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Everything posted by spacepony

  1. Happy birthday, OCR. Quite incredible how it's grown over the years. Thanks to all those who make it possible.
  2. Happy birthday, David.
  3. Happy birthday, Dave!
  4. I gotta say, that put a smile on my face. Nice work.
  5. Way to go, Nicole. You truly deserve all the breaks (career wise) you get. Keep up the good work, girl.
  6. Congratulations, Dave. The best of luck to both of you.
  7. Would any of you OCR people be interested in a fantasy football world cup game? Its free to play, and is always highly entertaining. I did quite well in 2006, winning one league and coming second in another. If you wanna play you can register here: http://en.mcdonalds.fantasy.fifa.com/M/home.mc We could create an OCR league and see who's got what it takes to be the special one MkII. The original 'special one' is this guy for those who don't get the reference:
  8. Please accept my sincere apologies. The truth is that this information came from a widely discredited blog. I just wanted to look cool.
  9. I also have it on good authority that Konami are planning a remake of a much loved classic - word is that the music will be entirely generated by ASS.
  10. WOW! I mean you dream about this kind of thing, but never really expect to see it. It just shows how far we've come in the last few years. Now everyone can be an elite remixer. Happy days.
  11. Some great games there. Street Racer was a lot of fun as well. Also, Super Bomberman 2 was great. Both make use of the multi-tap. Apologies if these have already been covered.
  12. Its our pleasure, Sir. Have a nice day.
  13. Prior to this year I actually quite enjoyed the audition phase of X Factor. Its a shame they ruined the one good thing it had going for it. It'd be nice to see a none X Factor record take top spot this Christmas, but then again the charts are a joke, unless you happen to be a typical teenage girl.
  14. Happy 10th birthday, OCR. I've gotten a lot of enjoyment from this place over the years. Thank you to everyone who made it happen, in particular that djpretzel guy - whoever that is?
  15. I used to enjoy the whole VGMix thing. It had something different about it. Where as OCR has always been more quality orientated (which is great), there was a nice mix of talented and not so talented artists at VGMix. Then there were the likes of myself, who released some utter bilj!* At any rate, good times. I'd like to see it back in some form. *I heard Ben Elton use the word one time and thought it rather amusing for some reason.
  16. Hey, k-wix. How's it going?

  17. Hey, analoq. Its been a while. I still love your remixes, and your You Tube stuff is really cool. Keep it coming my man.

  18. Happy birthday, Mazedude. I love your music!
  19. I can't believe it! Happy days.
  20. Can you incorporate a Halloween type motif over the top of it? Steel drums should do quite nicely. That would be sweet! Michael Myers with a pair of maracas, thats where its at.
  21. I Don't normally dabble in the old theory threads, but I thought I might for a change, because this is a really nice track. The way I hear it: B and what a great way to introduce this section, coming from G#mi - a wonderful uplifting sound F#mi love the string arrangement in this part C#mi(add9) (add9) as a consequence of the melody, try C# - E - G# - D# F# the 3rd, (A#), isn't very prominent to my ears, but it definitely has a major feel to it Its always interesting to see how others interpret this stuff. I've enjoyed reading this thread.
  22. Congrats, Jewbei. You're one of the most dedicated guys I've had the pleasure of knowing. Its great to see you up there, I'm sure it won't be the last time.
  23. Congratulations, Dave. Thats wonderful news. Engaged, and an SF2 assignment - life's gotta be pretty sweet right now. The best of luck to you and your missus to be.
  24. When I saw your name up here on a new remix, it made my day, Rayza. Its great to see you back at it. I hope you continue on the comeback trail. As for the remix; what can I say? It has your usual high production values, and a solid groove. Musically, its a joy to listen to. Excellent work!
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