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Magnetic Ether

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Everything posted by Magnetic Ether

  1. I used God's Cab for a while and I thought it was quite good, although I wasn't very good at mixing together different impulses...
  2. I'll definitely contact people individually, but I just thought I'd put this up here in case anyone was interested .
  3. Hi everyone! We are looking for a violinist to perform a small part for one of the songs on this project. Please let me know if you're interested .
  4. I know, but it didn't work Maybe my analog stick is a little bit off or something, but even when I thought I did it perfectly (which was almost every time), I would still be a little bit off. That being said, I was pretty bad at doing the rolling in the goron temple too, so maybe I just suck at it XD.
  5. Most of X felt like that XIII map. Yes occasionally you'd be able to walk around a town or something, but as soon as you left you were put right back on the path again. Those temples were small exceptions I suppose.
  6. All of that's fine, but the way it's presented is awful. First of all the "main character" is Vaan who literally has no impact on the story after the first few chapters (Same with Penelo really, and Balthier and Fran are only connected to the story superficially). Apart from Basch and Ashe, everyone else is tagging along for basically no reason. The reason I really don't like it though is that it quickly becomes a fetch quest that basically feels like a Zelda game (Go here, get this, go there, get that). Not that there's anything wrong with Zelda, just that collecting items shouldn't be the basis for a plot. I don't really remember the ending...I think it might have actually been okay. I do remember Balthier being pretty epic at one point .
  7. Maybe it's just me, but I found X to be pretty physically linear too, apart from the occasional open space (and even then there wasn't much to do but get to the other side). As for the battle system...that's kind of why I play games. I can enjoy a game with not so great gameplay if the story is really good, but it works the other way too (FFXII). As for the music, I haven't listened to the entire soundtrack, but I've enjoyed pretty much all of what I've heard (The battle themes, main menu theme, and a few others). Sorry, I know it's stupid that I'm arguing the merits of a game I haven't even played, and it really just comes down to personal preference, but it just doesn't seem like such a bad game to me. Edit: I really don't know too much about the plot aspects, and those could absolutely be terrible, the other stuff doesn't seem so bad though.
  8. 12 had just about the worst story of any game I've ever played. At least the gameplay makes up for it .
  9. On a slightly offtopic note, can someone tell me why exactly everyone hated XIII? I haven't played it, and the complaint that I've heard most often is that it was too linear, but wasn't that the case with X as well? You know, the one that (for some reason) everyone loved? From what I've seen of it, the battle system, and for that matter just about everything else, looked pretty damn good...
  10. I just finished Majora's mask yesterday, and there's one part at the very end when you're trying to get the Fierce Deity mask that requires you to do a Goron roll at exactly a 90 degree angle and hope that you bounce off all the turns correctly. So frustrating. Actually a lot of the Goron roll parts were really annoying. On a side note, I didn't realize just how easy the final boss is with the fierce deity mask. Makes the game pretty anti climactic...
  11. Yeah, I know basically what it's doing, but I thought that the lfo wave was also synced to the beats, which evidently isn't the case. I have the Zebra2 demo, but it's still way too expensive. Honestly, I really only use free plugins .
  12. Thanks guys. I'm going to use another synth for the moment because I want this to be as uncomplicated as possible .
  13. Lol, I find it kind of funny that SquareEnix gets so much crap for all their ports/re-releases, but people are perfectly fine with this.
  14. Ah, okay. Thanks! I actually am using synth1 right now...good to know that not all synths will do that though. Besides trying them out, is there any way to know if a synth has this feature or not? Edit: Also, is it common, or is massive one of the exceptions? I really don't have the money for massive and I would hardly ever use it anyway...
  15. Hey guys, I have a question about wobble bass. So I've created a track in Reaper, synced the LFO to the tempo and automated it so that all automations are on the beat. However, from measure to measure, as well as each time I play it back, it sounds different, as though it's starting from a different point in the wave or something. https://www.box.com/s/i8j3joa8nyu34fvzle8l I'd like each of those patterns to sound like the one from 0:03 to 0:06, but as you can see...they don't, even though each one is exactly two bars long and therefore, theoretically, starting at the same point on the lfo wave (is that right?). Is this just something that you have to deal with? Render them as small sections and hope that they come out the right way when you hit play? Thanks, Kuolema
  16. Cool! I always thought Ozmone Plains was one of the better tunes from FFXII. It definitely makes good remix material The only criticism I have is that the left hand could be doing more interesting things. I think what you have works at the beginning, but I'd really like to hear something new from 0:51 onwards.
  17. Finally! I've been waiting for this to be posted ever since you subbed it . Fantastic job of course, I love everything about it!
  18. Honestly I haven't been impressed with choirZ or stringZ, but those are the only ones I've used.
  19. This is pretty great, but those "real" instruments sound way too fake, especially the staccato (strings?). I also agree that the chiptune could be introduced more fluidly. After that everything is wonderful .
  20. I tried the usb hub today and unfortunately it didn't do anything . I guess I'll try and see if I can get hold of a hum eliminator to try it out.
  21. I agree with the others about the fade out. Really that's the only part I dislike though. This was a great entry!
  22. Hey, thanks for the critique :).

    I knew there were some problems with the parts you mentioned (among others), but it's really helpful to hear someone else's perspective.

    If I come back to the track I'll definitely try and make them sound better!

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