges' panel, but I haven't heard from Hoha or Willrock just yet. Kyle may have, but he's been away on vacation, so I haven't talked to him in about a week or so. I'll message them both later today and wait to hear back.
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