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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. I wish someone told me this years ago but your initial fader adjustment is the most important part of getting a good mix. I'm just now starting to get the hang of things but you don't want to listen to just the mids of every instrument when setting volumes. Which i think some people do without realizing it as this overpowers the low end and makes things muddy. If you have a balanced initial fader-ing when mixing all parts should be audible even without any EQ'ing. Once you get that your mix will be even across the spectrum and any Eq'ing you do will be extremely sensitive.
  2. If you are talking about the relation between the guitars and the synths, I go for complete guitar domination in my metal remixes. Not the kind where the guitar blends a little too well like the track Therex posted earlier in the thread. Final volume was too quiet. I should have rested my ears before mastering. ...and that choir patch. Was a little too quiet for the break wasn't it? ...and hey. you probably didn't even notice that I had strings buried in there did you? Did anyone? Yea, some parts were too quiet.
  3. Hey MW!

    Glad you liked the third part of the Shadedog Trilogy. I definitely need to reference my final volumes better but thanks for the vote!

  4. ...what the heck is that? Really? I know it's an acoustic guitar but that flies in the face of everything i've been learning about guitar processing this year. I'll have to try it. ...you boosted 2khz?! REALLY?!!
  5. If at some point you could hit this one that would be awesome! -El Viento Boss Theme.The more Sakuraba the better imo.
  6. Just a little information on the title I went with. Komo Sanctu Et Shadedog Morientia It's Panzerese. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzer_Dragoon_(series) Any actual meaning is purely coincidental.
  7. If I remember correctly the stems didn't have a cymbal track and were located only on the overheads. This might be the way most live drums are i honestly have no idea but it did make the cymbals tougher to work with. The drums in the original were really compressed. Much more than I guessed the first time around. As for the guitar chords I don't know if you were talking about mine or brandon's (probably brandon's) but I can tell you what I did with them. -Hard pan the guitars and send them to a stereo bus with it's own EQ. -I can't remember the filter settings exactly but I think I HPF'ed around 160-180 with a Q of about 1.0. Also a slight dip around 500hz (more out of habit). Then around 2k-6k I used a shelf to make a wide dip around the vocals. Not a hard dip, only about -5db or a little less but it's a wide one. Then, here is the important part. I brought back 8k+ up to 0. This gives the guitar that "air" that so many people mention. Without it the guitar sounds muffled and lifeless. ...liquid metal 2 stems incoming?
  8. ...what? Until you guys start talking about flatted 11ths and 13ths meh. Clearly the petering comment was made before Shadedog part 3: Die Free or Shade Dog was posted. As there was no petering in my track. Or Bstrade's. Or Tuber'z. Or Superior's. Or Ivan's. Or Jakes's. Or Sterling's Or Mindwanderer's. Or... was that it? short round.
  9. Turns out the lyrics were for real. Song is awesome.
  10. Calling it here: I get Cloud. ...or else. Tournament's back aww hellz yea!!!
  11. Hey parah,

    sorry if my "dyed blonde girl" joke on the wcrg forums offended you. Thought someone would get a couple of nyuks out of it but apparently no one did. :)

  12. It's been a trip everyone. Thanks to Esperado for asking me to join him for this thing. I had a blast.
  13. Uploading Now. If you liked my other two Shademan remixes then you may or may not like this one. Hope you guys enjoy my take on the DnB genre. Edit: subbed Looks like I finally get to have a round to compete against Bstrades.
  14. I liked your original idea. Elimination would only fuel the fire to get better but there's enough competition in the musical world as it is. OCR is a good break from it. I like having teams but definitely up the time between rounds to 2+ weeks. I've found it is extremely tough to do anything more than offer a few crits with anything less. I think boss/battle themes could be incorporated pretty well into the compo but of course it's your call. get this thing rolling!!
  15. Aural 'splosions. I will never tire of hearing them no matter how cliche they get.
  16. ...what the hell. If this isn't a joke then i'm really looking forward to this one.
  17. Looks like you missed the GAR-train Therex
  18. I'm on Excalibur too. I'm probably going to sub but will probably only be playing on the weekends. If you are on Excalibur and you run into anyone named "Gar-something" or "something-Gar" There's a good chance that's me.
  19. Someone was standing to the side of me though and I can't remember who it was. We were talking about pen flipping. Now i'm wondering if that was shrack. Shrack it sounds like we were standing in the same room at some point ...and you didn't sign my book!! Yea, guess what you'll be signing again. Well, it won't be the same book i can tell you that. unless of course, you don't want to.
  20. Maybe you forgot who I was when we met. I was the guy standing right next to the TV in your room at MAGfest wondering why the heck everyone was sitting around watching TheRex play pokemon when there was a full friggen free-play arcade some five floors below us. That's when I snapped the picture. Apparently something happened when therex was playing because everyone was looking kinda funny at that exact moment. I didn't understand what I was looking at. Some jewels and stuff. Reminded me of columns, but it wasn't. Good times. You all better be there for the next MAG.
  21. On September 15 (Darkesword Permitting) GARPOCALYPSE PRESENTS: The Epic Conclusion to the Shadedog Trilogy!! Will Shadedog overcome adversity? Will Shadedog find himself among the OCR Elite? Will Shadedog ever find true love? All this and more will be revealed on September 15!!
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