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Everything posted by GravitySuitCollector

  1. This album is filled with awesome. After listening to it, it's a definite buy from me. All this jazz and funk makes me wish more games had soundtracks of this sort of stuff. Seriously.
  2. The original is twenty bucks on steam, thirty with all of the dlc. That would probably give you a good idea. Or, invest your money into a new graphics card. It doesn't have to be super expensive, just better. That would carry over to other games, too.
  3. I don't have a huge mass of weapons yet, so n troubles with inventory yet. I like directly selecting the weapon slot instead of hunting own the weapon you want, then choosing the slot you want. I hated that it just unequipped it at least on the pc version if you selected the slot there. I got number two on the ps3 (friend was getting it). Hey, split screen online play!
  4. Easy enough to get all stars in super mario 64/ds. Only have 116 on sunshine (back in middle school don't own the game). My brother played galaxy extensively. I think he got all the stars as mario, at least. I beat COD 4 campaign on veteran, just a whooole lot of retries. maybe beat it on that old time film effect (no sound/crosshairs, sped up)? If someone can do that.... O.o My brother and I beat Mario Karts Double Dash, DS and he beat Wii(I haven't played it as much). I think my sister was playing with us on double dash. Beat Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia on hard (Not max level 1, though. Ruvas forest makes me cry thinking about it. ;_ Beat MGS3. Big for me, considering my skill with those sort of games. Again, with my brother, Legendary on Halo 3 and ODST. I think it's easier with catch on. Beating Wong-qu on Breath of Fire IV without doing much, if any, grinding in the game. O.o We had borrowed it, though, so we had to return it before we finished it. Not even sure if we have the save anymore... Sonic Adventure 22 is tough. D: There are still quite a few missions we're missing S-rank. All the chaos emeralds on Sonic Heroes. My brother and I did this. the trick to spamming the bonus levels is playing Amy's team, lame as that sounds. Awesomely fun game, though. The music wss great, too. Made some good progress in Castlevania II without any guides, then got lost and died. ;_; I'm going to have to start that again sometime.... I beat The Guardian Legend. Haven't beaten the TGL password thing. I love that game. Got 100% scans in Metroid Prime without a guide. Took a few playthroughs (own the trilogy, filled out all the difficulty bubbles, still need to do the friend voucher thing to get all the bonuses). My sister actually pointed the last enemy out, some stupid eye thing in the ruins I had forgotten. D: I've beaten all three Metroid Primes on hypermode. beat Zero Mission on hard. I beat Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow on Hard. I'll see if I come up with more later. Edit: Also, Mega Man Zeroes.... I've gotten to the final areas on normal on each, A ranks. The last areas, though, have you fight all the bosses, and not to mention the final boss. ;_; can't beat them yet, at least with A-rank. Oh, how my DS systems' L-buttons have suffered....
  5. It's crazy how sad this makes me somehow feel. The only sub that we had was the free one with the Super Mario 64 soundtrack, and the ones from my older brothers from way back before I was born. Speaking of videos, remember Diddy Kong Racing's one? I loved that game.
  6. Still a bit scary to me, though. :/
  7. Happy birthday, BGC! Congrats on living another year, and I wish you many more.
  8. http://www.humblebundle.com/ ... My mind is blown. I mean, there's even Valkyria Chronicles music, along with things like They Might Be Giants!
  9. I should borrow Dai-Guard from my older brother again. It's been more than a few years since I last saw it. It's been a while since I've fully watched an anime like that.... A lot of newer ones seem relatively lacking, for some reason.
  10. steamcalculator.com ... Almost $900? I sure didn't pay that much. It says it doesn't include DLC, either.
  11. Fortune Summoners is tough (don't let the cute appearances fool you), but I've had a lot of fun with it. If you play with a controller, it felt almost better to push the directions instead of rotating around the d-pad (I play with a PS3 controller set with the d-pad as joystick). It felt like the input was much tighter this way. I should go ahead and finish it. I think I might be in the last area, so not much more left to go.
  12. Carpe Fulgur games 75% off. You guys need to get them, NOW! Each game is pretty darn awesome.
  13. If any of you don't have Beat Hazard Ultra, the whole thing is less than four bucks. GET IT NOW.
  14. I see. Thanks for the info.
  15. Pretty nice. I just discovered the music from Maken X. Too bad I don't have a Dreamcast. :/ It seems clean enough and not hard to use at all. I'll be referring to this if I need to listen to game chiptunes, although it looks like you can't separate out the DS tracks. I guess I'll have to work on another way to hear the separate parts. All in all, it works well.
  16. There goes my summer. Edit: I already have Terraria, so it won't let me get the four-pack. ): I was planning to gift them. I guess I'll have to get another account....
  17. I agree with TGH on this. The people who know themselves best are themselves. If they don't feel comfortable mentoring, then so be it.
  18. It sounds like it would be great once it gets running. Just a quick something since I haven't seen it yet: I'd suggest making sure the newbies will actually be able to get into it, maybe an example to show they've worked a bit before and have a basic understanding. I think it would allow each participant, Star or novice, to get the fullest out of the compo. For those who wouldn't meet this, there's always the workshop. From what I've seen on it, people do receive help starting out, and they are generally pointed in the right direction. If you don't agree with my opinion, let's hear it. I'd rather be proven wrong ahead of time before it arises later, causing more trouble than it would have earlier.
  19. I think I mistyped my email, and support is swamped. D: I obviously paid for it, though, because Paypal went through. :/ The guy was very polite and asked if I could wait for a few hours, then come back. Apparently there were several thousand emails and tons of chat sessions. I guess I wait....
  20. Yay! Another way for me to use my money! I haven't evn finished listening to the last two bundles...
  21. AWESOME. It can't come out soon enough. My ears scream for more.
  22. My brother had a great time with the CBT. I just registered for the OBT. While you wait, though, you can discover how bad PSO really was : http://schtserv.com/ I'm not hating on it or anything; it just happens to be very glitchy. The admins of the server have disabled some quest rewards, but all quests are playable, and they do have the ability to add new ones. The server is free. I first played PSO this February on this. My main char is GravSuit, lvl 92. If you want someone to play with sometime, talk to me. EDIT: I almost forgot to mention the community of it. It can be hit and miss, but other than that, I found a team that I enjoy being in.
  23. You should've seen how excited my older brother got about that. The movie was awesome, and it did what it was supposed to do: be a LOT of fun.
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