props dawg, i dunno about everybody else but i think the back groove is polished and executed so well that it's pretty much done.
however, i'm still not fully sold on the vocals part. i don't want to continue suggesting so many things that in the end it becomes my song and not yours, so feel free to take my thoughts lightly and just go with what you're most comfortable/satisfied with. these are just a few suggestions that i feel would give that final "zing" to the entire mix.
in order of entrance:
0:12 use some variation on the panning of the vocals a bit here.
you could either have the main vocal move slightly and then have the delay shift back and forth to the hard left and right, or you can shift the entire vocal (both clean and delay) slightly about 30-40% with each lyric.
(ex., "yeah [yeah] to all you player haters out there" start shifting 25% to the right "[player haters out there]" shift to 35% right, "keep on hating" shift to 1% right "[keep on hating]" shift to 14% left "i'ma keep on playing" shift to 32% left, etc. etc.)
the main reason is that the delay kind of smooshes whatever sounds are underneath in during that part so it would be a bit good to have it pan around a little so nothing is being covered for too long (since delay smooshing is inevitable).
0:28 oh yes, i love the effect here man. however, it kind of seems hype-wise like the vocals should grow into the verse.
so from 0:28 you can keep it as it is ("i'm sorry that i won't be a puppet"), but at 0:36 you can have either another vocal track saying the lyrics (at the "i'm sorry that..." repeat) and have it start with a barely audible volume and then grow slowly into the verse, or you can automate a multi-voice effect to slowly build up the depth into the verse.
sorry if this is unclear, i'll try to find a link example after work tomorrow, but the main thing is to create a multi-voice effect so that it seems like from 0:28 through 0:46 a bunch of other voices are joining in to grow into a stronger unified chant. you could maybe even alter the pitch of some of the voices slightly (+/- a few semitones) to give it a crowd effect.
1:07 maaaaaan, i still like the original version of the chorus so much. the more i re-listen the more i like the new vocalist's sound, but the original just had a certain texture to it that made it catchier in my opinion. all i've got to say in regards to the choruses is just listen to this
!dunno if you have to wet the modulation/flanger/phase/autotune/whatever on the vocals, but you should try to get that effect that you had on the original to the main vocals now. the vocoder sounds fine, and the singer's voice works very well, but i've already grown attached to that original version's old-school electronic sounding swag.
2:00 same as before. multi-voice slowly growing would be uber icing right here.
2:17 same as before, get that juicy saturation modulator effect back in the zone!
2:40 this is the only part that throws me off. i'll have to come back later because i still can't put my finger on it but it feels like there's only one tiny thing in here that needs to change... dunno, maybe a tiny cutoff/wah filter on the snare roll around 2:56 or something... it just doesn't feel like it leads back into the verse properly, like the build up isn't strong enough yet. hopefully someone else can chime in with a suggestion
3:07 ok, this is actually the one part where i think having her vocals stay as is would work well. this chorus seems to be that finale stinger, last emphasizing point in the song so the vocals should be clear here, but you should try fattening up the vocoder with chords here so it adds a nice thick, robotic choir harmony.
3:26 this time do the opposite of the other hooks. start with multi-voice and then die out with just the single whispering, telephone-effect voice.
i'm sorry for the short story-length post, and i'm sorry [that i won't be a puppet ] if i'm starting to annoy you, but i'm digging this track and i feel like the vocal part is right about to climb over the last few hurdles to completing this thing.
feel free to pm me if you want to go back and forth on the vocal changes again. otherwise, peace, and i can't wait to hear how this turns out.
also, nice rhyme scheme. very good lyrics.