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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Mmm... without the rest of it, it's kind of hard to suggest names. Maybe a play on words of some kind, 'Peaceful _____' or 'Days Spent _____' or something? Having never played the game, I can't really come up with anything based on the point in the story it's at since, well, I don't know where in the story it's at, lol. Oh, also, could you link to the source in the first post? EDIT: Panzi had some good ideas up there, too. Also, 'Days Spent at Peace' or 'Days Spent at Home'? Also, loving the update! The only thing I could really hear that sounded off to my admittedly untrained ear was the... violin?... from 1:22-1:24, which didn't sound quite right to me for some reason. Can't really say why, it just bothered me. Aside from that, amazing stuff you've got so far!
  2. How DARE they! Someone needs to inform Nobuo Uematsu so he can go all over them.
  3. Well, until then all I can say is I'm loving what you've got going so far. Pretty sweet.
  4. Lol! That is a classy remix right there.
  5. I actually had the same thought, so I went looking: ^ Love this song! Great singing, great play on the source tune! I'd like to see the lyrics to it, too (which is a massive compliment from me, because I hate most modern music with lyrics).
  6. I like what you've done with it so far. I'd be curious to see the direction you take it in.
  7. Or you could just become an Old West-style quickdraw and blow his brains out of his adolescent head. I'm sure that'd work, too. Although the idea of a Blastoise ripping a man's head off and devouring it while the villain is uselessly firing a machine gun at its shell is rather amusing, come to think of it. Very amusing indeed.
  8. Haha, so true. I mean, shouldn't they at least be carrying tranq guns, at the least?
  9. I'd like to add, with apologies if these have already happened because I've only played to the Crystal/Gold/Silver iteration: 7 ) How about seeing some Pkmn who learn HMs naturally? And no, I'm not talking about breeding. Things like, oh, I don't know, Goldeens already being able to use Waterfall. 8 ) Stop with the "tall grass only" bullcrap. I've yet to see an animal in real life that will stop following me or running from me just because we reach a paved road.
  10. This is a great remix of a great track from a great game by a great remixer. It's great all around! Lol. But yeah, I agree, we need a Starworld one now. Also: YES.
  11. Have a great birthday!
  12. Ah. Okay. I'd caught that Mog's Theme and Rufus' Theme were nostalgic covers. Never played FF1, though.
  13. Here's the ones I thought you might be referring to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2WYkfGYD8k - Cid's Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQg_aDIRtyM&feature=related - Launching a Dream into Space http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azgxHn5paTg&feature=related - The Highwind Takes to the Skies Is it one of these? If so, which? It'll help any remixers who might be willing to take on the project. (I included the other two because I've heard people mistake them both as being Cid's theme music, so I wanted to make sure of which you were referring to.)
  14. If you remembered any of the remixes' names, or had a short list of the songs remixed (i.e. 2 of this song from Castlevania, 3 of this song from Mega Man, 1 of this song from Donkey Kong) that'd help a great deal in figuring out which it was, because you could look up individual remixes and figure out, "Oh, hey, they were all in the first 1000 remixes" or something like that. Might require an hour's work, but it'd be worth it.
  15. VHD is an epic fellow. Also, congrats on coming out of the closet.
  16. I dunno. I kinda saw a bLiNd-esque dance mix coming off of Gargant Roo. But I understood perfectly why you removed it, too; it's a great, fun little theme, but it's not crucial to the game. (Although as long as I usually spent in that damn place, lol...) Actually, the one I was sad to see you weren't recommending was Gulug Volcano. I absolutely loved that one. But then again, McVaffe did a pretty good remix of that in... 2000? '01? Something like that. (At least I swear he did, because it's attributed to 'Final Fantasy' if I remember right, but it definitely sounded like Mount Gulug's theme from 9...) Er... enough rambling.
  17. Not bad at all. Definitely enjoyable. I agree with jabond23, though, it needs at least a little more length. Yeah, there's a few, lol. Contrary to popular belief, there ARE women on the internet. And outside of dirty movies, too! EDIT: Just listened to the FFV medley listed there too. Awesome stuff!
  18. It's not bad at all. Can you at least hint at the game's genre?
  19. Mmm... I don't know how I feel about the vocals. I can see what you're going for with them, but I'd almost say you'd be better off without them. The "Go!" worked well, but the stuff at the beginning just felt off to me, and I have mixed feelings about the "Farewell my son!" section. Then again, I'm not much for vocals or vocal soundbytes in music in general; so take my comment with several grains of sand. Aside from that, it was pretty good; nothing in particular stood out to me as needing fixing. I'm sure the more experienced folk around here can give you more help, though.
  20. Agreed. It feels like it's lacking a background to me - like you just have one slender thread of thought here that you could flesh out and support with a separate background, if you know what I'm saying. More instrumentation might help, as might slowing down the tempo of the piece. At least 2 1/2 minutes would be a fair length to aim for, I'd say. If you do decide to take my suggestion and slow the piece's tempo down a little, that won't be hard to reach, either - tack on an intro at the front, and have a second iteration with a variation in the melody in the back, and you'd be set for length.
  21. Happy birthday to you, my good man.
  22. I want to say it's just called "Gargant Roo" or "Fossil Roo" or "Something Roo," but I don't have the track list in front of me. Comes between "Garnet's Theme" (after "Immoral Melody") but before the "Cleyra" tracks. EDIT: You're referring to , right?
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