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Everything posted by BONKERS

  1. This melted my face. So good! Starts off with possibly my favorite Zelda song ever, and then mixes in other stuff so well that I had to turn my head and go "Dafuq? Is that x' theme?" On the technical side, it did sound like there was almost some distortion on some parts early on and near 1:50 or so going into 2 minutes. As far as sequencing, yeah, especially the original backing for the piano in the source Midna parts is very unrealistic, and like the MP mentions, very quantized sounding in some respects. Some tips for sequencing by hand, turn off snap by grid, draw by hand if your sequencer allows, then stop to think about the instrument you are trying to mimmick and think about how the hands would be moving and how you would be playing it with your own hands and the limitations and where one finger might let go vs another based on how that hand moves and etc. It can be very in depth and sounds daunting, but ease into it and take it one step at a time. But it doesn't hinder my enjoyment of the song at all!
  2. It's weird looking back, remember that I was browsing this site in even the year 2001, when I was only like 10 years old hahah.. man i'm a baby.
  3. YES. YES. YES. Ground Man's Theme is one of my favorite MM themes, such a good remix!
  4. Synths can be a bit robotic and cheap sounding in the first half of the song. But overall, mixed extremely well! and the arrangement is ballin
  5. Much better than the source in some ways. TES music always leaves so much to be desired in vanilla form for me. This works. I actually hummed to this.
  6. late reply. But I agree with this. There are some really interesting tracks in it that are overlooked
  7. I never quite cared for the guy or shared many of his opinions. But no one deserves cancer. Hopefully he'll beat it and it's not a horribly painful process for 'em. GL
  8. The Lead could've been improved I think. And I appreciate how you improved on the stock EZD/Superior samples. Other than that radical
  9. Can't believe how old this mix is now. It's really awesome and even feels period accurate to the game almost. Which I am currently playing through for the first time in over 10 years. :nicework: Gonna listen to this on loop like a million times
  10. Man, I'm glad this is finally here. This song always blew my mind. And glad there are more out there who have an obsessive love of FFV Norg, I <3 you as always.
  11. Haha, i've never heard the music to that game before. But I definitely hear the resemblance.
  12. Thanks man. You may be surprised by my FF2 songs. They are somewhat different ;)

  13. :shock::shock: This guy has made better use of EWQL libraries than i've heard in a long time.
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