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Everything posted by ncocs

  1. Oh my jello, yes that helped! I can hear every theme now. So, let's redo my list, shall we?
  2. I decided I'd actually use the "list" that was intended for use on the forum. If it has a * in the box, it's considered checked. ARRANGEMENT / INTERPRETATION [ ] Too conservative - sticks too close to the source [*] Too liberal - not enough connections to the source (too much original writing) PRODUCTION [*] Too loud [*] Generic/cliche sound choices [*] Overcompressed (pumping/no dynamics) [*] Barely any panning effects STRUCTURE [*] Not enough changes in sounds (eg. static texture, not dynamic enough) [*] Abrupt ending PERSONAL COMMENTS Ok, so I love this mix. A lot. But, there are the issues I listed above. Keep at it. I'll be following this one.
  3. I can now use headphones! Ok, so the noise seems like it's attached to one of your sounds that is hard panned to the left. Which brings me to my next point... Is everything supposed to be so hard panned? It kinda hurt my head to hear so many different things on just one side, going back and forth. And the ending has a little click to it that I didn't notice before.
  4. Hey. Right now, I can't listen to it with headphones--I'm having driver trouble, so expect an edit to this post sometime today. It's a good concept, but the first thing I thought when I heard this was "generic." I've used nearly the same synth lead over and over again from Kore Player 4. So maybe some effects and variation could help. There's a little bit too much noise in here too. I don't know if that is purposeful or accidental. Clarify? I like the little changes in the melody, but really, it sounds way to conservative for OCR. Try to add in something original in there. I like the use of the "gasping for air" sound effect, but I feel it was used a little bit too much. I think this mix has a WHOLE lot of potential, but it's far from reaching it. Keep at it. Oh, and it's too short.
  5. Personally, I think this is amazing. But as it is just a cover, it will not be accepted by OCR. You understand why, right? By musical terms, this "mix" is great. It feels lacking in some places, but most of the time it's very full. One of my favorite Galaxy tracks, done better than the original.
  6. Well now that you added the source, I can tell it's not from Final Fantasy or some other freakish medieval rpg, it's from my favorite mario game, PAPER MARIO 2! Yay. Just for the record, I might be a little bit biased. I had already listened to this before you added the source, to see if it really was the PM2 Shadow Queen. And, umm, I...couldn't recognize it. Hehe, awkward... But by musical terms, this is an amazing remix. The synths are good, maybe a bit repetitive, but good, and so is that guitar. I do think though that the synth could be swapped out more, but I honestly don't care that much if you don't. Great mix. Update us with changes, I'm gonna follow this one! EDIT: PS. Is the ending supposed to be so abrupt? It's a little weird.
  7. Does anyone else have this problem? Put any disc in and it says "unable to read disc." It's just not fair. I bought Kirby's Epic Yarn today, thinking that the problem with my Wii was only for Dual-Layered discs. But apparently not. Suggestions to fix?
  8. Gosh, I like this a whole lot! It's not just a metal cover, it has a solo, and sound effects! Good job.
  9. I haven't looked at this thread in a while! You found a way to completely turn my day around! I love this new version--it's way better than the first, and it's longer! Great job!
  10. Wiggly Squid, now that you say that you're trying to fit in parts of Carol of the Bells, I think that the concept of "Christmas" hasn't really set in with you. Christmas music is... --Full of bells --Little dings --Think of a christmas tree. Putting other carols in it doesn't make it christmas.
  11. I just discovered how to do it much easier than that. All you do is drag the midi into Fl as if you're opening it and closing the current project. When it asks you what channels, you uncheck "start new project" or whatever like that. Thanks for the help though.
  12. This is actually really good. I really want to criticize it, but I can't due to the fact that I know nothing about dubstep. But I can love it. This thing has a great beat, great sounds, and great everything else. I'd go ahead and switch it over to mod review or submit it.
  13. That's not what I meant. I want the other midi to be separate, but still in the same project file (and not in one piano roll).
  14. So, I just wanted to put the three Metroid Fusion SA-X themes together into one midi, and change up instruments. Not for OCR--that would never make it. Is there a way to do that? Put all three midi's into one project file?
  15. As I have failed at this song, I'm gonna vent my anger out on it. Just kidding. The concept is really cool, never thought of it before. By terms of mixing, it's really good. But by musical terms...it's really not. Notes clash, the big bell sound doesn't fit, and even the beginning notes clash with themselves! Which shows me that you got this from a MIDI, because I used the same one, and it clashed in the exact same way. So, you might want to fix all of those things. Some of the chords are weird, and I don't find conga/bongo drums in christmas music. And, since I'm pretty sure I know one or more of the instruments you're using, there aren't any effects on them. Fix it. Keep at it. Do it well.
  16. SnakeMan is great! You transitioned perfectly Who are 'ya doin' next? I noticed you're going in some sort of a diamond direction. You went from stage select to HardMan, now Snake Man. So I suggest maybe TopMan? Then MagnetMan, SparkMan, NeedleMan, ShadowMan, and GeminiMan. Sounds great! Oh, and add these sources as you go. Stage Select And, if you decide to,
  17. Hey, Courtney. I like this one. I can see what you're getting at--crooked wings = crows--it adds an ambience effect to this...whatever genre you consider this. I'm not an amazing crit--most of the time I just compliment the good things--but here I go. The first synth you have playing plays through the entire thing the same way. Try changing synths, or changing actual notes. The drums--I like the beat, not the drum kit. That's just my opinion, and I don't know how to tell ya to change it. This one could get accepted--it still needs something though...But I can't put my finger on it...
  18. Hey, Zephyrnereus. I'm glad you decided to join OCR. It's a great place to get critiqued on your remixes--I always use the WIP forum for feedback. So, welcome. I honestly, feel a little bias due to the fact that this is one of my favorite tracks from Crystal Shards. But I'll put that aside so that I can give you accurate advice on your first "serious" remix. You took out the industrialization theme of it. You actually made me wish it was never there in the first place. I like the intro, but whatever sound that is could use far more reverb than whatever it has now. I like that bass sound, but it gets a little boring. I have found that plotting out the structure of a song once you have it done can help you make it less boring for listeners. So, like have it different in the "first verse," then different in the "chorus," and so on. The more you change it up, the more the judges panel will like it. I've found that too. That bell--the lower one? Yeah, it just sounds a little low quality. I have no experience with Mixcraft, (I use FL Studio) so I can't really tell you anything about how to find better sounds. Wait, now that I listen to this more, I think the exact same bell is used in one of the tracks from the game. *hint hint* And follow Rozo's crits too. He's good. Really good. He TAUGHT me synthesis. Just keep at it. It takes a while to get something going that you just love.
  19. Well great job! PS. Sorry I don't have any crits, as I'm not finding anything wrong with it at all. And yes, it does count as a remix.
  20. Did you actually play the guitar, or is/was it a soundfont? Either way, it sounds great! You blended those two themes together perfectly. I can't wait 'till you have the other themes packed in there!
  21. I find that the synth lead is too loud. Thought I'd say that first. I like what you have going here. I think it's a great idea. But... The melody has been changed in some parts so much that it's not recognizable--at least to me. I could tell what it was, but it strayed a little too much in my opinion. Maybe someone else would like it more than me. But I like a mix closer to the original. The beginning is a little too noisy. Just the first few seconds though. I don't like it when I feel that it hurts my ears to listen to music. I know you already said it, but it is too short. Some of the sounds seem a little low quality to me, but it could just be tindeck. Sometimes depending on the file size it has to dumb down the quality a little. Just keep at it. It's gonna be really good if you keep at it.
  22. Ok, so this is an alright mix from the start. I'm gonna start at the beginning. Is it supposed to sound so low quality? Is it supposed to be so clippy? The panning feels weird. It's behind you to the extreme on either side, and it feels awkward. By the way, it's clippy for the entire thing. When the synths come in is what I'm gonna harp about next. I like how you can hear them on either side chipping in before they really start. Those drums, they work, but for some reason they feel like to me that they have too much noise in them. I think you were trying to go for a Genesis era percussion, but they're just too much. Overall, it sticks very close to the source, which I like in a remix. Maybe a new section that you compose might add to it? Yeah. Just go with your gut--people will either hate or love this mix. I love it.
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