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Elex Synn

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Everything posted by Elex Synn

  1. Isn't Sega owned by some Japanese pochinko company or something to that effect? I always wanted Nintendo to buy out Sega... As for Midway. I'll always have the original Mortal Kombat in my heart, when I was young lad.
  2. I'd play it if they made it like Pa-rappa the rappa (Seriously, my space channel 5 skills are top notch dawg)
  3. I'd like to play against Shaq in Shaq-Fu.
  4. LMAO, WTF is this!?
  5. Congrats man! I can personally tell you that fatherhood will be one of the most rewarding experiences in your life... Not EASY, but rewarding . Do we have any official stats on the baby yet? measurements, weight, etc.?
  6. *Puts on stab proof vest* I still have 3 or 4 DBZ t-shirts in my closet from when I was young. >_> Seriously though how can someone NOT love the DBZ episode of the first major fight between Gokuu and Vegeta? I still get gitty watching that episode (probably from suffering a sezure from the flashing screen) *Scurries away*
  7. Every so often I'll find myself popping the Sonic 3D blast game into my CD player so I can hear the Rustic Ruins (think that's the stage name) music again. Actually I just start from the ruins and listen all the way through the ice and fire stages. Ah memories of high school...
  8. 29.. I can't believe I forgot the ones I did . Am I going crazy or is the 32x missing from the list? Or was it being counted as something else? Y'know, it had the game Knuckles Chaotix on it?
  9. I'm one of the unfortunate people who gets to WORK on black Friday... Adding insult to injury I get to open at 4am, meaning I have to awaken from my turkey induced coma at 3:30am. Sigh...
  10. This looks like it'll be kinda neat to watch for fan made flick. It's got to be better then Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter anyways.
  11. This is kind of a long shot but this game wouldn't be related to the arc the lad series would it?
  12. Well it seems like my goal would be a little different then the posts I've seen so far.. I'm 5'10-5'11 and weigh around 120 now (yes I'm a bean pole and have been all my life). I'd actually like to gain some weight and a little bit of muscle in the process as you might imagine. I have a crazy high metabolism and even once tried mainly eating only fast food for two months to gain even just some flub-Yeah no dice, I think I may of even lost a pound or two. SO, any healthy ideas for weight gain.. Maybe up to 135ish or whatever is ideal for my height is. As far as gyms go I'm full time work, school and daddy so I'd need something more 'around the house'.
  13. http://www.gamemakergames.com/ This is where I go for freeware games. The software to make the games found here are done with the program "Game Maker" simply enough. I enjoy using it anyways.
  14. I'm pretty much expecting Vegeta to show up at the end as a cameo to hint towards a sequel. Granted if this one pulls enough money to have that happen is a different matter.
  15. Wasn't Piccolo the main villian in the original Dragonball? I thought Vegeta wasn't introduced until DBZ. Keep in mind I've only seen the cartoons, and not the mangas.
  16. O-M-G O_O The only thing that really scares me is seeing all the people who are going to watch it... In costume.
  17. Did anyone else watch the White SOX/Twins make up game? That was some good shit. Griffey throwing out the runner at the plate was sweet as hell to watch with that massive tackle.
  18. Hopfully this thread will help you out some mate: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18022
  19. Friday the 13th on the NES scared me half the death. The creepy music when you are in the house made you really feel isolated, keeping in mind I am not a fan of being in a dark house by myself. The game caused me and my cousin playing to damn near flip the table over the TV was on during a mad scramble to get the hell out of my room when Jason suddenly appeared up out of nowhere. This game only reinforced these fears back when I was a kid.>_<
  20. Alright so if my limited short term understanding of base ball standings is correct, even if the rays do (unlikely) get swept by our tigers and Boston sweeps everyone left, the rays are still making the playoffs via wild card?
  21. I feel bad for saying this, but this was one of the first things that crossed my mind after reading the article.
  22. Yikes... Thankfully I choose to avoid arguments on the web. Ya'll crazy. o_o
  23. I never saw the big deal about this series beyond multi player. That was always fun.
  24. Wasn't that when they were playing Sonic the Hedgehog with in the same cartoon block? The 'serious' version, not the afternoon goofy one with urkle doing Sonic's voice.
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