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Everything posted by Yami

  1. I cried at the Aria scene in FFVI or to be honest I cry every time at that part
  2. Sounds like a fun idea, but I hope this will happen some time in the future, because right now I would not have enough time for a competition. But as a newbie, this would be really helpful *dreams of being paired with bLiNd*
  3. I tried the demo once, I really liked it soundwise, but I think the UI is really messy and difficult to learn. And it's a bit unstable (at least it was for me)
  4. Actually I really liked MMX6, even with the continuity issues. I always started with Commander Yanmark, that's why I have a really good memory of the tune, even if I didn't like it as much as e.g. Infinity Mijinion's theme. But this is what amazes me at ocremix. This version is soooo good, it's one of my favorite tracks right now. Thank you halc!
  5. Somehow I felt creative today, and made this one. Perhaps it's better than the last one I've done... http://soundcloud.com/yaminokeshin/needles
  6. I'm still trying to get something decent out of this tune... Perhaps I manage to finish it...
  7. Now my colleagues have done it, they converted me, I'm now a LoL gamer as well. Summoner Name: YamiNoKeshin
  8. I got this already on my player
  9. I just finished watching Clannad ~After Story~, and yes, now I'm pretty much fucked up emotionally. I think it will take some time until I can watch another Key series. I think I'll start Rahxephon. I wanted to watch this for quite a long time now and I need something completely different...
  10. I know that feel bro. Yeah, a few months ago I started watching Kanon as well, but I didn't really get into it, so I shelved it. When I'm done with Clannad After Story, perhaps, if I'm not completely wrecked I'll start that as well
  11. Never ever use a seagate drive. In german, there is a joke which goes as follows: "Seagate oder sie geht nicht", which is a pun on the pronounciation of "sie geht (it works)" and "sie geht nicht (it doesn't work)". I normally recommend Western Digital external drives, especially the 3,5" ones are great. I still have one running which is nearly 9 years old.
  12. Well Capcom always used twits on the names. I played every MMX game in japanese and they always use variations. Only somtimes they are too lazy to use a better translation for the international audience Ok, back to topic: Infinity Mijinion's theme is my favorite theme of MMX6, and one of my alltime favorites, so I had to grab every one of them from the album, but this one is IMHO the best. This Europe style really fits the tone of the original
  13. Phantom Train is a really strange piece to remix. Normally I start mixing when I'm drunk or a bit stoned and when I'm sober I see the flaws. But this time it's the other way around which is somehow unnerving.
  14. Ok, then let me see, what this does to me...
  15. But Kai only goes up to the end of the cell saga, unfortunately. After I watched it, I started DBZ so I could at least watch it once completely. Ruroni Kenshin is something I want to watch for quite a long time, but never gotten to. I just want to watch it, because of my hair color being the same as Kenshin's and I always was asked if I would cosplay as him... I just finished Clannad, fortunately I'm no complete emotional wreck. I think I'll look for Clannad: After Story tonight.
  16. Have you tried the option "Send pitch bend range" in the VST option menu (the little gear in the upper left corner)?
  17. Trigun was really cool, I really liked the funny first half of the series. I started watching Cowboy Bebop last night with a friend. If you liked Cowboy Bebop I can only recommend Outlaw Star. And occasionally I watch an episode of Clannad, but I can't bear more than two or three a day. I think when I'm trough with it, I will be mentally harmed
  18. I played it through last night. They really need to fix the balancing
  19. If you liked the anime, think twice if you want to read the manga too, it's partially disturbing
  20. I had one of those VHS too. Coming from the SNES the N64 was so hardcore
  21. At first it was like Onegai Teacher once again or Onegai mo ichidou as I called it, but it became so much more in the process
  22. I don't even know where to start. My current life can be traced back to two focal points in gaming. First, Secret of Mana, because I loved this game so much, I started with emulation, learned japanese and got to know a lot of cool people. And the second one was Chrono Cross. I changed my life, because I had a dream of Kid But the Super Gameboy was awesome. MMV was one of my favorte GB Megaman games and the Super GB made this game even better.
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