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Elex Synn

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Everything posted by Elex Synn

  1. You my friend have a LOT of games to play. Out of curiosity when you do start playing the persona series, are you the kind of person who would start from the first one?
  2. Dear god... These are sweet. Episode 5 was really entertaining.
  3. Well if they're free go for it .
  4. I have some vague memories from Persona 1 back in the day. Apparently I liked it enough to play it through 2 or 3 times. Hope this helps some. I never did try Persona 2. On a side note is your friend just going to give you them for free or what?
  5. Very interesting indeed. I liked it.
  6. Happy birthday McV! AKA Quasichaotic =P. Haha my birthday is on the same month as McV's! Awesomeness.
  7. Not true. I was a fan of the 'ruins' area from the original sonic Adventure. I can't remember the name of it though.
  8. I am definately hopeful with the videos I've seen with the game play. Though in all honestly I would give anything for a classic 2D experience. As far as the chaos emerald bonus stages go I believe the ones for 3D blast on the Sega Saturn were definately the most enjoyable for me. I've been able to snag the emeralds from every console Sonic game made.
  9. Sonic 2, Super sonic code?
  10. I wasn't into PC gaming much back then.. but I THINK this was from one of the warcrafts... 2 possibly? Additionally I think this one was for Aladin for the Sega Genesis: Pause+ABBCCBBCCBBCC, or something close to that. It would automatically finish the level for you and start you at the next. Even for the last stage when you're fighting Jafar and the parrot.
  11. Very nice mix. Diggin' all of it. Was nice being blindsided by the vocals. Only thing that really bothered me about it is that it felt like the mix ended a bit abruptly.
  12. Holy crap this is some nice work of art. I'm diggin' the oriental vibe.
  13. My my... Definately in the spirit of DDR. Nice work. This will probably end up on one of my car CD mixes.
  14. Oh wow, this is simply divine. Hella catchy. I love it! I swear each time I've listened to the song so far, it has brought a smile to me face.
  15. I do like how this one sounds... Wish it were longer though.
  16. Well I'm by no means a fan of rap, but I do like this mix. Rather fun.. Though honestly I don't think I can find myself listening to this song for an extended amount of time. Not that the lyrics bother me (being black), but rock is more my 'cup-o-tea'. Robie zombie anyone?
  17. Ack... A bit too repetative for me...
  18. Sweetness . I love the vocals that go on in this piece. Makes me wanna dance.. if I could.
  19. I typically don't step outside of games I've had some experience with, or played in other words... though in reading the odd review by DJP on this, I thought I'd give it a listen. Y'know, just to see what it was about... Maaaan, that's one crazy beat! Good shiznat all around Mazedude.
  20. Mh. Sounded a lil bit.. I donno, repetative to me. But beyond that, me likes .
  21. La-la-la da-da-da la-la-la da-da-da Makes me wanna go to a sock hop. Granted that was more my grandma generation.
  22. Honestly I only grabbed this song cause McV made it. I didn't even bother reading DJP's review on it. Not like I'm dissapointed in this song or anything.
  23. For some reason this song registers as being 15:28 long on my winamp list. (I know DJP stated in his revie wof it how long it was... But I could still hope) This greatly sadden me when it turned out, it wasn't anywhere near that long. I love this song.
  24. Yes, I have already posted my thoughts of this song, but I really wanted to say again that this song is damn awesome. Will more then likely be a staple in my winamp list along side gemini salsa. Granted I keep picturing some high class, after hours/underground dirty dancing type of club every time I listen to this song now... Should I be worried?
  25. I do VERY MUCH love the song.. Except the usage of the voice in it. Do all SF mixes honestly need to have voicing/fighting FXs and such in it? Anywho, in all the mix is great and something to jam to.
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