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Elex Synn

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Everything posted by Elex Synn

  1. wow, t his song is sublime. I could listen to it all day if I wanted. has everything put together nicely. Good show. EDIT: Punctuation
  2. La-la-la. La-la-la. Wee, this is a fun one.
  3. This is really nice. Relaxing and all that jazz. Was originally a little sketchy on picking up another Zelda remix, but glad I did.
  4. Ah crap, I just realized I never gave a review on this piece of work. I love it, and have for the last few months I've got to listen to it! Winter or summer, this song is a staple to anyones playlist!
  5. EEP .. Well, I don't really have much to add beyond what has been said. That resonating sound that is being played throughout the song is hella annoying. But beyond that it's not all that bad. I do like that rapid-drill type soft sound I can hear in the back ground. Mh.... Don't believe I'm going to keep this one. A tad bit too repetative for me.
  6. Some reason, the name of this song kinda caught my attentin, so I decided to give it a listen. Nice upbeat little tune we got here. Seems a tad bit repetative more towards the end of the song. Prolly won't have it on my play list for as long as, lets say 'Gemini Salsa', but all the same it's something for me to enjoy for now.
  7. I like it, I like it. FFA was a neat little game to play on the GB, oh so many aeons ago.
  8. Hmh. Not too shabby. Not sure if I've heard a remix of this particular tune(s) before, but I like it.
  9. *Shrugs* it works. I'll prolly keep it on my winamp list since the other ice cap mixes on it, got rotated out aeons ago.
  10. I would just PM this to Endblink, but I'm sure there are a few others out there who would be interested in knowing this.. Okay, I have a geocities account and have a few simple sigs in there (I have my Deneb one up now). Isn't there a way for it to show a different picture from that directory each time someone loads the page up with my siggy ini t? (If that made ANy sense at all).. I remember someone here posting a way to do that, but I failed to keep note of it... Anyone help?
  11. I don't have any particular problem with this.. Just overall I don't like it.
  12. Ooohhh baby... This music could calm an owlbear if need be... Verrrry *yawns* nice... *Peacfully falls to sleep* S.. O.. N.... G..... *Snores*
  13. I liked the way the lyrics and music went togther. remind me of an end of an RPG when the main hero (usually guy) realizes his love for some female in the group he has traveled with for some time now. Like Chrono and Marle floating in the air with the baloons in one of the chrono tigger endings? Anyways, nice song. I'll keep it. Though if for some reason you DO change around the vocaling, why not add in a duet with a female voice in there somewhere? Like more towards hte middle-to-end part of the song?
  14. Maybe it's just me, but I don't hear Green Hill zone at all. It's okay I guess. Prolly won't be listening to for much longer. Don't really like it.
  15. Mh... I prefer McV's version better then this one... It sounded too... I dunno.. Bad? That 'sax' sound, was extremely annoying first and foremost.. And just all together it wasn't what I was looking for. Sorry.
  16. Well, after I discovered the great peice called "Turbid Guidance" I decided to check out the rest of the Lufia mixes available... My god, you could relax a charging rhino with the sweetness this piece is treating my ears to... (I gues sI didn't notice this mix when it first debuted) Though I'm not all that satisfied with how the song end, it's still another great Lufia mix!
  17. Oh my... How pretty.... I like it, I like it.... Now *Yawns* This little relaxing piece of art is telling me it's time for bed...
  18. I'm with NeoPhoenixTE on this one... This feels more like an original piece then a remix. But hell I like it. To be honest, I was a little weary at first to check it out because the last few "Kefka" remixes I got from here, I absolutely did not like. Just not my thang. ... This though, I do like. I swear the quality of music around here is getting better and better. First 'Battle Rocks' now this.
  19. Holy shit this rocks!! I swear I must have listened to it a good 4 times straight when I forst heard it. We need more mixes like this.. However you would classify it.. I'd say it's jazzy/blues, but that's just me. Mega props for this one man! MEGA PROPS.
  20. Ick.. I don't really like how this is put together.... *Shrugs* that's just me though.
  21. Hmh... Well, I do enjoy it more once 4:12 kicks up... I wasn't paying much attention to it, until then.. Not my most favorite. Yet I'll keep it. It'll more then likely grow on me.
  22. Very very catchy tune for the most part. I didn't recognize the fact that the music was fromt he 2000ad section of the game until the 2:30 mark of the song. I'm still determining if I'll keep this on my play list for long. Not your 100% best work man, but it's not bad either.
  23. Good stuff Quinn! One of my favorties by far. I like evrything about this, and have no complaints. 10/10
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