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Everything posted by Damashii!!

  1. it sounds like you clenched your fist and shook it at the sky when you were recording the vocals.
  2. welcome to the over-compressed headphone users club, my brother. I like your guitar style a lot, and your previous mix is still on my weekly jam list (and it's in the same key!!!! woooowwwzzzerrrzzz killer segue dude!); plus, you got unanimous yes's from the panel! quote from youtube: "If i was a women i would husband him " lmao.
  3. great for late night cruising! you've got some really nice dance tracks. but what is with that huge sig dawg? it's going to eat me.
  4. is that a "don't worry guys, i got this" hmmm? @brothadom- yeah you can put me down for it and i'll have a rough draft idea in a few weeks so anybody else can see if they want to collab on it. i've got to catch up with some other projects and irl stuff though so i probably won't be contributing much other than lame sonic jokes for the next few weeks.
  5. OH YEEEEEAAAAAAHHH count me in. ninja edit: ^seconded.
  6. @ vocalists: i can help with writing lyrics. i actually strongly prefer that over recording music. also, if anyone's interested i'd really like to make a reggaeton-ish remix of Knuckles' Theme kind of like this: (sorry if it's annoying. it was the best example i could find from the top of my head) may the gods be with whoever chooses to carry the burden of the obligatory ice cap mix.
  7. LMAO... i signed in just to comment on this. but sometimes i think you have too much free time. I see what you really did there..... i think.
  8. projects, projects everywhere. I'd like to volunteer my services as sprinkles. if you feel like your mix is missing that special kapowee i can be a personal hype man that gives your mix the secret sauce.
  9. my next mix should be called whack as hell

  10. EVERY katamari track ...from EVERY level from EVERY GAME in EVERY LANGUAGE of every planet of EVERY LIFE of EVERY PURPOSE of EVERY KATAMARI GAME SOUNDTRACK. especially KATAMARI FOREVERy.
  11. i only come to OCR for brandon's, golgagh's, and lukethexjesse's sigs. this year's future looks very bright as well.
  12. it's about time this one got posted. the breakdowns at 1:17 2:11 and 2:58...... so slick. i wish you two would make a rock opera-length album
  13. the person at the end with the knife is rexy. she powned the reviews.
  14. ok, my earlier post was borderline keyboard warrior material, so i think after re-listening to this one for a while i can now make a better review without coming across as a rant. The main reason why I liked/like this mix is because I wasn't expecting this theme to ever be arranged in a dubstep/electronic/whatever kind of way, so i enjoyed the reinterpretation much more than the production values. the samples/sounds are extremely lo-fi (compared to other dubstep tracks, or even Teagan's more recent tracks), but it gave me an snes nostalgic appreciation rather than a turn off. as i said in my earlier post, it's not a memorable dubstep track but it's a pretty good re-arrangement of the source. clearly, this would've been grandma's famous bees knees signature pimp-sauce strudel if it came out two years ago, but this mix showed up to the dubstep party a bit late. teagan's next mix is sure to be face-melting material though.
  15. EDIT: this album is going to be THE shiz. lurk a bit moar. give others a reason to be interested. but Sonic + Hip Hop = hell yeah, i'm up for it. I'll wait a while for more responses and to see if you refine your approach a bit more (is there an overall album theme? any deadline? are you aiming for OCR, the underground interwebs, Death Row Records, Oprah?). seems like you're doing a sonic generations kind of thing, but again it'd be a good idea to stroll around the community before you suggest another sonic remix project. (i'm all for it, but let's try to make the goal a bit clearer)
  16. This album has intensified my four-on-the-floor cravings/addiction. high quality work + incredible arrangements * blood, sweat and tears / dedication = this album. I'll probably come back to edit this with a much more in depth review after I listen a bit more, but this was a very good album, and I felt the need to replay several songs over and over because they were just way too good for one listen-through. I love it when music doesn't just sound crafty and polished (with the technical, production aspect) but it also sounds full of emotion and passion; you can definitely hear some of the personal experiences seeping through a lot of these songs. Congratulations to the Aguirres and everyone that helped make this possible; the hard work put into this was/is highly evident. EDIT: hooooooly.... FFmusic DJ is back with a vengeance. no mercy on his track at all =/
  17. and a random idea. made sense in my head but it looks lame right now : http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/343/e/b/ocr_idea_by_darkmoocher-d4ikxem.jpg http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/343/2/3/ocr_lame_idea_by_darkmoocher-d4ikxcv.jpg http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/343/e/3/ocr_hoody_a_by_darkmoocher-d4ikxat.jpg
  18. ok thanks. i didn't know it's been asked years ago already. i hope to see this update before 12 21, 2012.
  19. another badass mix from a badass artist featured on the badass album. *also, you've pretty much got that justice sound completely mastered. I wouldn't be surprised if this is passed through the DL link black market and it gets the same treatment as the rabbit joint.
  20. on other forums (powered by phBB or whatever other stuff) it seems to be </strike> [/slashthrough] or something like that, but i can't get it to work on here (vBulletin). is it admins/mods only or am i doing it wrong?
  21. alright, payback time.... i've just listened to the "Bottled Choir" Zelda mix at least 10 times now.

    we WILL collaborate on SOMETHING next year, or the girl gets it. mark my words.

  22. bah, was looking through the posts to try to find a clear explanation of the joke. gave up after 5 pages of debates =( everything's been restated a bunch but here's some of my thoughts (hopefully some new): -both seem cool, but could the OU be changed to ORU ("Overclocked Remix University"). i think the "remix" would actually make people stop us and say "yo, that school looks like it's fracking awesome, where do i sign up" instead of saying "meh, another parody college shirt." -if the "both" vote wins are we still going to get both or drop the OU design since it seems so controversial. -will these eventually become hoodie designs as well? both would look nice, but you can't say college without a hoodie. -will OCR ever switch to/ add on another clothing vendor (besides estarland)? videogame-wise i can see why it's good, but female designs are better with some other indie print sites. just a suggestion cause i don't know all the current benefits with ES. -when is there going to be a DJP and/or Oji stylized Shepard Fairey "REMIX" shirt/hoodie design? i'm serious. ninja EDIT: are additional designs on the way? seems like a lot of good ideas
  23. note: youtube's hating again. ("spam, scams, and blah blah blah") pretty sure other people noticed, but i thought it'd be fixed by now. =/ anyways, this reminds me of Daft Punk's brainwasher for some reason, and that's a good thing. some of link's sfx made this more funny rather than intimidating, but i guess it fits in with the bad trip vibe. gggggyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuurrrrrgh
  24. i don't see it as a disorder, just a less boring way to live. what year, make and model do you have? and newer makes are .also, we use pressure washers and chemical foamers to clean the factory i work in, and i often start hearing some Zircon-esque 7/8 grooves.
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