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Everything posted by luhny

  1. GirlsDeMo - Crow Song
  2. Happy birthday. Party hard, but not too hard
  3. Neon Genesis Evangelion - Cruel Angel Thesis
  4. woah! that some awesome sweep picking in there. great song - nice to hear it's well received, congrats on getting the song out there.
  5. Seventh Epic - Crescent
  6. Awww, I really dig that good solid Marshall rock tone - it fits perfectly for this kind of remix. Especially the creamy leads are a pleasure for my ears. A job well done, if I may say so. Thanks for sharing this.
  7. You are both welcome, I am just glad it made it on time My recommendation is to hook them up with your keychains. It is incredible how convenient it can be to naturally have a flash drive with you all the time. happy holidays
  8. Hm, I am a little worried as I sent my gift at the end of November. I know it has to travel overseas and I know I did not chose any priority mail or stuff like that. Well there is still a little bit of time, I just hope my recipient will get the present before the 24th :/
  9. Hyadain - Ultros Boogie
  10. i guess i would avoid it. but then, i cannot guarantee what happens when i am pretty drunk and come across one of those... i guess it is the perfect target audience: anything can get the attention of drunk men, especially wierd stuff
  11. yes, sir. got it today: Already browsed through the book and it contains tons of interesting, useful and fun information. In one word: Badass! Thank you very much, good sir!
  12. exactly! :/
  13. Shoot, I somehow totally forgot about those - thx for bumping. I should get my new credit card soon (hopefully tomorrow), so stay tuned just a bit.
  14. I would really like to write a detailed review... but I am at a loss of words. The only thing I can think of is: Awesome! Thanks for sharing this one.
  15. good decision imo - thx for the infos
  16. I think it's because every artist is a forum user, but not every forum user is an artist. Thus for each arist profile there is an existing forum profile, but not vice versa. Maybe that's the reason it cannot be put in a full mesh - dunno. Just an idea.
  17. GirlsDeadMonster - Crow Song
  18. Sailor Moon - Moonlight Densetsu
  19. what he said
  20. very practical and comprehensible changes. me likes. plus: beautiful new art. also i will redownload the torrents with the applied changes. this looks like a HELL LOT of work, so i am gonna make use of this awesome provided service. thanks alot for tagging everything for us. other people might have said: "that's the new tagging, if you want old stuff tagged: do it yourself". so kudos to you. cheers, -luhny
  21. The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be
  22. Black Mages 1 was a very solid album. Not the best thing I ever heard - still very good tones. I am just careful not to hype the Uematsu component - which is, alas, what alot of people do. Black Mages 2 didn't have the same factor of interest to me. Standing out is definately Matoya's Cave. Never heard the third album and after reading the posts I think I shouldn't
  23. my condolences. rest in peace.
  24. Four Fiends and Metal is such a beautiful marriage \m/
  25. very interesting and fun mix to listen to. me likes
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