What's up, everybody? I know it's been a while since I've been bombin up this community with epic novels and "wtf-is-this-mofo-so-excited-for?" posts.
I've had a bit of a sketchy year and a lot of my focus went towards the recently released Zone Runners debut album as well as getting my own original material off of the ground.
However, behind the scenes I've been cookin up something a little bit special.
This is the first (the 'Pilot Episode,' if you will) of a series of volumes called the "Sir J Sessions" focused primarily on the funkiest, grooviest, crazy mofo.... ... est.... of one shots, short riffs, and loops.
With this "Volume 0" this is just a large sampler of a variety of sounds and it is basically showcasing what you can expect in future volume releases when I focus more on specific instruments and styles.
Here is the Bandcamp page:
And for you Redditors and Internet detectives out there you'll notice I've already linked to "free" mirror downloads on a few music production subs:
so hypothetically speaking, yes... you can get all of this for "free" from those Reddit links, but it would mean a lot to me if you could also stop by the Bandcamp page and help a brotha' out. And if you don't mind me breaking out of the politically correct hype promo language I'd just like to bluntly say that I am in a bit of a rough time right now; I won't bore you all with a sob story at this moment, but to be humbly honest and straight-forward any and all support (whether financially or just with Social media shout outs and such) is greatly appreciated.
These are 100% free to use for both non-commercial and commercial purposes as long as you're kind enough to give credit and a shout out back to "The Sir J Sessions." And please don't be a dickhead fuckboi about this by doing something like re-hosting/uploading these to another site or some torrents without my permission or even going off to re-sell them... like what the fuck, man...
I'm pretty old school and still rough with all this 'Social Media" shiz, but every so often when the moonlight is juuuuust right I spaz out in these places:
P.S: A very special shout out to SupX and Garpocalypse since they were the first two who over a year ago really made me consider going HAM and sharing some of my funky samples.