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Elex Synn

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Everything posted by Elex Synn

  1. That's basically were I fall with the show. I didn't care to watch season 2 or beyond. "Are you on the list"?
  2. I was one of those people who absolutely detested this show the first two seasons or so.. Then I accidentally watched the episode when ED had a plan for a scam "Bong Eddy!!" and had became a devoted fan sense... It was definitely a--Interesting ride that one
  3. That's... Kind of scary. I personally think AS would be heading more in the right direction if lessened the amount of "12oz mouse" randomness they seem to enjoy spewing at us. Venture brothers has to be one of the best shows they have IMHO. Metalocalypse is alright and I have some hopes for that barbarian show they piloted several months, if not a year ago now. Anyone know what the status was of that show?
  4. I was wondering about that show too. Did they really CANCEL it?! Me and my daughter loved watching that show >_<
  5. Believe it was replaced with Miguzi..? Then they started adding more girl-oriented shows IE Winx Club and Totally Spies... Toonami was dead for me once the original Tom was killed off for his super sayian counterpart >_>
  6. I was honestly expecting Yaht to talk more about making penis monsters then he did. Would seem like his style.
  7. Djp... Really doesn't look like what I expected. I was expecting more of a anime bad ass look . Seriously though, nice going Mr. Pretzel with the recognition.
  8. LMAO yes I know exactly what you're talking about. Turns out you needed to use one of your non-robot master abilities to really get around. I didn't find this out until 5-10 years later Though I do feel MM2 set up the real basic outline about how the other MM games would be, MM3 was definitely the "final blueprint". Besides who didn't think shadow man was cool as hell back in the day?
  9. Oh my flippin gawd, yes >_<
  10. very true and very true. Loved that game. I still have my dreamcast... And Space Channel 5 baby! Ulala's swing'n report show for those of you who don't know.
  11. My poor poor Tigers In all seriousness I'm beyond done watching them play the royals. Seems like every other week we're taking them on. This year should of gone MUCH better for us, but until we get the pitching under control (and make some Granderson clones) it's going to be rocky trails. As far as the world series goes I'm very much interested to see how the rays do.
  12. *Chokes on dough nut* Holy crap dude, this looks sweet. As for a suggestion you could always try "Wonder boy in Monster world" and "Gemfire", granted they were both on the Genesis. In all honesty there are many more titles you should play before these two though, but I hadn't seen them mentioned yet. Oh I can't believe I almost forgot! Ogre Battle on the SNES, but I'm going to warn you now it's not really a weekend rental kind of game. Taking this game down can take some time... *Sigh* I love Deneb.
  13. Well I'm currently going through a community college here in SE Michigan. Washtenaw Community College to be exact. Decent enough school. Originally I was aiming to major in Criminal Justice. Ended up changing my mind and wanting to pursue computer programming. After realizing it is absolutely more of a side hobby then a real "passion" I am currently trying to figure out what type of degree meteorology falls under being it's something I've always been into since I was a little'n. Point of this story? Knock out your general electives first cause you don't wanna waste a bunch of time taking degree specific courses
  14. LOL, that's some funny shit. Though honestly I was more thinking of what our government might try to implement with such technology. Watching a police stand off ending with a mysterious ZAAAP from above out of nowhere. Could picture them trying to pull off some 'This technology will make the world a better place' crap like some science fiction version of Death Note.
  15. I've often seen commercials for "gaming degrees" here in SE Michigan. Believe it was from Devri. I've always been skeptical about it though.
  16. I was watching my friend play the beta a few days ago before our D&D session. I'm DEFINITELY interested in getting this. Especially since Age of Conan turned out to be incomplete, and LotRO is fairly boring to me.
  17. I've never really been a big fan of Tecmo RPGs. Though to be fair the last Tecmo RPG I even remember play was Secret of the Stars back on the SNES ages ago. Granted this does look promising. Sigh, I really want a new Shining force, or Ogre Battle DS release.
  18. Huh, I can't believe I overlooked this thread. I was by all meaning of the word TERRIBLE at this game back in the day, but this is definitely something I'm going to have to look into.
  19. I'm pretty sure you weren't alone in this. As a youngster I always thought it would be the coolest thing in the world to have a Mario and Sonic side scroller.
  20. The 8th song, If you mean the stage where sonic is going against the Mario world baddies, sounds like it's from the original Final Fantasy Tactics on the PSX. Well more or less from the arrangement CDs that came out for it some time ago.
  21. I'm always open to hear more from games close to my heart. I've destroyed the game 10 ways from Sunday when I was a young'n. So don't disappoint me! On a side note have thought about attempting a River City Ransom album?
  22. <3 MM2. Wily Stage ftw (If memory serves)
  23. Ah, leave it Yahtzee to cheer me up as the tiger's take a harsh beating.. To the Indians... Though in honestly, does anyone really look forward to new final fantasy releases anymore?
  24. Personally this is the angle I'd most expect to see.
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