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Everything posted by GravitySuitCollector

  1. Whatever I get, I'm guessing it'll be cool. Anyways, I'm definitely a gamer and a nerd (I was excited about getting an Arduino ). It would probably be nice if I got something more on the lines of not just a game, but it can still be a game or related. I don't play GTA or God of War, and I haven't played Gears of War (not sure how it is; I have played through RE5, though). It's sort of weird how I select things to play. I'd feel bad if I received something too expensive ($30 is pushing it, 20 or less seems much more reasonable). Just make it personal, cool, and/or fun. This is more to be in the holiday spirit and to have fun with the community. Let's have fun!
  2. I don't really like either design. First things first, though, I think that you should make the original logo shirt available with other controllers (NES and PS to start, maybe? I see B/W images of them on the one shirt, and others in the preview vid by Rican). Has this been done before? I do like the SNES controller, but I imagine there are some people who would like the option to have their go-to system controller on it. It would add some needed variety, too. I do like the idea of the mission statement on the shirt, though.
  3. It's always great to see kids doing their best. I have ~15 nieces and nephews, but I can't imagine the joy of seeing my own kids like that. I myself grew up playing whatever my brothers had, including Perfect Dark and Goldeneye,so I'm not really sure what would be in the acceptable category. Maybe you can try giving him a good action puzzler? I myself still enjoy the whole Puzzle League thing and Bust-a-move/Puzzle Bobble. I'll also second the Mega Man Zero series; They're hard, but it's really rewarding when you beat a level with an A rank (I still need to beat the final areas that way...). I also liked Castlevania, but that might be a bit of a stretch.
  4. Quick question: what sort of review will qualify as a hit? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=824756#post824756 versus this: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=824756#post824756 I don't plan to be cheap. I will try to do my best with each review. I just want to avoid doing too little, but not have to write an essay.
  5. Great. I really enjoyed it, even though you kept it on the conservative side. I think it helped the source shine through, and that's what made this mix great. I look forward to hearing more music from you, and hopefully some more remixes.
  6. The youtube preview was really good. The mp3 is awesome. Anyways, the mp3 feels a lot more stereo, which helps clear up any muddiness I heard from the video. I've listened to this twice now; I don't think I'm going to get bored of this soon. My only gripe is that it feels a bit short, and the cutoff is a bit sudden. It doesn't hurt it too much, though. Keep up the good work; I look forward to hearing more!
  7. Fun. Bring it on! Dec. 1st: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=824756#post824756 Dec. 5th: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37881 Dec. 10th: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37890 Dec. 13th: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37740 Dec. 15th: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=247
  8. Since I'm browsing the forums and ended up on your profile, I thought I might as well thank you for your hard work. I really enjoy your OoT Song of Storms remix, and it's one of my favorites. I look forward to hearing more! :D

  9. Yay, some MM love! Last Dance of the Giants is AWESOME!
  10. Yes for the Mega Man Zero series, definitely. The ends of 2, 3, and 4 made me want to cry. Some of the best money I've spent on a new videogame was the collection (didn't have 1 and 3). I haven't played the Network series, though. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. Sure, the story can probably viewed as weak, but it still touched me. Also, killer gameplay; tightest battle system for a Castlevania, I thought. Also, I think the Disgaeas are actually touching, once you get past the mounds of humor (sweet mounds of humor ). And, of course as you know, the Tales series (except Abyss, the characters made me RAGE, personally ). Way off-topic: are there overdrive dolls from Vesperia available, or maybe patterns for them(knitting, sewing, whatever)? that would be the best shelf space filler ever! Best items in the game. I'd have to ask my mom to teach me how to knit or sew, though.
  11. Was The Guardian Legend in the polls? I find the music to be awesome, personally. It's not the most complicated, but it does its job well. I doubt we'll see this game anywhere else except for emulators, though.
  12. Happy thanksgiving! I made chocolate cheesecake last night for today...
  13. A front of rock and chiptune Zelda goodness, and violin, too? Very much a great listening experience. I look forward to hearing much more.
  14. I just started watching Samurai Champloo. It's awesome; I find myself listening to the end theme after the episode, which is not typical for me. I even sorta like the OP (Strange, considering how I can't stand rap in pop culture today, not to mention the engrish of it).
  15. Please edit those images to just links. It makes it a bit annoying to read the forum page when they take up half the page length. Also, it sort of helps to only load one image at a time for us with slower internet connections. Thank you. I'll delete this message after.
  16. I disagree. I hold faith that there will be people just as in love with them in the new generation of gamers. I grew up in amazement with games not for the graphics usually, but the story and/or gameplay involved. The ATB system isn't that bad at all (I feel it better than XIII's, and X's is pretty much turn based). Then again, being born in '92 I played NES/SNES growing up until the N64 came out. Keep in mind I didn't say all people, though. That's how I felt with FFXIII. The bottom line is make people what they want, and they will pay for it. I know I will. By the way, don't really care for FFX. It's sort of a whatever feeling.
  17. Just a few things off the top of my head: - Seto no Hanayome is awesome, even after watching it a second time - There isn't enough of Time of Eve for me (any recommendations of anime with a similar feel?) - FLCL... Totally weird, but it hooks you somehow I'm too lazy to write any further. I'm watching Guilty Crown and seeing where it goes, but I've sort of fallen off Cubed Curaed Curious, or whatever that title was. GC is looking like it will be typical mecha, but there's nothing wrong with that. Oh, yeah, Miyazaki films are good, too (although that weird goldfish one makes me wonder if he was breathing in too much car fumes; it was a bit weird and I didn't really like it) I read the manga for Usagi Drop. It was great, although the last part of it was a bit of a "what just happened?" "this is getting slightly weird/I wasn't expecting that" sort of thing. Do they do it differently in the anime? Again, too lazy to write more or read the last 10 posts. Sorry (not really:razz:). EDIT: I felt a need to give more detail about Seto no no Hanayome (English title "My Bride is a Mermaid") - It. Is. Funny. From the start, it doesn't take much seriously, and there's parodies up to your knees. There is a bit of fan-service (), but there's not too much. I personally think there should be a cut down on fan-service in general. I've seen bits of anime, but they were ruined for me with the humongous amounts of it. Didn't really return to most. Plots go from "what happens next" to "oh, another panty shot".
  18. Skyward sword looks at least 90% pure win to me. I can't wait to play it. Please don't remind me of the game that totally upset me. Other M was a disaster. Hopefully, nothing like that will happen again, Metroid or otherwise. And, since this is in the realm of bad plot/dialogue, I feel a strange urge to mention FFXIII.... At least Sazh was cool enough, but the rest of the main characters as far as I got into the game felt heavily stereotyped and immensely annoying.
  19. Great job. I went ahead and downloaded the demo for the game, and the feel is just right. I really enjoyed this, and I look forward to hearing more from you.
  20. I say eat it! In the name of science or something! It's an exploration of what commercialization and exploitation without any regard to possible unintended consequences does to the food industry as we know it! (I'm just starting to watch Food Inc., by the way) I've never had a McRib myself, though. I just felt a need so say it. I do enjoy fast food once in a while. Just one won't hurt you in the long run, or at least I don't think so. I'd say no to eating brains, blood, and any filtration system, though; an organ dedicated to collecting and breaking down toxins isn't very appetizing (I've had pate, too lazy to put the accent on e). Now, excuse me while I try to find something in the kitchen which might have been selectively bred to be bigger and/or tastier, more controllable, etc. It's what we've done as civilizations for years (remember Punnett squares, by the way?). Although, I find genetic modification a bit scary for some unknown reason : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgenic_maize I think that's enough off topic ranting. Oh, yeah: It isn't chemically reconstituted; As it said, it's salt soluble, and they use that along with water to extract it. Choose your word choice wisely. Quote from your quote: It's just protein, if you think about it. There's some in most of anything we eat: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protein_in_nutrition#Sources A potato has 4 grams, even. Although, with a recommended uptake of 0.8g/Kg of body weight, you might be eating a few too many potatoes.
  21. Awesome. I'm looking forward to this.
  22. I enjoyed it a lot. Sure, there wasn't much change from the original melody, but it's very solid sound-wise; also, the bass is great.
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