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Everything posted by TGH

  1. Dude

    Fucking congrats!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Can a judge still be a workshop mod? iirc, when halc jumped on the judgeship he lost his workshop mod status
  3. Glad to hear you like it, dude. Your most recent mix was fricken sick as well, I thoroughly enjoyed it, even though I've never heard the source :D

  4. Yo guys http://tindeck.com/album/lxnyq So I made an original album of sorts. It's called "Anatomy," and it features five electronic tracks, each representing a part of the face, and giving them each 'characteristics' so to speak. Each is also a different subgenre of electronica. Also, the facial features (tracks) are sort of in order of importance within the album. It's also completely free. Let me know what you think! The album art was made by DoubleJoeSeven. However for some reason tindeck won't upload the art. Whatever
  5. In all seriousness, Congrats dude :D

  6. He's a judge now?? :o God help us all....

  7. ur vistor paeg is emty

    let me fix taht

  8. TGH

    hehehe....I'm good, everything's good. How about you dude??

  9. You've been here 9 years and 2 days without a single friend or visitor message? Damnnnnnnn. Well I'll contaminate your wall to start :o

  10. I actually quite like it here. I enjoy the atmosphere and the campus, and so far I haven't found anything to fuss about. I'm on the golf team too. We practice a lot at Sleepy Hole and Elizabeth Manor in Suffolk. EDIT: Plus I have no reason to leave the campus at 3 PM hahaha (and I don't have a car yet)
  11. ...Yeah. So I'm just curious. Is there anybody here on the forums who goes to Old Dominion University? lol, if by some miracle there is someone here who DOES, let me know. I'm a freshman there.
  12. TGH

    the hell is with your profile picture

  13. Billie Jean is not my lover. She's just a girl who says that I am the one; but the child is not my son. (hee-hee!!)

  14. TGH


  15. And that it has Things generally sound a lot smoother in the latest version. I would still work on getting that snare a bit lower-pitched though. Some weird gurgling noises I noticed around 1:15-1:20 in the lows, they kinda disturb the soundscape you've got going. Honestly I would get rid of those. Only other thing I would suggest... 1:39 is in dire need of a cymbal
  16. yes, please
  17. This mix carries the bunker 280 yards out, rides the wind to the green and leaves a tap-in eagle Great mix, the more I listen the more I like it. It's mid- to low-60s I'd say.
  18. I haven't yet, I've got a lot of mixes backed up to submit...SMB will probably be the next on the list though.

  19. I like. Few things. I'm not sure what's up with the filter automations you have going on throughout, but a little of them may be overdone. It almost sounds like you have a master filter and you play with it just a bit too frequently and drastically, at least for my liking. It's a cool effect, but watch out that that doesn't get overused. I think the snare could be a bit more low pitch, and pack a bit more punch. Try layering in another, lower pitched snare. The first lead synth you have seems a bit 'lazy'; that's really the only way I can put it. Try decreasing the portamento time on that particular synth so that the notes snap a little quicker. Production is pretty good, but could use some work here and there, things might be a little overcompressed. Reduce the compression and things will probably breathe a bit better. Arrangement is pretty good here. Nice work
  20. From a leveling standpoint, I would definitely bring down the bass, and up everything else. It's hard to hear everything else behind the bass, which is pretty overpowering. I know you like a powerful bass, but aren't you using earbuds? Those take away a lot of bass. On my AKG K240s, which are very well balanced, the bass is WAY loud. The arrangement is pretty top notch here imo. Keep up the good work in that respect
  21. dearr willrock ur music is rly good ans stuff but you reley need 2 branch out in styl and musical varety i think ur good but lisning 2 80s music gets boring afer a while cn u make like the songs that play on th radio like taio cruz and pitbull?? nd enriqe iglecias/ there my favorite artsts and there always changng and talented but U STAY the same and im just telling you this 4 good mesure and 4 ur own good 2 improvw


    that guy

  22. I know of this guy very well, as you might have guessed by some of his vids...like this one It's not a remix but if you want a good laugh I recommend watching it...
  23. Thanks man! Also I noticed "Chemical Blip" in the TBP list, I'm SO happy that it's being posted, great job man :D

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