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Everything posted by Modus

  1. Floored by this mix. FLOORED. The arrangement, the chippiness, that SAX all come together to create this perfectly chill/sensual atmosphere. One of my all-time favorites from OCR, easily.
  2. hah.. thanks for reminding me of calvin and Hobbes, the only comic strip series I ever liked.

  3. I played Grandia 2 maybe two years ago and I remember being impressed by a few things. The battle animations/cutscenes gave me boners, first and foremost. In fact, the whole battle system felt smooth and was unique. The game as a whole felt very polished and pretty well-balanced. That said, the graphics and voice acting made me throw up in my mouth a little. But the day a JRPG comes out with good English voice acting is... well, never. It won't happen. I will mourn this man's death, truly. Seeing JRPGs as a whole fall off the face of the Earth is painful. He probably died of sadness because no one wants to publish and localize JRPGs anymore :[
  4. I only played Grandia 2. It was alright. I liked the big plot twist.
  5. *Bleck makes argument* *Second poster agrees with Bleck* *Bleck bitch slaps second poster* This is why OCR can't be a happy family.
  6. Hey if it's bad that's fine. Just tell me what to work on
  7. Are you... Are you shitting me? There was so much innovation on the N64 platform. It was Rare's heyday, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, all the awesome Mario sports games, Mario 64, the dawn of Super Smash Bros., Conker's Bad Fur Day, and there were the sleepers like Rayman 2, Iggy's Reckin' Balls, Goemon. What kind of Nintendo fan are you!? The N64 was ninty's prime example of how they don't need stellar hardware to turn everything into gold.
  8. That big, that soon? It's very noteworthy to me. What I really want to know is.. how was the N64 a blunder? I'd rate the Gamecube a blunder over the N64.
  9. I bet early adopters are feeling a little bit silly/irate right now. Thing is.. I'm still not interested. Reviews say the 3D effect is bleh when 3D has always given me migraines in the first place.. only one game I'm interested in.. Looks like a flop, girls.
  10. My computer is in a fatal state so I'll probably just cook up a montage with my Macbook this round. Never building my own PC again -.-
  11. Brush, if it's anything like XI you'd want to target yourself for buffs, heals, and items.
  12. guys, does ancient magic really look like THIS? --> Tell me this is a joke! I was starting to consider this game for after graduation but then I saw that video. Those animations are beyond pathetic.
  13. More discussion! More activity! I demand it! Is anyone on the edge about making a video? We want this competition to grow so voice your ideas, concerns, etc. I'm sure many of us would even help with the technical stuff if needed. Alright? Alright.
  14. Why do I find it so hilarious that both of the links are broken?
  15. Guys, let's take a trip back to the good ol' days. I found a video of my Shadow Lord fight on my old Linkshell's website. Behold my now deceased Taru... Galcienn! Behold as everyone kicks the boss's ass while I just kind of watch >_>
  16. Someone requested this so I gave it a stab. I'd like to get further along on it but I need to do an actual job first (sorry, Meteo >_>) I figured since the job will take a long time I'd take what feedback I can get now. My specific goal with this piece is to greatly improve my production skills, an area I'm very weak in. So any feedback suggesting ways to improve production would be greatly appreciated. Source: Mix:
  17. I had similar problems with "bottomless" sounding mixes (maybe I still do) But yeah, listen to other chill, ambient mixes and try to emulate the textures they have. Behind everything you need some sort of soundscape. It not only fills the empty space but also enhances the mood of these types of mixes. This is nice, but it is the foundation of something that could be really cool. Transport your listener to another world.. a good example (if you don't mind chiptunes) would be halc's mixes.
  18. If I wanna go all four days, how much cash for food and a modest amount of swag should I bring? I've never been to a festival anything like this before so I have no idea what to expect.
  19. Create a Vimeo account. They allow anything up to an R rating basically.
  20. Seems to me you're saying that we'll never be completely satisfied with our work, and I get that BUT... Others, including neblix, have pointed out to me that I need to work on my production quality so it's not just my perfectionist complex. Thanks dood.
  21. Alright, I can manage $100. I swear to god, if my cat chews up the cord... I've lost 1 pair of earbuds and 1 headphone to this cat.
  22. I'm not discouraged, but it is worth noting that as I continue making this track I'm deviating further from the source. So I'll finish it, but it'll be very liberal. I'm also looking forward to other mixes people can come up with.
  23. I listen on some mid-end earbuds, neblix, cause I figure most people use these to listen. I'll have to check that out, Willrock. And yah, make music for myself. Tis true, but I find it a lot easier to write or make videos for myself for some reason. Music has always felt like half work, half play for me. No idea why.
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