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Everything posted by BONKERS

  1. First impressions matter! And honestly I can't offer any objective advice or criticism, because i've been listening to all this music over and over again for the last 2 years. Got epic fatigue. I'm burnt lol.
  2. Agree with this write up 100% this is one of my favorites of the album. Been enjoying listening to it for a LONG time now:lmassoff:
  3. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/414163_3439812756638_934535156_o.jpg here's mine. Kind of lame but I make of it what I can. Not pictured: Guitarport, 3 of my guitars and the keyboard is shown a little bit.
  4. If OCR Forums are anything like TheShizz, Youtube videos won't get abused too much. And if it's really such an issue, why not just allow Embedded videos in certain places? Like a "youtube thread" or various spin offs like "Youtube Thread: Game Music" "Youtube Thread: Music production and applications" "Youtube Thread: Off topic" etc. Is it not possible?
  5. I have no idea what song was which though. I don't remember if the links in the voting app had titles or not.
  6. I have all 9 seasons on DVD so far. RVB is one of my favorite series of all time. Season 9 was ok, by far my least favorite(When every season is basically my favorite) I can't wait for 10 to come out on DVD though. /Excite
  7. *Not a mod or judge, but I can give some constructive advice* There are some ducking issues(resulting from compression probably) and I think the section starting at 00:53(Before the percusion and everything else kicks in) should be on different instruments, just sounds kind of odd/out of place for this particular song, why not try some more brass or another instrument instead of Oboes/bassons(?). It needs a proper ending instead of a copoutfadeout also I think. And perhaps a little more variation at the end since you've already established by that point to the listener enough of the source to be recognizeable. And production issues aside I think this is GREAT. There is more to arrangement than just changing everything so it's not conservative IMO. Song structure and the feeling of the original when it comes to pieces like this need to be preserved when arranged. Plus this is NOT 1:1 either, since it's adapted for orchestra , hence it's an arrangement, because if it was a straight 1:! cover then there would only be a small few instruments playing. It may be 1:1 in song structure, but definitely NOT in instrumentation and arrangement. I am a HUGE HUGE Metal Gear Fan and I very much loved this. I would just ease up on any compression you are doing (srsly, orchestral pieces in generally do not need it. My recommendation is to take all tracks;unless you have sends , in that case it will take a little more tweaking; and drag them down -10dB,then render that file down to a .Wav and import that into a new project for mastering. And do any make up gain at that stage) Do a tiny bit of tweaking to the sequencing so it doesn't sound overtly robotic (Hint: In real life no one can play everything 100% accurate spot on, so lots of tiny little variations in performance sound realistic), Do some EQ'ing to the low end as well as it seems a little unfocused/muddy Just some constructive advice The intro reminds me of what I did for Dwelling of Duels a few months ago (Because I did the Operation Ntrude as part of a jingle medley) http://dwellingofduels.net/dodarchive/12-03-Jingle_Month/02-BONKERS-MetalGearSeries-DoDied-DoD.mp3
  8. I'm pretty sure I didn't put a fake email, I only have 2 email addresses ,a personal one and another for non personal stuff. Pm sent
  9. Eh, it looks interesting because of the plot for sure. But typical generic western CG art style throughout and unappealing music after the chiptune parts in the trailer are some detractors. Hopefully the music in the actual movie will be good. It'd be cool to see like, well known Video game voice actors as characters too, but that'll be unlikely. It's hollywood after all and the only people who get voice over jobs are big name actors who's names work in a double way. "Oh' X person is in it! We gotta see it" Even I do that sometimes, I guess brand recognition matters. Either way the film does look cool and I do want to see it.
  10. The next Solo OCR album: "Star Man: To the Snapple of the fox" Or "Snapple Fox: Flying through the manliest of the outer space":wink:
  11. I had been wondering if this had died off.
  12. Dude. I love you. <3:<:<:<:< Downloaded. Gonna put this in the OST folder I have of the game's music.
  13. 28# was the only 5 I gave. While not perfect(Intonation and general tuning errors. Hard to tell if because all live, or if samples made out of tune on purpose to sound realistic), it perfectly envisions the feelings and moods of the original song with modern instrumentation/production, when it started my heart sunk(in a good way). Some could say it's too conservative/a cover, but that doesn't matter to me and I don't care either. I'd rather it be recognizable immediately and then go off on tangents later if it wants later because it would already have my attention as a fan of the original song that this is "X song here". Rather than waiting to figure out "What the heck song is this?", thus impeding enjoyment for me. (generally I like to have a 30 second to 1 minute rule. If it isn't clearly recognizable within that time frame I may not enjoy it as an arrangement of said tune because of so much time trying to figure it out. However, this doesn't mean the song won't end up being enjoyable on it's own.) (I know this probably sounds weird, and I am weird, but that's how I am with certain kinds of music ,like any FF beyond III/NES) Overall everything was good though(with few that went anywhere near bad), I didn't rate anything below a 3 because they all were enjoyable to an extent regardless of any issues and my personal tastes. Good job everyone.
  14. Voted. Some were great, others were not. I tended to like the ones that were instantly recognizable. They were more enjoyable for me. #28 in particular I think was by far my favorite.
  15. Well I got an email reply from them. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride! lol XD
  16. Meh @ You Capcom> Just curious, Dusk did you send them a Direct link to your song or a Youtube version with a link in the descrip? Because i'm starting to wonder if you'd've been more likely to be chosen if you sent a DDL. (And I emailed them asking about this too. I DID get a reply to my email (Thanks Dusk for recommending that)about whether they even got my entry and that was : ) I sent a youtube link with a DL link in the descrip because I couldn't get my song under the file size limit (5MB for both WAV and MP3...)without significant audio quality degradation.
  17. This. You pretty much should've just used the current Dwelling of Duels voting system. Though this already sounds close to it.
  18. ROFLMAO. I lol'd so hard at this
  19. haha! It's true!

    Thanks Cherna! XD

  20. LMAO THIS THREAD!:<:< Imma make something. If I can think of anything witty. EDIT: Couldn't help it! XD
  21. Far from perfect of course(as others have posted. Balance is a bit off and is a little weird. The Rhythms overpower everything and the snare sounds tiny and plastic. This maybe tradeoff though. Traditionally Snares really have their snap and power from like 140-250Hz , the problem with that is that it sort of negates the effect of getting super heavy rhythms in a sort of way.) But the arrangement is solid and 99% of people won't even notice the other issues as much. Wouldn't be surprised if this becomes very popular.
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