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Magnetic Ether

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Everything posted by Magnetic Ether

  1. Uggh, that actually is rather frustrating, though I'm sure a letter to apple would clear that up pretty quickly.
  2. Lol, I do believe we were all speaking in hypotheticals.
  3. Maybe enter one into the compo and release the other on the side as an alternate version?
  4. Okay, but what if prophetik had...I don't know, a music review site under the same domain name. Would that still be a problem? From what I understand, trademarking something does not automatically grant you the rights to domain names that use it. Also, about the metal band thing...I really think that's a dick move. I understand that in that situation you would want to ensure that people would find you first but it still really bothers me. I mean if this is the band you're talking about...they've been using that name for 12 years. I think it would be really not cool to ask them to change it.
  5. Just thought I'd mention that this situation really pisses me off. I would love for this to go to court and for you to win, but like others have been saying, that's probably not the best course of action. Unfortunately. Either way it really sucks. That being said, from what I understand, it's not illegal to use trademarks in domain names unless it's cyber squatting or competing with the company, or stuff like that. Obviously you're not doing that. Also, when I google 'prophetik' the OCR artist page comes up way before www.prophetikmusic.com. There's no way that using trademarks as a username on a site is infringement is there? Like I said, this pisses me off. Also, this case actually looks very similar to what's happening here. Might be interesting to read. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_vs._MikeRoweSoft
  6. Whaaaat? How did I not notice that this thread was running again? Funny coincidence too...I was just today playing Majora's Mask and thinking that I'd love to hear a remix of the Zora hall music...weird! (Great job on it too).
  7. I thought the movies leading up to this one were pretty bad (except Iron Man) but it was actually surprisingly good. Edit: Haha, yes. Best hidden scene ever!
  8. If you look 7 posts before this one, I mentioned that I was going to re-open any tracks by people who hadn't sent me a WIP for the most recent date and who hadn't responded to my PMs to let me know what was going on. I still hadn't heard from him by that point so I ended up opening it. From what I understand he is still interested, but I'm waiting until I get another WIP before I put him back on the tracklist.
  9. That's what I've been using too due to my lack of money. For the most part the samples are pretty good considering they're free.
  10. Isn't that basically what the moon looks like in MM though? I think it looks pretty awesome. Would love to see it with the other parts
  11. Pretty much sums it up . The first half of that is super creepy. Very cool music though .
  12. Think you could give me a couple of possibilities and tell me which characters should be involved and what message needs to be portrayed? Keep in mind that I've never written anything for a musical before and my writing tends to be somewhat abstract so I have no idea how it will turn out . Edit: Also, I've only played about 3/4 of Majora's Mask so stuff from the beginning would be good.
  13. I just got an original Clarke Whistle yesterday and I love it! It's completely different from any other whistle I own and it's also the most in tune (it is a little quiet though). I'll do another recording with it soon. I might double up the takes and use 2 different whistles to try and get a fuller sound. Or not. I'll play around with it.
  14. Just thought I'd pop in and mention that this sounds really freaking cool. I can't sing, so I won't offer my talents, but if this is done right it'll be really awesome!
  15. It'll sound a lot better when it's recorded for real. I know the sound quality isn't great and as I said the mixing is terrible, but all the guitars are just placeholders right now. Ahah, yeah. Thanks for bringing that up, I forgot to mention it in my last post. Whistles are frustrating because they are never in tune. Although I like the tone of my whistles they can be very irritating when trying to play with other instruments. I'm looking into getting a more expensive one which might help. If not I'm just going to have to practice controlling my breathing a LOT. Haha, I know...sorry! XD
  16. Okay guys. No more general WIP dates. From now on I'm going to be communicating with people individually and negotiating dates that way. Hopefully this will be beneficial because everyone is at different stages and everyone has various other commitments. Also, there are a few people marked with an # in the first post. Please PM me. I don't know what's going on with you guys! If I don't hear from you by next Saturday I'm going to have to re-open your tracks .
  17. Been a while, but I've been doing some work on this. These are some of the changes: - New, much better whistle takes - Addition of a Low Whistle - Violins have been recorded - Guitar part in verse section has been re-written. It is now much faster with some cool licks ! - There may be some other changes but I forget. Those are the big ones. The mixing is really bad right now, a bunch of clipping as well as level and reverb problems. I'll try and clear that up when the guitars are recorded. Remix
  18. I remember this from the WIP forum! Really cool mix and neat blend of sources
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