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Everything posted by luhny

  1. Have fun, guys. Anyone fancy recording both panels? Especially the Name the Video Game Tune thingy sounds like it could be lots of fun
  2. Very nice tracks for 2010. And by look at the artists for 2011 I am sure it will be another great compilation. Keep up the great work, I like projects for good causes
  3. Awesome news. A job well done, many congrats!
  4. Erasure - Always
  5. Testament - Practice What You Preach
  6. I am looking forward to finally see the Duke back in action. I just fear that it will be victim to either excessive and undeserved hype by fanboys or brutal bashing by haters. I doubt that the majority of people will be able to look at the game objectively enough to not fall into either of the above categories.
  7. Yeah, it's Super Metroid and BGC in a blender. A perfectly balanced cocktail of awesome. Three cheers!
  8. The only thing I am missing is a grog. In my hand. Right now! Amazing display of arrangement, especially the chiptune breakdown was not expected, but pulled off in a very pleasent way. Cool stuff, dude.
  9. This is so amazing, I have no clue where to start... I guess I will start with wishing the drool of my face. Erm... yeah. Awesome work!
  10. what he said
  11. The Firm - Star Trekkin'
  12. my sincerest congrats on this great album. i would give three thumbs up, if i had more than two!
  13. You can try the remake of Chrono Trigger for the DS. IMO it features all the components you are looking for: Complex battle system, characters that are not always cliché, the storyline is very interesting. Dunno if I totally missed the spot, just an idea here. cheers.
  14. Suit yourself, I see no relation to Final Fantasy in this movie whatsoever - not even the small cross references (Dr "Cid", a little "Chocobo" on a shirt...). But to each his own. Aren't tastes wonderful? I wish Uwe Boll had tastes...
  15. I guess the main problem is that those movies are advertised as movie adaptions of video games, whilst most of them do have that much in common with the actual game. I find it pretty cheap to draw audience that way (who remembers the Final Fake-asy - Spirits Within? - I know it's not from boll, just the prime example of drawing-techniques) That point aside, if I let the titles of the movies vanish and just value what I actually see on screen, I seriously think I can spend my time better by doing something else. I just do not enjoy movies that are bad paced, no matter how many well known actors play in it. It's a shame when a movie bores me that much that I fall asleep (dungeon siege, per se). I find it sad when I think about all the things that could have (easily) been improved to make the movies just plain better overall.
  16. Rocky Horror Picture Show - Time Warp
  17. RIP Gary. Thanks for your wonderful works.
  18. The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be
  19. i find it amazingly awesome that you got that project. i wish you the best of luck and loads of fun. three cheers for pixietricks!
  20. I'm afraid I must disagree, as I know a handful of people who are close to their 90s and know exactly what emulation is, what is does, how it works and how to use it. Old people are not bad at computers at all once they put down their fear of technology - that's the biggest issue in most cases. On the topic: A sad story indeed. RIP gaming-granny, may your gaming spirit spread over the world even in death, as video games is what binds us together as one. -luhny
  21. oha, didn't know about this, but it sounds like a great idea to spread remixes and knowledge about OCR itself. feel free to use my current remix and all that might come in the future.
  22. The Police - Walking On The Moon
  23. Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
  24. awesome dance! glad to see you guys really had a great time. looks like it was a hell loads of fun
  25. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
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